05. April 2015 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Bulgarien: Tödliche EU-Außengrenze – UNHCR concerned · Kategorien: Bulgarien · Tags: ,


UNHCR concerned by border practices after deaths of two Iraqis at the Bulgaria-Turkey border

© UNHCR/B.Szandelszky Bulgarian guards patrol a barbed wire fence of the Turkish border. Bulgaria plans to extend barriers along the border to stem irregular entry into the country.

GENEVA, 31 March (UNHCR) – The UN refugee agency on Tuesday expressed increasing concern that people needing international protection were being blocked from entering the European Union, citing the deaths of two Iraqi men who were in a group of 12 Yazidi people allegedly beaten by Bulgarian border guards.

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05. April 2015 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Kairo: Hausbesetzungen · Kategorien: Ägypten · Tags:


A Compound in Common: The Case of “Little Duweiqa,” Haram City

by Niholas Simcik Arese

Empty homes in Haram City. Photo Nicholas Simcik AreseWhile the eyes of the world focused on the intermittent occupations of Cairo’s Tahrir Square, in the four years since the Egyptian uprising of 2011, a different kind of social action has persisted at the city’s periphery. On 13 August 2010 and in February 2011, during the eighteen days leading to Hosni Mubarak’s fall, a group of 231 resettled slum dweller families from the impoverished Duweiqa district of Cairo abandoned their allocated twenty three square-meter homes to squat liveable ones in Haram City, a budget gated-community marketed by developers and development practitioners as a new best-practice “cooperative” public-private partnerships for low-income housing. Angered that publicly subsidized, but privately controlled, low-income housing was being sold to the middle classes, they joined families from all over central Cairo to claim several hundred flats, bringing water, electricity technicians, and microbus stands to coordinate transport to the city center.

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05. April 2015 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Kuweit: Domestic workers business · Kategorien: Golfstaaten · Tags:

The Guardian

Women from Sierra Leone ’sold like slaves‘ into domestic work in Kuwait

Recruitment agents are accused of duping women into working as housemaids, leaving them isolated and abandoned in private households

in Kuwait City

In the basement of an old tower block near Kuwait City, recruitment agents brandish files full of healthy, work-ready domestic workers. “Choose the one you want,” says one agent with a smile. “I will give you a hundred days’ guarantee. If you don’t like her you can send her back.” In Kuwait the domestic workers business is booming, with nearly 90% of Kuwaiti households employing at least one foreign maid. Yet while dozens of recruitment agencies are pulling out the stops to attract potential employers – including parading women in front of potential employers who can take them home on the spot – they are also being accused of selling women and duping them into a life of domestic servitude.

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05. April 2015 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Sizilien: Protest erfolgreich, US-Überwachungsanlage beschlagnahmt · Kategorien: Italien · Tags:

Muos a Niscemi, duemila in piazza per festeggiare il sequestro

us satSono i bambini di Niscemi ad aprire il corteo organizzato per festeggiare la notizia del sequestro del Muos da parte della procura di Caltagirone. I bimbi tengono tra le mani uno striscione su cui sta scritto: „Abusivo“. La marcia è partita da contrada Apa e percorre in lungo e in largo la riserva di Niscemi, trasformando in una grande festa la manifestazione organizzata dagli attivisti che da anni lottano per rivendicare il blocco dei lavori avviati e conclusi per la realizzazione dell’impianto satellitare nella base americana. Slogan, bandiere colorate e musica accompagnano il cammino di migliaia di persone. Ed oggi nella cittadina del Nisseno sono presenti anche i componenti dell’Anci Sicilia che si è riunito per dar seguito ad un vertice e partecipare all’iniziativa.

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05. April 2015 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Libyen, Italien: Über 1.800 Boat-people aufgenommen · Kategorien: Italien, Libyen · Tags: ,

Il Fatto Quotidiano

Migranti, oltre 1.500 in arrivo dalla Libia. Altri 300 soccorsi nel Canale di Sicilia

La nave Dattilo, della Guardia Costiera, che già aveva prestato soccorso a un folto gruppo di migranti, ne ha presi a bordo altri 257 in acque libiche e sta ora dirigendo verso l’Italia con 716 immigrati. La Fiorillo sta raggiungendo un barcone che ne ha a bordo circa 350. Infine, la Bettica, della Marina, ne sta recuperando altri 450. Trecento quelli soccorsi da una nave militare irlandese

di F. Q.

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05. April 2015 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Madrid-Senegal: Abschiebung im Flieger verhindert · Kategorien: Spanien · Tags: ,

Grup Antimilitarista Tortuga

A person is been deported to Senegal from Madrid. Other passengers responded to the call out for help and, according to the article, ended up beating the cops and 2 stewardess. The eviction didn’t happen, 10 people ended in the commissary with charges of aggression against the police.

Pasajeros senegaleses se enfrentan a policías que pretendían deportar a un compatriota desde el aeropuerto de Barajas

No fueron impasibles ante la injusticia

Diez detenidos en un motín en un vuelo entre Madrid y Dakar

Antes de despegar, dos agentes subieron para custodiar a un senegalés con orden de expulsión. En el interior del avión, varios pasajeros de la misma nacionalidad terminaron agrediendo a los policías y a dos azafatas tras una refriega.

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