13. April 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „The struggle of refugee women across the sea“ · Kategorien: Alarm Phone, Mittelmeer · Tags:

The NewArab | 10.04.2018

Stories of women struggling across sea borders are rarely heard

Marta Bellingreri

Destinity wanted to cross the Italian-French border in the Alps in hopes of safely reaching France to seek asylum and better care. She was pregnant and sick.

The French police found Destinity and her husband at the crossing, but they were pushed back and left in Bardonecchia, an Italian town in the city of Turin, well-known for skiing tourists. Heavily pregnant Destinity was abandoned in a snowy town near the Alps border during one of the coldest winters in Europe. She then spent a month at a hospital close to Turin where she gave birth to a baby weighing less than two pounds. The day after, Destinity died.

March 22, 2018 marked yet another tragic day for the European border regime. Destinity’s story may be one of the latest, but it definitely is not the first of its kind. An insightful report, written by the members of the international collective Watch the Med Alarm Phone (WTM-AP), highlighted voices and stories of women from different nationalities and continents who have struggled across sea and borders.

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04. Februar 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für ‘Migrants are more profitable than drugs’: how the mafia infiltrated Italy’s asylum system · Kategorien: Italien · Tags: ,

The Guardian | 01.02.2018

Crime families have cashed in on the ‘refugee industry’.

Joy, a young Nigerian woman, was standing in the street outside the sprawling, overcrowded Cara di Mineo reception centre for asylum seekers in central Sicily, waiting for someone to pick her up when I met her. It was late summer 2016, and the weather was still hot. She said she was 18, but looked much younger. She was wearing a faded denim jacket over a crisp white T-shirt and tight jeans, and six or seven strings of colourful beads were wrapped around her neck. A gold chain hung from her left wrist, a gift from her mother.

As we spoke, a dark car came into view and she took a couple of steps away from me to make sure whoever was driving saw her, and saw that she was alone. There were a handful of other migrants loitering along the road. The approaching car didn’t slow down, so Joy came back over to me and carried on our conversation.

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15. Januar 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Décès de deux femmes dans une bousculade au point de passage de Bab Sebta“ · Kategorien: Marokko · Tags: , ,

Ceuta: 2 Frauen im Grenzgedränge erdrückt.

Yabiladi | 15.01.2018

Deux femmes ont trouvé la mort suite à une bousculade survenue ce lundi matin au point de passage de Bab Sebta, apprend-on auprès des autorités locales de la préfecture de M’diq-Fnideq dans un communiqué.

Une enquête a été ouverte par les autorités compétentes sous la supervision du parquet en vue d’élucider les tenants et aboutissants de cet accident, ajoute-t-on de même source.

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04. Januar 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Invisible Labour: Women’s labour migration to Libya.“ · Kategorien: Libyen · Tags: ,

reliefweb | 03.01.2017


This briefing paper, based on data collected through the Mixed Migration Monitoring Mechanism initiative (4Mi) in Libya from May to December 2017 and additional interviews with migrants and key informants, explores the Libyan work environment for migrant women. The paper aims at providing a better picture of the specific factors that affect the working context and migration trajectories of migrant women in Libya.

Among the scarce literature on women’s migration to Libya, little or no attention is paid to the independent economic motivations behind their journeys or their role in the workforce. While the common narrative on female migration to and through Libya generally portrays women as victims of trafficking and forced migrants to follow their husband or family, data collected by 4Mi shows that women’s role as independent economic actor plays a significant push factor in their migration. Whether motivated to transit Libya or to settle and work there, many women are inclined to seek employment, and independently navigate their status and opportunities in the new country.

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08. November 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „26 Young Women From Nigeria Found Dead in Mediterranean Sea“ · Kategorien: Afrika, Italien, Libyen · Tags: ,

New York Times | 07.11.2017


ROME — The bodies of 26 young Nigerian women and girls were retrieved from the Mediterranean Sea over the weekend and taken to Italy, where officials said on Tuesday they were investigating how the women died.

“It is a tragedy for mankind,” said Salvatore Malfi, the prefect in the port city of Salerno, where the bodies arrived along with 400 migrants who were rescued in the central Mediterranean in recent days.

“I think prosecutors will start working soonest to evaluate whether it could be homicide,” he said in televised remarks, adding that autopsy results for the women could be released publicly in weeks.

The young women were estimated to be between the ages of 14 and 18, said Marco Rotunno, the communications officer for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Italy. Their bodies were found floating in the water by the Spanish Navy on Friday, and survivors on nearby rubber dinghies, which had partly capsized, told the authorities that they were Nigerian and had departed from Libya.

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03. November 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Libyen und der Balkan sind dicht – dann eben Spanien“ · Kategorien: Afrika, Marokko, Spanien · Tags:

Spiegel Online | 02.11.2017

Kaum noch Boote können Libyen verlassen – ein Resultat der EU-Blockade. Dafür meldet Spanien immer mehr ankommende Flüchtlinge. Zwei von ihnen erzählen hier ihre Geschichte.

Aus Jerez de la Frontera und Tarifa berichtet Laura Delle Femmine, „El Pais“

Das Wasser des Mittelmeers wird blauer und blauer, fast schwarz mit zunehmender Tiefe. Patricia sieht es heute noch vor sich. Genau wie die immer größeren Wellen, die das Boot auf- und niederschaukeln. „Du weißt nicht, ob du es schaffst“, sagt die 39-Jährige über ihre Fahrt über die Straße von Gibraltar. „Das geht dir im Kopf rum, wenn du in das Boot steigst.“

Im August hatte sich die Frau von der Elfenbeinküste an die Überfahrt gewagt, zusammen mit ihren siebenjährigen Zwillingen. Ihr kommen noch immer die Tränen, wenn sie daran zurückdenkt. Heute sitzt sie in einem Park von Jerez de la Frontera, nicht weit von der Wohnung, die sie durch eine Hilfsorganisation bekommen hat. Sie hätte sich nicht träumen lassen, dass sie einmal nach Europa auswandert. Schon gar nicht eingepfercht in ein Boot mit 31 anderen Menschen, den Elementen ausgeliefert. „Nie im Leben würde ich das nochmal machen“, schluchzt sie.

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24. September 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Gekidnappt, gefoltert, vergewaltigt: Wie die 14-jährige Neda aus Eritrea floh“ · Kategorien: Eritrea, Sudan · Tags: ,

ze.tt | 24.09.2017

Neda ist 14 Jahre alt und will am liebsten Gedichte schreiben. Weil ihr das Militär droht, flieht sie aus Eritrea – der Beginn einer furchtbaren Odyssee.

Lea Wagner & Swinde Wiederhold

Der Jeep rast auf Neda* zu, er bremst ab, so abrupt, dass die Reifen blockieren. Männer mit Turbanen und weißen Gewändern reißen die Türen auf und springen aus dem Wagen. Sie haben Schlagstöcke und Gewehre und brüllen Befehle auf Arabisch. Wahllos greifen sie in die Menge und schleifen ihre Opfer zum Auto. Wer kann, rennt weg. Raus in die Nacht, in die Sesamfelder, zurück ins Geflüchtetenlager – irgendwohin, nur weg von den Männern mit den Waffen. Neda ist wie gelähmt. „Renn weg!“, ruft ein Junge, doch Neda kann nicht. Ein paar Sekunden steht sie nur da.

Es sind Sekunden, die sie ihre Freiheit kosten. Die Männer steuern auf sie zu. Neda rennt weg, endlich, doch nach wenigen Schritten stolpert sie und fällt hin. Die Männer halten sie fest, einer an jedem Arm, sie rütteln an ihr und hauen ihr mit Stöcken ins Genick, bis sie das Bewusstsein verliert.

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19. September 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Latest figures reveal more than 40 million people are living in slavery“ · Kategorien: Lesetipps · Tags: , , ,

The Guardian | 19.09.2017

Forced marriage is included for first time in worldwide statistics that show ‘money and debt’ to be at the heart of the exploitation

An estimated 40.3 million people were victims of modern slavery in 2016, a quarter of them children, according to new global slavery statistics released today.

The figures, from the UN’s International Labour Organisation (ILO) and the Walk Free Foundation, show 24.9 million people across the world were trapped in forced labour and 15.4 million in forced marriage last year. Children account for 10 million of the overall 40.3m total.

The 2017 Estimates of Modern Slavery report calculates that of 24.9 million victims of forced labour, 16 million are thought to be in the private economy, 4.8 million in forced sexual exploitation and 4.1 million in state-sponsored forced labour including mandatory military conscription and agricultural work.

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06. Juni 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Authorities stifle women’s protest in Morocco’s Rif“ · Kategorien: Marokko · Tags: ,

Al Jazeera 04.06.17

Police officers encircled female protesters and prevented others from joining a protest by Hirak movement in Al-Hoceima.

Moroccan authorities stifled a women’s protest in the coastal city of Al-Hoceima, campaigning for access to jobs, health services and infrastructure in the northern Rif region.

Police encircled hundreds of female protesters in a public park late on Saturday, impeding others from joining, as the women chanted „freedom, dignity and social justice,“ Reuters news agency reported.
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15. April 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Tightening of Borders Makes Women Invisible Along Balkan Refugee Route“ · Kategorien: Balkanroute, Serbien · Tags:

News Deeply | 10.04.2017

As borders have tightened along the western Balkan route to Europe, more lone female refugees are arriving in Serbia having experienced violence and trafficking. Many who want to continue their journeys are using even riskier routes and never appear in official data.

Preethi Nallu

BELGRADE – Like many female refugees, Maryam would rather speak about other women who have fled their countries than share her own story. “We have come to the point of no return,” said the mother in her late 20s, tears rolling down her cheeks. “We women have endured a lot.”

It was February in Belgrade, and the Afghan refugee had just crossed over the border with Kosovo. She trudged to the Serbian capital in the thick of the winter, taking turns with her husband to carry their two children.

As she absorbed her unfamiliar surroundings, it dawned on Maryam how far she was from her Kandahar home; she began to convulse in panic. She regained her composure and apologized profusely. “I must not reveal any weakness in front of my children,” she said.

The family’s convoluted route to Europe started in the summer of 2015. They crossed the border to Iran and trekked to the Turkish coast. They crossed the Aegean Sea to Greece, before traveling northward through Albania, then Kosovo and Serbia, hoping to pass through Hungary and finally reach Austria.

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