Sono stati 1.511 i profughi tratti in salvo ieri in 12 diversi interventi, coordinati dal Centro nazionale di soccorso della Guardia costiera di Roma. Si aggiungono agli 8.480 salvati a partire da sabato per un totale che supera le 10.000 persone
More than 1,100 authors sign a petition to the European parliament, calling on EU countries to create common, humane laws of asylum
A letter signed by more than 1,100 writers, including the late Nobel laureate Günter Grass, is being delivered to the president of the European parliament calling for greater protection for refugees in Europe.
Grass, who died on Monday at the age of 87, had signed the letter along with his fellow Nobel laureate Elfriede Jelinek and acclaimed writers including Margaret Drabble, Marina Lewycka, Ruth Padel, Kamila Shamsie, Lisa Appignanesi, Michael Holroyd and Victoria Glendinning.
Judith Sunderland and Bill Frelick
The European Commission is working on its ‘comprehensive migration agenda’ while migrants continue to die at sea. Its tenants should be self-evident, yet some proposals for it are troubling.
The European Union’s misplaced response to increased flows of migrants and asylum seekers, including the failure to rescue boats in distress and pushbacks at land borders, is risking lives. At a time of severe humanitarian crises around the world, there are alarming signs that the EU is doubling down on externalising its border management and asylum responsibilities.
More refugees die trying to cross the Mediterranean Sea than at any border in the world. This husband-and-wife team are trying to save them
By Brad Wieners
Brüssel. Reeder und Seemannsgewerkschaften haben an die Mitgliedsländer der EU appelliert, die humanitäre Krise der Bootsflüchtlinge im Mittelmeer zu lösen. Ohne zusätzliche Mittel für Rettungsaktionen sei der Verlust von Tausenden Leben zu befürchten, heißt es in einem gemeinsamen Schreiben der europäischen und der Weltverbände von Reedern und Gewerkschaften an die 28 EU-Regierungen. Die Staaten müssten die finanzielle Last teilen. Im vergangenen Jahr hätten Handelsschiffe im Mittelmeer rund 40.000 Menschen gerettet, zum Teil 500 bei einer einzigen Aktion, heißt es in einer Mitteilung, die am Donnerstag in Brüssel und London verbreitet wurde. Es sei inakzeptabel, dass die internationale Gemeinschaft sich darauf verlasse, dass Handelsschiffe verstärkt Flüchtlinge in großer Zahl retten. (dpa/jW)