12. März 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Migrants : les maraudeurs sauvent une maman enceinte dans la tourmente du Montgenèvre. Le petit garçon voit le jour à l’hôpital de Briançon · Kategorien: Frankreich, Italien, Schengen Migration · Tags:

Bei Briançon, an der französisch-italienischen Grenze, spüren die französischen Grenzer eine Familie auf, in Begleitung von AktivistInnen des Refuge Solidaire. Die Mutter steht kurz vor der Geburt eines dritten Kindes und wird schließlich in das Krankenhaus von Briançon gebracht. Der Vater mit zwei Kindern wird nach Italien abgeschoben. Die Mutter bringt unter Schock ihr Baby zur Welt. Nach Intervention des medizinischen Krankenhauspersonals wird schließlich die Familie in Italien angerufen und ebenfalls nach Frankreich gebracht. Refuge Solidaire weist darauf hin, dass sich die französischen Grenzer mit ihren Abschiebungen nach Italien fortlaufend brutalisieren.

Dici | 11.03.2018

La situation déjà compliquée devient intenable pour ne pas dire insoutenable à la frontière franco-italienne des Hautes-Alpes et ce, quel que soit le point de vue que l’on puisse avoir sur le problème des migrants. C’est en tout cas ce qui apparaît selon ce témoignage que nous avons reçu sachant que les autorités auront à priori une version différente des faits.

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12. März 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für L’Algérie continue, en catimini de se débarrasser de milliers migrants sur tout son territoire. · Kategorien: Mali · Tags:

Aus dem Migrationshaus in Gao (Mali) kommen Berichte über Massenabschiebungen aus Algerien in den letzten Tagen.

Pressée par les pays européens de contenir le flux migratoire et d’exporter leur frontière vers le Maghreb et l’Afrique sub-saharien, l’Algérie, l’un des meilleures élèves, multiplie les arrestations de migrants sur tout leur territoire jusqu’au niveau des frontières. Ces arrestations s’opèrent sans aucun contrôle d’identité, sous prétexte qu’on applique l’accord dit de rapatriement mais pourtant la majorité des maliens avait des documents en bon et due forme et avec des cachés d’entrée en cours de validité.

L’on peut croire que cette situation s’est intensifiée avec le discours du Ministre de l’Intérieur nigérien, Mr Bazoum le 21 Février dernier, de cesser d’expulser des migrants non-nigériens vers son pays.

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12. März 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Burkina Faso’s Alarming Escalation of Jihadist Violence“ · Kategorien: Afrika, Sahel · Tags:

Crisis Group | 05.03.2018

Attacks on the Burkina Faso army headquarters and the French Embassy on 2 March 2018 were better organised, involved heavier weapons and were more sustained than anything seen so far in Burkina Faso. In this Q&A, our West Africa Project Director Rinaldo Depagne says the jihadist assault further exposes worrying weakness in the Burkinabé security forces.

Rinaldo Depagne

What do we know about the 2 March attacks in Ouagadougou?

The attacks represent an alarming escalation for Burkina Faso in terms of organisation, lethality of armaments and length of engagement. The attacks were claimed on 3 March by the Group to Support Muslims and Islam, known by its Arabic acronym JNIM, which is part of a wider coalition in the Sahel linked to al-Qaeda.

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12. März 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „The Future of the Schengen Area“ · Kategorien: Europa · Tags:

CEPS | 08.03.2018

Latest Developments and Challenges in the Schengen Governance Framework since 2016

This study takes stock of the main developments that have occurred in the Schengen Governance Framework since 2016. It analyses the legitimacy of a number of States’ decisions to maintain internal border controls and assesses the most recent policy proposals in the field of internal police checks in light of relevant EU legal standards. The paper also questions the legality of the border walls and fences, which have recently been erected at the EU external borders and within the Schengen area.

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12. März 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Deutschland rüstet den Mittleren Osten auf“ · Kategorien: Deutschland · Tags:

Der Tagesspiegel | 12.03.2018

In Zeiten politischer Spannungen werden weltweit wieder mehr Waffen verkauft, besonders in den Mittleren Osten. Europa und die USA bleiben die Hauptexporteure.

Angesichts anhaltender Konflikte haben die Länder im Mittleren Osten in den vergangenen fünf Jahren deutlich mehr Waffen und Rüstungsgüter importiert. Das geht aus einem neuen Bericht des schwedischen Friedensforschungsinstituts Sipri hervor.

Die meisten Länder in der Region seien direkt an gewalttätigen Auseinandersetzungen beteiligt gewesen, erklärte Sipri-Experte Pieter Wezeman. Zwar habe es in Westeuropa und Nordamerika politische Debatten darüber gegeben, weniger Waffen in die Region zu liefern. „Trotzdem bleiben die USA und europäische Staaten die Hauptexporteure.“

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12. März 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Two Libyan brothers sail on dinghy to Italy to save cancer-sick sibling“ · Kategorien: Italien, Libyen · Tags:

The Libya Observer | 11.03.2018

Spanish Proactivia Open Arms said it had rescued a Libyan 14-year-old boy with his two older siblings en route to Italy.

The Spanish humanitarian organization said on Twitter that the rescue of the Libyans took place off Italian shores.

„The two older brothers had on them 200 liters of fuel so they made sure they arrived to Italian shores so they can take their little brother who has Leukemia (blood cancer) to European hospitals.“ Proactivia Open Arms said.

AFP also reported that the three brothers were rescued Saturday after sailing from Libya to Italy for seven hours on a dinghy.

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12. März 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für UN Libya Experts Panel report [4] · Kategorien: Libyen · Tags: ,

Libya Herald | 10.03.2018

Situation of human rights in Libya continues to deteriorate: UN Libya Experts Panel report

By Sami Zaptia

In the section on violations of human rights and international humanitarian law, the UN Libya Experts Forum report said that ‘‘The situation of human rights in Libya continues to deteriorate, highlighted by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights at the end of his visit to Libya on 12 October 2017.

In the absence of a functioning security and justice sector, policing and detention tasks are delegated to state-affiliated armed groups. An increasing number of armed groups subscribing to the Salafi-Madkhali ideology are in charge of the security sector in Libya. They are also taking control of social and religious institutions.

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12. März 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für UN Libya Experts Panel report [3] · Kategorien: Libyen · Tags: ,

Libya Herald | 10.03.2018

Diversion of state funds and financing of armed groups: UN Libya Experts Panel report

By Sami Zaptia

On the topic of the diversion of state funds and financing of armed groups, the 157-page UN Libya Experts Panel report said that ‘‘The launching of operations Dignity and Dawn, respectively in May and July 2014, not only constituted a significant deterioration in the political and security situation in Libya, but also dramatically accelerated the depletion of Libya’s wealth.

The absence of effective control mechanisms, complicity of members of the political establishment and empowerment of armed groups have led to unprecedented levels of diversion. While at first motivated by a will to finance political and military operations, members of those networks have since developed networks of private interests across the board. For instance, letters of credit, debit cards, fuel smuggling, trafficking of subsidized products and extra-budgetary expenses have all been channels of diversion used by armed groups (and their sponsors) to finance themselves through one source: diversion of Libya state funds.

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12. März 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für UN Libya Experts Panel report [2] · Kategorien: Libyen · Tags: ,

Libya Herald | 11.03.2018

Libyan militias continue to benefit from external weapons support: UN Libya Experts Panel report

By Sami Zaptia

Armed groups within Libya continue to benefit from external support including the provision of materiel, targeted airstrikes at night and sophisticated munitions, the UN Libya Experts Panel report states in its section on the implementation of the arms embargo.

‘‘Armed groups within Libya continue to benefit from external support in terms of both direct interventions and in the provision of materiel. Such support includes high-end capabilities such as targeted airstrikes at night and sophisticated munitions. Bordering countries continue to see military materiel transiting from Libya, including armoured vehicles.

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12. März 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für UN Libya Experts Panel report [1] · Kategorien: Italien, Libyen · Tags: , , , , ,

Libya Herald | 11.03.2018

Most Libyan militias involved in illegal migration activities nominally affiliated to official state security institutions: UN Libya Experts Panel report

By Sami Zaptia

Most Libyan militias involved in illegal migration activities are nominally affiliated to official state security institutions, the UN Libya Experts Panel report states in its section on human trafficking and financing of armed groups.

‘‘Armed groups, which were party to larger political-military coalitions, have specialized in illegal smuggling activities, notably human smuggling and trafficking. The drastic rise in the numbers of migrants starting in 2014 indicates that illegal migration in Libya is not the preserve of isolated armed groups but of much larger coalitions. Most armed groups involved in these illegal activities were nominally affiliated to official security institutions. In 2014, the number of migrants that took the central Mediterranean route (great majority through Libya) was 170,664, compared to 45,298 and 15,151, respectively in 2013 and 2012.

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