14. Juni 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Italien blockiert Auszahlung 2. Tranche des EU-Deals mit Türkei · Kategorien: Deutschland, Europa, Italien, Libyen, Türkei · Tags: , , ,

Die Auszahlung der 2. Tranche des Schmutzdeals der EU mit der Türkei steht an, doch die italienische Regierung blockiert. Sie fordert die Bereitstellung von mehr als einer Milliarde Euro der EU für einen ähnlichen Schmutzdeal mit Libyen, mithin für einen legalisierten dauerhaften Push-Back.

Il Fatto Quotidiano | 13.06.2018

Migranti, Merkel sta con l’Italia: “Ue non la lasci sola”‘. La carta che Roma è pronta a giocare: bloccare 3 miliardi alla Turchia

Roma ha chiesto alla Commissione Ue risorse sufficienti per il Fondo per l’Africa, usato per i progetti con Tripoli per la gestione dei flussi nel Mediterraneo centrale. Ora l’Italia minaccia di trasformare la riserva posta sul tema in veto. Una mossa per portare Berlino dalla sua parte: se non le arrivassero i fondi promessi per il biennio 2018-2019, Ankara potrebbe riaprire i confini e l’eventuale flusso interesserebbe la Germania

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07. Juni 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Warnung an italienischen Innenminister vor Provokation Nordafrikas · Kategorien: Italien, Libyen, Tunesien · Tags: ,

Der ehemalige italienische Innenminister Marco Minniti hat im italienischen Fernsehen seinen amtierenden Nachfolger Matteo Salvini vor weiteren Provokationen Nordafrikas gewarnt. Salvini hatte nach Amtsantritt die tunesischen Migrant*innen losgelassene Zuchhäusler genannt („galeotti“).

Minniti, der dem untergehenden Partito Democratico angehört, hat die Umwandlung der westlibyschen Küstenmilizen in ein sogenannte libysche Küstenwache geleitet und damit ein systematisches völkerrechtswidriges Push-Back von Boat-people zurück nach Libyen aufgebaut.

Nun erinnert er daran, dass 2006 der damalige italienische Minister Roberto Calderoli ein provozierendes islamfeindliches T-Shirt angezogen und damit einen Ansturm auf das italienische Konsulat in Benghasi ausgelöst hatte. Gaddafi hatte auf die Demonstration schießen lassen, Folge: 11 Tote.

Falls Innenminister Salvini Sprüche wie „Der Islam ist mit der (italienischen) Verfassung unvereinbar“ (Salvini im Februar 2018) im bereits aufgeladenen Kontext wiederhole, drohe Unheil in Nordafrika, so warnte ihn sein Vorgänger.

18. Mai 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Libyen: Amnesty klagt EU wegen zunehmender Internierung und Folter an · Kategorien: Europa, Italien, Libyen · Tags: , , ,


Libya: Shameful EU policies fuel surge in detention of migrants and refugees

A surge in migrants and refugees intercepted at sea by the Libyan authorities has seen at least 2,600 people transferred, in the past two months alone, to squalid detention centres where they face torture and extortion, Amnesty International said today.

The global human rights organisation accuses European governments of complicity in these abuses by actively supporting the Libyan authorities in stopping sea crossings and sending people back to detention centres in Libya.

“The EU is turning a blind eye to the suffering caused by its callous immigration policies that outsource border control to Libya,” said Heba Morayef, Amnesty International’s Middle East and North Africa Director.

“When European leaders spare no effort to ensure the Libyan Coast Guard intercepts as many people as possible, they are sending those migrants and refugees straight back to Libya’s detention centres which are notorious for abuse and torture. No one should be sending anyone back to Libya.” Weiterlesen »

08. Mai 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für ECHR – Sea Watch vs. Libyan Coast Guard · Kategorien: Italien, Libyen · Tags: , , , ,

Forensic Architecture

Video reconstruction by Forensic Oceanography and Forensic Architecture

Report by Forensic Oceanography

On 6 November 2017, the rescue NGO Sea Watch (SW) and a patrol vessel of the Libyan Coast Guard (LYCG) simultaneously directed themselves towards a migrants’ boat in distress in international waters. The boat, which had departed from Tripoli a few hours earlier, carried between 130 and 150 passengers. A confrontational rescue operation ensued, and while SW was eventually able to rescue and bring to safety in Italy 59 passengers, at least 20 people died before or during these events, while 47 passengers were ultimately pulled back to Libya, where several faced grave human rights violations – including being detained, beaten, and sold to an other captor who tortured them to extract ransom from their families. The unfolding of this incident has been reconstructed in a video by Forensic Oceanography in collaboration with Forensic Architecture.

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19. April 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Pushing Migrants Back to Libya, Persecuting Rescue NGOs: The End of the Humanitarian Turn – Part 1 · Kategorien: Italien, Lesetipps, Libyen · Tags:

University of Oxford | 18.04.2018


Guest post by Paolo Cuttitta, Researcher at the Amsterdam Centre for Migration and Refugee Law, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. His most recent articles focus on humanitarianism and human rights, as well as on search and rescue NGOs, at the Central Mediterranean EU border.

The vessel Open Arms of the NGO Proactiva Open Arms, which has been engaged in search and rescue (SAR) operations in the Southern Central Mediterranean since 2016, was involved in an incident with the Italian and Libyan authorities on 15 March 2018. The ship was instructed by the Italian MRCC (the Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre, managed by the Italian Coast Guard), to reach a vessel in distress in international waters. However, after its speedboats reached the migrant boat and started taking people on board, the Open Arms was informed by the Italian MRCC that the responsibility for coordinating the rescue lay with the Libyan authorities from that moment on. When the Libyan Coast Guard arrived, it requested the Open Arms to hand them over the migrants. The NGO crew refused, because Libyan ports are no ‘places of safety’ where rescued people can be brought according to international law. Indeed, Libya is not safe for migrants, as innumerable reports (e.g. from the United Nations and Amnesty International, to cite but two among the most recent ones) and the judgment of an Italian court have documented. After a long back-and-forth, the Libyans gave up their demand.

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20. März 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Libysche Küstenwache wurde von Italien mit Pushback beauftragt · Kategorien: Italien, Libyen, Spanien · Tags: , , ,

ADIF | 17.03.2018

Minniti con la Guardia costiera “libica” affonda il diritto internazionale. Ancora fango sulle ONG

di Fulvio Vassallo Paleologo

Ancora una volta durante una operazione di soccorso in acque internazionali, ben lontano dalle acque territoriali, una motovedetta libica ha cercato di sequestrare persone che erano state già soccorse da un gommone di servizio alla nave umanitaria della ONG spagnola Open Arms, intimando la “restituzione” di donne e minori per ricondurli in un centro di detenzione a Tripoli.

Già lo scorso anno, pochi giorni dopo l’entrata in vigore del “Codice di condotta” imposto da Minniti, ad agosto, i libici avevano aperto il fuoco su un mezzo di soccorso di Open Arms. La vicenda di oggi ha riconfermato l’isolamento delle navi umanitarie che ancora si ostinano a soccorrere vite umane in acque internazionali sulla rotta del Mediterraneo centrale, mentre le navi di Frontex sono state ritirate e gli assetti navali dell’operazione Eunavfor Med, rinforzati anche da unità della Marina militare italiana, stanno a guardare la caccia dei libici alle imbarcazioni ,che malgrado la intensificazione della lotta contro i trafficanti, continuano a partire dalla Libia non appena le condizioni meteo migliorano.

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12. März 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Migrants : les maraudeurs sauvent une maman enceinte dans la tourmente du Montgenèvre. Le petit garçon voit le jour à l’hôpital de Briançon · Kategorien: Frankreich, Italien, Schengen Migration · Tags:

Bei Briançon, an der französisch-italienischen Grenze, spüren die französischen Grenzer eine Familie auf, in Begleitung von AktivistInnen des Refuge Solidaire. Die Mutter steht kurz vor der Geburt eines dritten Kindes und wird schließlich in das Krankenhaus von Briançon gebracht. Der Vater mit zwei Kindern wird nach Italien abgeschoben. Die Mutter bringt unter Schock ihr Baby zur Welt. Nach Intervention des medizinischen Krankenhauspersonals wird schließlich die Familie in Italien angerufen und ebenfalls nach Frankreich gebracht. Refuge Solidaire weist darauf hin, dass sich die französischen Grenzer mit ihren Abschiebungen nach Italien fortlaufend brutalisieren.

Dici | 11.03.2018

La situation déjà compliquée devient intenable pour ne pas dire insoutenable à la frontière franco-italienne des Hautes-Alpes et ce, quel que soit le point de vue que l’on puisse avoir sur le problème des migrants. C’est en tout cas ce qui apparaît selon ce témoignage que nous avons reçu sachant que les autorités auront à priori une version différente des faits.

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11. März 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für The (unseen) violent and forced push-backs on the Bulgarian-Turkish land border · Kategorien: Bulgarien, Türkei · Tags:

Bordermonitoring Bulgaria | 10.03.2018

Last month (12th-14th February 2018) members of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs in the European Parliament were present in Bulgaria to collect objective first-hand information on the Bulgarian-Turkish land border. After the visit Marie-Christine Vergiat, the leader of the commmission mentioned the technique of the Bulgarian border guards who are calling the Turkish collegues to avoid an ‚official push-back‘, which would mean a violation against the Non-refoulement principle:

Moreover, last week the European Parliament adopted a report on human rights in Turkey, and this police cooperation was puzzling us, especially since both sides were telling us that when they saw large groups of people on the Turkish side of the border, that the Bulgarian border guards called on the Turkish border guards. So this avoids the push-back. I keep asking myself, maybe among them there are also Turkish citizens. And they are sent back to the Turkish authorities.

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08. März 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Systematic Pushbacks in the Evros Region · Kategorien: Griechenland, Türkei · Tags:

Greek Council Refugees | 20.02.2018

Repeated reports by GCR beneficiaries on systematic pushbacks in the Evros region

Complaints and reports of illegal pushbacks of refugees in Evros have been consistent and increasing in numbers. According to them, persons in need of international protection, asylum seekers and recognized refugees, having crossed the Greek border through Evros, are arrested on Greek soil, detained and led to the border, accompanied by the police, wherefrom they are being pushed back to Turkey.

The Greek Council for Refugees (GCR) has repeatedly received relevant complaints, some of which are published today, which show an established procedure on the part of the authorities, while handling populations of third-country nationals who attempt irregular entry into the country. The way and the conditions under which these pushbacks take place add further to the arbitrary and contrary to the national and international law practice. The most disconcerting issue, however, is that, lately, the relevant reported cases seem to increase and become more systematic.

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08. März 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Kroatien: Report on Pushbacks · Kategorien: Kroatien · Tags:

Report on illegal Pushbacks

According to the data of the Ministry of the Internal Affairs (MUP), in 2017 1,887 people, mostly from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria, and Turkey, applied for international protection. Out of that number, 211 people received international protection, and 311 were returned from another EU Member State country based on the Dublin Decree. At present, there are about 430 people in the reception centers for asylum seekers.

On Wednesday last week the Welcome Initiative! And organizations: Center for Peace Studies, Are you Syrious?, and No-name Kitchen presented their fourth report on the illegal and violent expulsion of refugees from Croatia. They have warned that, given the frequency and patterns of police behavior, we cannot characterize it as isolated and sporadic cases of illegal expulsion as well as of benign „deterrence.“ Police behavior, by all means, represents planned and systematic measures of deprivation of liberty without a legal basis, the denial of access to international protection and violation of the non-refoulement principles. They also stressed that the UNHCR Serbia in 2017 recorded 3242 cases of unlawful expulsion of refugees from Croatia, where many refugees claim that they were denied access to international protection and are routinely abused.

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