13. März 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Gambia: The business of human trafficking“ · Kategorien: Afrika, Europa · Tags:

Al Jazeera | 13.03.2018

Mohammed Lamine Janneh, also known as L-Boy, discusses this lucrative trade.

According to the United Nations, 26,000 unaccompanied minors crossed the Mediterranean to Europe in 2016, most of those who came from sub-Saharan Africa were Gambians.

Since 2013, at least 15,000 people have lost their lives trying to reach European shores.

Undeterred, young men and women continue to take this route in what the UN describes as the biggest humanitarian catastrophe of our times.

The UN estimates the illegal trade of people smuggling to be worth more than $35bn, and it is booming.

Despite joint efforts by police forces from Europe and Africa, few smugglers have been arrested or prosecuted.

Mohammed Lamine Janneh, also known as L-Boy, is one such smuggler. For some, he is a hero: families save up for years and take loans in order to send one of their children on this journey.

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13. März 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Ragusa, migrante muore di fame subito dopo lo sbarco“ · Kategorien: Italien · Tags: ,

Kurz nachdem er in Pozzallo/Sizilien an Land gegangen war, ist ein 22-jähriger Migrant aus Eritreia ausgehungert gestorben.

Eritreo, aveva 22 anni ed era approdato a Pozzallo con l’imbarcazione di una ong spagnola. Denutrito, è stato trasferito in ospedale, ma era troppo tardi

È morto di fame un migrante eritreo arrivato ieri a Pozzallo, a bordo della nave della organizzazione non governativa spagnola Proactiva Open Arms. Appena sbarcato, il giovane, 22 anni, è stato trasferito immediatamente all’ospedale Maggiore di Modica, ma non c’è stato nulla da fare. “Il ragazzo è stato assistito dopo il soccorso – dice Carmelo Scarso, medico dell’Asp di Ragusa – ma chissà per quanto tempo non ha mangiato. Aveva un deperimento organico avanzato, era scheletrico. Ne abbiamo visto tanti di migranti che arrivano provati, ma questo superava ogni limite”. La diagnosi è stata: cachessia, in altre parole è morto di fame.

13. März 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für ‚Europe Does Not See Us As Human‘: Stranded Refugees Struggle In Greece · Kategorien: Europa, Griechenland, Türkei

NPR | 09.03.2018

Joanna Kakissis

Rasha al-Ahmed imagined Europe would be a clean, generous place — not a makeshift tent in an olive grove where the mud is mixed with human waste and rotting food.

„A safe life with a house and enough food,“ she said, shuddering as she wiped fetid mud from her 1-year-old daughter’s cheeks. „That’s what I hoped for when I crossed the sea from Turkey to Greece.“

Ahmed is 25, tall and no-nonsense, with three young children and a wise-cracking husband, Waleed, who worked as an ironsmith and roofer in Deir Ezzor, the city in eastern Syria where they’re from.

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13. März 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Large migrant detention center to close at midnight amid deportation plan“ · Kategorien: Israel · Tags: , ,

The Times of Israel | 12.03.2018

Holot will shut down after four years; 480 detainees to be released with geographic restrictions on where they can live and work

By Melanie Lidman

Holot, an open air detention center where Israel housed illegal migrants largely from Eritrea and Sudan, will close its gates at 11:59 p.m. on Monday, the Population Immigration and Border Authority announced.

The closure is part of the government’s plan to deport thousands of African asylum seekers who entered Israel illegally.

Holot opened on December 12, 2013, following a number of government decisions aimed at reducing the concentration of asylum seekers in cities. The vast majority of migrants live in south Tel Aviv.

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