08. November 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „26 Young Women From Nigeria Found Dead in Mediterranean Sea“ · Kategorien: Afrika, Italien, Libyen · Tags: ,

New York Times | 07.11.2017


ROME — The bodies of 26 young Nigerian women and girls were retrieved from the Mediterranean Sea over the weekend and taken to Italy, where officials said on Tuesday they were investigating how the women died.

“It is a tragedy for mankind,” said Salvatore Malfi, the prefect in the port city of Salerno, where the bodies arrived along with 400 migrants who were rescued in the central Mediterranean in recent days.

“I think prosecutors will start working soonest to evaluate whether it could be homicide,” he said in televised remarks, adding that autopsy results for the women could be released publicly in weeks.

The young women were estimated to be between the ages of 14 and 18, said Marco Rotunno, the communications officer for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Italy. Their bodies were found floating in the water by the Spanish Navy on Friday, and survivors on nearby rubber dinghies, which had partly capsized, told the authorities that they were Nigerian and had departed from Libya.

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08. November 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „When and how can foreign aid slow migration?“ · Kategorien: Afrika, Deutschland · Tags: ,

Washington Post | 02.11.2017

By Charles Martin-Shields, Steffen Angenendt and Benjamin Schraven

Can foreign aid be used to prevent or slow migration? As the Mediterranean migration crisis continues, some politicians want to tie aid to anti-migration measures. They argue that countries that fail to prevent migration or won’t take back failed asylum seekers should be denied development assistance. Underlying this argument is the assumption that receiving countries should use development aid to create jobs within the country — and thus prevent further emigration.

This argument might appeal to some voters in wealthier countries. But it’s based on a misunderstanding of the relationship between development and migration — and, in particular, a phenomenon called the “migration hump.”

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08. November 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für 5.000 Menschen in diesem Jahr auf der Flucht gestorben · Kategorien: Afrika, Mittelmeer, Sahara · Tags: ,

Migazin | 08.11.2017

Die Internationale Organisation für Migration hat im laufenden Jahr fast 5.000 tote Menschen registriert, die bei der Migration in andere Länder gestorben sind. Im Jahr zuvor wurden 7930 Todesfälle erfasst.

Fast 5.000 Menschen sind laut den UN in diesem Jahr bei der Migration in andere Länder gestorben. Sie seien ertrunken, verhungert, verdurstet oder gewaltsam ums Leben gekommen, teilte die Internationale Organisation für Migration (IOM) am Dienstag in Genf mit.

Mehr als 2.920 von ihnen starben bei der Überquerung des Mittelmeers Richtung Europa. Zumeist seien die Flüchtlinge und Migranten in an der nordafrikanischen Küste an Bord gegangen.

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