06. Januar 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Global migration’s impact and opportunity“ · Kategorien: Lesetipps · Tags:

Quelle: McKinsey & Company | November 2016

Migration has become a flashpoint for debate in many countries. But McKinsey Global Institute research finds that it generates significant economic benefits and more effective integration of immigrants could increase those benefits.

Migration is a key feature of our increasingly interconnected world. It has also become a flashpoint for debate in many countries, which underscores the importance of understanding the patterns of global migration and the economic impact that is created when people move across the world’s borders. A new report from the McKinsey Global Institute (MGI), People on the move: Global migration’s impact and opportunity, aims to fill this need.

Refugees might be the face of migration in the media, but 90 percent of the world’s 247 million migrants have moved across borders voluntarily, usually for economic reasons. Voluntary migration flows are typically gradual, placing less stress on logistics and on the social fabric of destination countries than refugee flows. Most voluntary migrants are working-age adults, a characteristic that helps raise the share of the population that is economically active in destination countries.

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06. Januar 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Blackwater founder returns to save Europe from refugees“ · Kategorien: Europa, Libyen · Tags:

Middle East Eye | 05.01.2017

Erik Prince, the former CEO of the firm responsible for opening fire on Iraqi civilians, has the militarised solution to Europe’s migrant problem

Belen Fernandez

Starting the new year off with a bang, the Financial Times has just published a dispatch by Erik Prince, notorious founder and former CEO of the private security contracting firm Blackwater, the outfit responsible for projects such as the 2007 Nisour Square massacre of Iraqi children and other civilians.

The company has undergone a series of rebranding efforts over the years as an apparent means of distancing itself from overtly toxic connotations.

Prince’s Financial Times bio discreetly identifies him as simply “a former US Navy SEAL [and] executive chairman of Frontier Services Group,” a Hong Kong-headquartered entity.

According to its website, FSG offers “security and logistics services in frontier markets”.

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06. Januar 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Migranti, a Cona l’ennesimo naufragio del sistema Italia · Kategorien: Italien · Tags: ,

Quelle: Nuovi Desaparecidos | 05.01.2017

di Emilio Drudi

La protesta esplosa nel centro accoglienza di Cona, dopo la morte di una giovane ivoriana, ha di nuovo scoperchiato la realtà del “sistema Italia” per i migranti. “Di nuovo” perché la situazione era ormai fin troppo chiara, specie dopo quanto è emerso con Mafia Capitale, l’indagine promossa dalla Procura di Roma che ha investito diverse strutture di ospitalità romane e si è poi estesa a casi analoghi in altre parti del Paese, incluso il Cara di Mineo, in Sicilia, il più grande d’Europa, dando origine anche a una commissione parlamentare d’inchiesta. Prima ancora di Mafia Capitale, anzi, a mettere sotto accusa il sistema erano stati tutta una serie di dossier roventi presentati da Ong come Medici per i Diritti Umani, Amnesty, Habeshia, l’Asgi, Lasciatecientrare. Roventi ma rimasti inascoltati. Così come, a ben vedere, è stata di fatto “dimenticata”, dalle istituzioni e dalla politica, anche la stessa Mafia Capitale: altrimenti non si sarebbe arrivati a una vicenda come quella di Cona.

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06. Januar 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Boat with 80 migrants aboard rescued off Tripoli, another disappears“ · Kategorien: Libyen, Mittelmeerroute · Tags: ,

Quelle: The Libya Observer | 05.01.2017

The Libyan Red Crescent, Tripoli branch, said it had rescued 80 migrants on Wednesday after they paddled ashore Tripoli beaches thinking they had arrived in Italy.

The Head of the Intervention Unit of the Red Crescent, Mohammed Al-Emam, said the Libyan Coast Guard told them about the boat and the survivors, so they started giving them humanitarian and medical care as soon as they arrived at the spot, adding that they transferred the survivors to the illegal immigration shelter centers.

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06. Januar 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Frontex chief: 42% of rejected asylum seekers are deported from the EU“ · Kategorien: Europa, Griechenland, Türkei · Tags: ,

Quelle: EurActiv | 05.01.2017

Less than half of migrants whose asylum applications have been rejected are deported, according to new statistics from EU border agency Frontex.

Forty-three percent of rejected asylum seekers are deported out of the EU, and Greek authorities have acted too slowly and are to blame for the low number of migrants currently being returned to Turkey, Frontex director Fabrice Leggeri said today (5 January) during a visit to Bavaria.

Leggeri said he expected there to be 500 refugees brought every day from Greece to Turkey under an agreement with the EU that was cemented in March 2016 to choke off the number of asylum seekers who travel to Greece with the help of illegal smugglers. But European Commission data published last month revealed that authorities have only managed to send back a fraction of that. A total of 748 migrants were sent to Turkey from the Greek islands according to 8 December statistics from the EU executive.

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06. Januar 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Farmer on Trial Defends Smuggling Migrants: ‘I Am a Frenchman.’“ · Kategorien: Frankreich · Tags: ,

Quelle: New York Times | 05.01.2017

NICE, France — At times it was hard to know who was on trial, the smuggler or the state.

The defendant, Cédric Herrou, 37, a slightly built olive farmer, did not deny that for months he had illegally spirited dozens of migrants through the remote mountain valley where he lives. He would do it again, he suggested.

Instead, when asked by a judge, “Why do you do all this?” Mr. Herrou turned the tables and questioned the humanity of France’s practice of rounding up and turning back Africans entering illegally from Italy in search of work and a better life. It was “ignoble,” he said.

“There are people dying on the side of the road,” Mr. Herrou replied. “It’s not right. There are children who are not safe. It is enraging to see children, at 2 in the morning, completely dehydrated.

“I am a Frenchman,” Mr. Herrou declared.

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06. Januar 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Activists, migrants squatting in city buildings“ · Kategorien: Griechenland · Tags:

Quelle: Ekathimerini | 06.01.2017

Residents and shop owners in parts of central Athens have told Kathimerini that an increasing number of derelict buildings are being occupied by activists and refugees and that appeals to the police and local authorities to intervene have failed to produce a solution.

More than 15 buildings have been occupied in the city center, Exarchia and surrounding areas, Kathimerini understands. In all cases, police are unable to intervene as they must first receive a complaint from the owners of the properties and, in several cases, it is unclear who they are.

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06. Januar 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Deutschland züchtet sich die Terroristen selbst heran“ · Kategorien: Deutschland · Tags:

Quelle: Die Welt | 05.01.2017

Shams Ul-Haq war einst selbst Flüchtling, als er aus Pakistan nach Deutschland kam. Er kritisiert die Zustände in Flüchtlingsheimen scharf und sieht in ihnen einen Grund für eine wachsende Terrorismusgefahr.

Schlechte Bedingungen in Flüchtlingsheimen können nach Ansicht des Journalisten und Terrorismusexperten Shams Ul-Haq zum Nährboden für Terrorismus werden. „Die Flüchtlingsunterkünfte sind ein Nährboden für Salafisten und Terroristen“, sagte Ul-Haq der „Berliner Morgenpost“. Er fügte hinzu: „Manchmal heißt es ja, dass Deutschland Terroristen importieren würde. Tatsächlich aber züchten wir sie selbst heran.“

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06. Januar 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Dänemark : Grenzsicherung (symbolisch)“ · Kategorien: Skandinavien · Tags: ,

Quelle: Zeit Online | 05.01.2017

Seit einem Jahr kontrolliert Dänemark seine Grenze zu Deutschland. Die Regierung feiert das als Erfolg, doch Belege dafür gibt es nicht.

Von Ruben Karschnick

10 Tage, vielleicht 20. So lange sollten die Kontrollen an der deutsch-dänischen Grenze eigentlich dauern. Inzwischen sind es 367 Tage – und viele weitere werden folgen. Am Dienstag erklärte Integrationsministerin Inger Støjberg, die Maßnahme, die zunächst bis zum 12. Februar gelten sollte, nochmals verlängern zu wollen. „Wenn man sich die Terrorakte in Europa ansieht, gibt es keinen Zweifel, dass wir weiter Bedarf für Grenzkontrollen haben“, sagte sie.

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06. Januar 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Bootsflüchtlinge in Italien: Ein fast unbemerkter Rekord“ · Kategorien: Italien, Libyen · Tags: , , , ,

Quelle: NZZ | 05.01.2017

Mehr als 180 000 Migranten sind vergangenes Jahr über das Mittelmeer nach Italien gekommen, so viele wie noch nie. Die Aufnahmezentren sind überfüllt. Ein neuer Konflikt mit der EU ist programmiert.

Andrea Spalinger, Rom

Die Ankunft von Bootsflüchtlingen in Sizilien und anderen Regionen Süditaliens sorgt weltweit kaum mehr für Schlagzeilen. Doch der Strom der Migranten, die von Libyen aus in Richtung Europa aufbrechen, lässt nicht nach. 2016 war sogar ein neues Rekordjahr. Laut dem Uno-Flüchtlingshilfswerk (UNHCR) sind 181 436 Bootsflüchtlinge nach Italien gebracht worden. Im Vorjahr waren es 153 842 gewesen. Während in Griechenland nur noch wenige Boote ankommen, seit die EU im März ein Abkommen mit der Türkei geschlossen hat, herrscht auf dem Mittelmeer vor der libyschen Küste selbst im Winter Hochbetrieb. Die italienische Küstenwache, europäische Rettungskräfte und private Helfer retten noch immer täglich Hunderte von Menschen aus Seenot.

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