07. Januar 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Aiutò migranti al confine con Mentone, assolto insegnante francese“ · Kategorien: Frankreich, Italien · Tags: ,

Quelle: La Stampa | 06.01.2017

Sentenza di assoluzione in Francia per Pierre-Alain Mannoni, un insegnante ricercatore di 45 anni, finito alla sbarra a Nizza per aver aiutato alcuni migranti in cammino dall’Italia alla Francia. Lo scorso ottobre, Mannoni era stato fermato dalla polizia transalpina al pedaggio di Mentone, tra Ventimiglia e Nizza, con tre eritrei a bordo, incluso una minorenne. La procura aveva chiesto una condanna a 6 mesi ma il giudice ha deciso diversamente. Uscendo dal tribunale questa mattina l’insegnante ha mimato il segno della vittoria.

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07. Januar 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „184 migrants already rescued at sea off Libyan coast in 2017: IOM Libya“ · Kategorien: Libyen, Mittelmeerroute · Tags:

Quelle: Libya Herald | 06.01.2017

The International Organization for Migration Libya (IOM) has reported that already, 184 migrants have been rescued at sea off the Libyan coast. The migrants were rescued in two separate operations. In 2016 a total of 18,904 were rescued off the Libyan coast.

Between 17 December 2016 and 6 January 2017 a total of 366 were rescued and 10 bodies were retrieved at sea.

Off the western city of Zawia, 62 were rescued on 23 December (56 men and 6 women) and five bodies were retrieved from sea.

A total of 65 were rescued off the capital Tripoli (60 men and 5 women) and five bodies were retrieved on 4 January this year.

Meanwhile, 120 were rescued off Khoms (71 men and 49 women) on 22 December and another 119 (87 men, 26 women and 6 children) were rescued on 2 January this year.

In 2016, there were a total of 181,436 migrant arrivals by sea recorded in Italy from the Libyan coast and a total of 4,576 deaths at sea.

07. Januar 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Kälte in Bulgarien: Flüchtlinge nahe türkischer Grenze erfroren“ · Kategorien: Bulgarien · Tags: ,

Quelle: Spiegel Online | 07.01.2017

In Bulgarien ist das strenge Winterwetter zwei Flüchtlingen zum Verhängnis geworden: Sie erfroren an der Grenze zur Türkei.

An der bulgarisch-türkischen Grenze sind erneut zwei Flüchtlinge erfroren. In einem Wald im verschneiten Gebirgsmassiv Strandzha im Südosten Bulgariens fanden Dorfbewohner die Leichen von zwei Irakern, wie die Polizei in der Regionalhauptstadt Burgas mitteilte. Die beiden Männer seien 28 und 35 Jahre alt gewesen. Am Montag war in der gleichen Gegend eine somalische Frau tot aufgefunden worden.

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07. Januar 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Stranded and sick, refugees endure harsh Serbian winter“ · Kategorien: Balkanroute, Bulgarien, Serbien · Tags:

Quelle: Al Jazeera | 06.01.2017

Europe’s border closures have left thousands of refugees in the Balkans

by Patrick Strickland

Residents of an impromptu camp say many are battling illnesses as winter sets in [Lazara Marinkovic/Al Jazeera]

Belgrade, Serbia – Patches of ice dot a grassless yard where a group of refugees and migrants heat a barrel of water on a campfire to bathe and handwash their clothes on a dimming afternoon in early January.

A teenager from Pakistan sits on his haunches and shivers as he waits for his friend to pour a bowl of hot water down his back, wearing only a pair of undershorts.

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