16. Januar 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Paralysed and stored at the margins: Refugees in Greece forced to survive snow and cold · Kategorien: Griechenland · Tags:

Source: Infomobile w2eu

Following the closure of the Balkan-Route on March 2016 thousands of refugees who had been waiting for months in the tents in Idomeni were transferred and ‘parked’ in mass camps in northern Greece, in Greater Athens area and other parts of mainland Greece. Although they promised them better conditions than in the jungle of Idomeni or the informal tent camp in Piraeus Port, as well as quick legal transfers to other European countries, many of them still wait until today under devastating conditions. It is winter, and still hundreds live in tents or without heating while struggling with snow, heavy rains and strong winds. Most of them have some of their relatives waiting for them in other EU-countries and the other half remaining back home in war trying to survive. Meanwhile the EU tries to invest just as much in the improvements of refugees’ living conditions and asylum procedures in Greece as needed to re-establish Dublin returns to Greece as announced for 15. March 2017. It is the same infamous mass camps, which refugees are trying to survive now, where Europe seemingly plans to send Dublin returnees. A closer look shows the enormous tragedy resulting from this cynical plan to keep refugees stored at Europe’s inner borders unsafe, under devastating conditions and far from their relatives.

Imprisoned in camps that are located in abandoned industrial sites and military camps, forced to live far from local society, exposed to inadequate and undignified housing and harsh weather conditions, the currently 62.000 refugees living in Greece escaped war and conflict, hunger and poverty in order to end up in Europe without safety and without dignity, without sufficient food, without heating, without any hope to find a job and create a new life. They got stuck in limbo when the Balkan corridor was closed in March 8th 2016 and mainstream politics were transformed back from a short upsurge of a “welcome” trend to the old “closed borders” attitude confronted with the massive militarization of borders. In the Hot Spots on the islands of the Aegean and the mass camps on the mainland, these refugees since early 2016 get managed by the army, government officials, the UNHCR and international NGOs as a faceless mass identified by a number on a tent or a container and sorted by nationalities, and into the groups of ‘deportable’ and ‘non-deportable’, ‘undocumented’ and ‘documented’.

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16. Januar 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für «Chi chiede asilo dovrà lavorare» · Kategorien: Italien · Tags:

Quelle: Corriere della Sera | 15.01.2017

Ecco le nuove regole per i profughi

Le novità del pacchetto immigrazione del Viminale. Proposta di modifica per il reato di clandestinità. I venti nuovi Cie saranno strutture da massimo cento posti ognuno

di Fiorenza Sarzanini

Chi arriva in Italia e chiede asilo dovrà svolgere lavori socialmente utili in attesa di ottenere risposta all’istanza. È una delle novità più importanti del pacchetto di nuove misure in materia di immigrazione che sarà illustrato mercoledì al Parlamento dal ministro dell’Interno Marco Minniti, al ritorno dalla sua missione in Germania proprio per discutere di una linea comune in sede europea. Si tratta di un insieme di regole che hanno l’obiettivo di marcare il «doppio binario» tra profughi e irregolari e si affiancheranno a due proposte legislative sulle quali spetterà alle Camere pronunciarsi. In attesa di chiudere nuovi accordi bilaterali con gli Stati africani che in cambio di aiuti sono disposti ad accettare i rimpatri, ritenuti una delle priorità dal governo.

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16. Januar 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Flüchtlinge: Vegetieren in eisiger Kälte“ · Kategorien: Balkanroute, Serbien · Tags:

Quelle: Wiener Zeitung | 15.01.2017

Die serbische Regierung lässt angeblich keine Hilfe für großes Flüchtlingslager in Belgrad zu.

Belgrad. Hinter dem Belgrader Busbahnhof hausen seit Monaten schätzungsweise weit über 1.000 Migranten vorwiegend aus Afghanistan und Pakistan. Fotos zeigen, wie sie sich in der Kälte waschen oder essen

Le scritte lungo il muro del deposito (afp)

Wegen der unhaltbaren Zustände in dem Flüchtlingslager, das eines der größten in Europa sein dürfte, steht die serbische Regierung unter Beschuss. „Es gibt keinerlei Ausrede, dass die Menschen sich selbst überlassen sind, dass sie frieren, hungern, zwischen Urin und Fäkalien schlafen und sich chronische Krankheiten einfangen“, kritisierte am Sonntag das renommierte serbische Nachrichtenmagazin „Vreme“.

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16. Januar 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Crisis warnings sound as EU gears up for new migrant wave“ · Kategorien: Ägypten, Libyen, Mittelmeer · Tags:

Quelle: The Washington Post | 15.01.2017

VALLETTA, Malta — Tens of thousands of people seeking better lives are expected to trek across deserts and board unseaworthy boats in war-torn Libya this year in a desperate effort to reach European shores by way of Italy.

More than 181,000 people, most so-called “economic migrants” with little chance of being allowed to stay in Europe, attempted to cross the central Mediterranean last year from Libya, Africa’s nearest stretch of coast to Italy. About 4,500 died or disappeared.

Hundreds already have taken to the sea this month, braving the winter weather. In the latest reminder of the journey’s perils, more than 100 people were missing off Libya’s coast over the weekend after a migrant boat sunk.

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