30. März 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Algeria: Deported Migrants Robbed in Mali“ · Kategorien: Algerien, Mali, Mittelmeer, Mittelmeerroute, Niger · Tags:

HRW | 14.03.2018

Waves of Arbitrary Expulsions

(Beirut) – Algerian authorities have arbitrarily deported in the beginning of March more than a hundred migrants of various African nationalities into a lawless zone of neighboring Mali, where armed groups have robbed some of them, Human Rights Watch said today.

The Algerian authorities failed to adequately screen the migrants to determine their status and give them the opportunity to challenge their deportation, including those who might have refugee claims, and to collect their savings and belongings. A nongovernmental organization based in Gao, Mali, said that it had provided services to more than 125 of the recently arrived Migrants on March 6 and 7.
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30. März 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Furious, Deported Malian Migrants Stone Algeria’s Embassy In Mali“ · Kategorien: Algerien, Mali, Mittelmeer, Mittelmeerroute · Tags: ,

Morocco World News | 16.03.2918

In what some local media outlets have compared to the fury that led young Iranians to take the American embassy hostage in 1979, dozens of angry deported Malian migrants recently stormed the Algerian embassy in Bamako, attacking the building with stones and leaving the building in ruins.

The incident is said to be a follow up of the expulsion of 94 Malian migrants from Algerian territory last week. Armed with stones and some other metallic materials, the angry deported migrants took out their anger, fury, and frustration at the North African country’s diplomatic representation in their country, hoping that this desperate act would send signals as to what the general mood is regarding Algeria’s mistreatment of sub-Saharan migrants.
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30. März 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Algeria: mass deportations of African migrants“ · Kategorien: Algerien, Mittelmeer, Mittelmeerroute · Tags:

ecre | 30.03.2018

Algeria has been deporting hundreds of African migrants at a time, in an ongoing crackdown on illegal migration. Algeria, along with other North African countries, refused to sign the protocol on the freedom of movement of people and right of residence attached to the African Union’s African Continental Free Trade Area agreement.

Algeria has repatriated 27,000 sub-Saharan African migrants since 2015, a rare official statistic revealed by the interior minister Nouredine Bedoui last Thursday. He added that repatriations are still ongoing. Algeria is a key destination and transit country for many African migrants, mostly from Mali, Niger, Burkina Faso or Chad. People who have been deported from Algeria earlier this month, stated they were detained in makeshift camps for a few days before being taken on trucks and sent across the border at gunpoint. They then had to walk through the desert for hours to reach In Khalil, the first town in Mali. Some migrants also reported being robbed by armed groups along the way.
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05. Februar 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Israel begins issuing deportation notices to thousands of African refugees“ · Kategorien: Eritrea, Israel, Sudan · Tags: ,

Independent | 04.02.2018

Eritrean and Sudanese asylum-seekers face indefinite imprisonment if they do not leave within 60 days

Chris Baynes

Israeli authorities have begun distributing deportation notices to thousands of African refugees and migrants, who have been threatened with jail if they do not leave the country.

In letters delivered on Sunday, the government told asylum-seekers they had 60 days to leave for an unnamed African country in exchange for $3,500 (£2,500) and a plane ticket.

Those who remain by 1 April face indefinite imprisonment under plans which have prompted outrage and protests in Israel.

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20. Dezember 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Migrants in Germany: Should they be paid to go home?“ · Kategorien: Deutschland · Tags:

BBC News | 15.12.2017

If you’d travelled across the world to pursue a better life, would you move back in return for money?

Germany is betting that the answer is yes.

The country has long offered migrants and asylum seekers financial incentives to leave its shores, and until 28 February 2018 it’s prepared to pay out extra.

Individuals will get €1,000 and families up to €3,000 (£2,650; $3,540) to cover rent or resettlement costs back in their home countries – things like basic kitchen or bathroom facilities.

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11. Dezember 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Rückkehrprämien: Geld statt Asyl“ · Kategorien: Deutschland · Tags:

FAZ | 10.12.2017

Aus der Willkommenskultur ist eine Abschiedskultur geworden. Deutschland zahlt Flüchtlingen Tausende Euro, damit sie freiwillig das Land verlassen. Wieso handelt der Staat so?

Von Christoph Schäfer

Passend zur Vorweihnachtszeit greift Bundesinnenminister Thomas de Maizière (CDU) tief in die Tasche: Flüchtlinge in Deutschland bekommen ein besonderes Geschenk, bis zu 6000 Euro kann eine dreiköpfige Familie erhalten. Für die oft sehr armen Menschen ist das viel Geld. Doch wie so oft bei Geschenken eines Fremden, hat es meist einen Haken: Das Geld erhält nur, wer Deutschland freiwillig verlässt. Das vorweihnachtliche Präsent folgt dem Motto: Nimm das Geld und geh.

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15. September 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Libia, i migranti che ripartono da Tripoli. E quelli che spariscono! · Kategorien: Libyen · Tags: ,

Corriere della Sera | 15.09.2017

Tra i giovani africani rilasciati dai centri di detenzione e rimpatriati con gli aerei

di Lorenzo Cremonesi, inviato a Tripoli

Al capolinea di un lungo calvario. Eccoli qui quelli che sono finalmente riusciti a prendere il volo gratuito per tornare alle loro case in Africa. Per una volta puliti, con le magliette colorate, i pantaloni e le scarpe nuovi donati loro ieri sera alla vigilia della partenza. Qualcuno ha una vecchia borsa a tracolla, uno zainetto sgualcito, o un sacchetto di plastica con qualche vestito, ma la maggioranza non porta alcun bagaglio. «Erano settimane che i guardiani libici non mi lasciavano fare una doccia. Non posso comunicare con l’esterno. La mia famiglia non sa neppure che sto tornando. Non li vedo da quattro anni», dice tra loro Ibrahim Latifo, 24 anni, di cui gli ultimi quattro in Libia come operaio edile. Due volte ha provato a prendere i gommoni per l’Italia, a oltre 800 dollari per viaggio: i risparmi di mesi e mesi di lavoro buttati via nel primo tentativo a causa di un guasto al motore e il secondo fallito per il mare grosso e perché «ci siamo presi paura e siamo tornati alla spiaggia». Lui è uno dei 52 giovani del Niger che la Iom (International Organization for Migration, dipendente dalle Nazioni Unite) è riuscita a coordinare nel centro di detenzione libico di Triqsiqqa ed unire ad altri circa 150 raccolti individualmente nelle vie della capitale. Non un lavoro facile.

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29. August 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Deutschland schickt keine Flüchtlinge mehr nach Ungarn zurück“ · Kategorien: Deutschland, Ungarn · Tags:

Welt | 29.08.2017

Seit Monaten leben Flüchtlinge in Ungarn in Containerdörfern und dürfen sich nicht mehr frei bewegen. Nun hat das Bundesinnenministerium die Konsequenzen gezogen und einen Rückführungsstopp verhängt.

Die Bedingungen für Flüchtlinge in Ungarn sind an der Grenze zur Verletzung der Menschenwürde. Ende März verkündete das EU-Mitgliedsland, ab sofort alle Flüchtlinge für die Dauer ihres Asylverfahrens in Containerdörfer nahe der Grenze zu Serbien festzusetzen.

Mit dem Inkrafttreten dieser neuen Bestimmung verloren Asylbewerber in Ungarn jegliche Bewegungsfreiheit: Sie dürften sich „nicht frei auf dem Staatsgebiet und dem Gebiet der EU bewegen, um die Gefahren im Zusammenhang mit der Migration zu reduzieren“, erklärte das Innenministerium in Budapest.

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10. August 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Migration nach Griechenland: Aus den Augen aus dem Sinn?“ · Kategorien: Griechenland · Tags: , , ,

Telepolis | 10.08.2017

Wassilis Aswestopoulos

Der Schwenk in der griechischen Flüchtlingspolitik. Erneut Tote in der Ägais

Vor zwei Jahren stand Griechenland nicht nur wegen der Krise um den Euro, sondern vor allem wegen des Flüchtlingsdramas in der Ägäis in den Schlagzeilen. Damals propagierte die Regierung in Athen eine schnelle Aufnahme der Schutzsuchenden in die Länder der Europäischen Union und präsentierte das Geschehen in der Ägäis auf allen Ebenen der diplomatischen Kommunikation als humanitäres Drama. Viele wünschten sich auch den Friedensnobelpreis für die Retter der Insel Lesbos. Die Zeiten haben sich geändert.

Daran ändern erschütternde Meldungen über Todesfälle im Meer kaum etwas. Am Mittwoch ertranken zwischen den Inseln Ikaria und Mykonos 51 jugendliche Afrikaner, weil der Schlepper aus Furcht vor einer Kontrolle kurzerhand 120 Immigranten ins Meer warf. Über die europaweite Notrufnummer 112 muss es einem der ins Meer Geworfenen gelungen sein, Hilfe zu rufen.

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09. August 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für EU nations start process of returning migrants to Greece · Kategorien: Griechenland · Tags: ,

Ekathimerini | 08.08.2017

European Union countries have begun the process of sending migrants who arrived in Europe via Greece over the last five months back to have their asylum applications assessed there.

EU rules oblige migrants to apply for asylum in the country they first enter. But the rules were suspended as hundreds of thousands of people, many of them Syrian refugees, entered Greece in 2015.

The European Commission recommended in December that EU countries gradually resume transfers to Greece of unauthorized migrants arriving from March 15 onwards.

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