Quelle: ECCHR
Automatic expulsions at the Spanish-Moroccan land border under legal scrutiny
European Court of Human Rights questions Spain on “push backs” of refugees and migrants
Berlin / Madrid, 31 July 2015 – For the first time an international court will consider the unlawfulness of automatic expulsions – also known as “push backs” or “devoluciones en caliente” – at the Spanish-Moroccan land border. On 30 July 2015, the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) published its first decision on a case brought by two sub-Saharan men – from Mali and the Ivory Coast respectively – who were summarily and collectively expelled from Spanish territory on 13 August 2014 as part of a group of over 75 individuals. This was not an isolated case, but the standard practice of Spanish border guards. Now, the ECtHR requests an answer from the Spanish government to the applicants’ claim that their rights under the European Convention on Human Rights were violated.