27. Mai 2016 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Libysche Küstenwache geht von vielen Toten aus – 2 leere Boote · Kategorien: Libyen · Tags: ,

Quelle: WTMJ

Italy says migrant ship overturned off Libya

Copyright Associated Press

ROME (AP) — A migrant boat sank off Libya’s coast Thursday, with some 20 bodies spotted in the sea. Officials said 88 people had been rescued.

The Libyan coast guard also reported finding four bodies as well as also two empty boats, suggesting there could be many more victims as smugglers working amid Libya’s lawlessness take advantage of calm seas and warm weather to pack people into unseaworthy boats for the trip to Europe. Weiterlesen »

27. Mai 2016 · Kommentare deaktiviert für AlarmPhone: The calculated and monitored dying in the Mediterranean · Kategorien: Alarm Phone, Italien, Libyen · Tags: ,

[EN] [DE]

WatchTheMed Alarm Phone Statement in light of the current situation in the Mediterranean Sea and yesterday’s events

The EU and Death at Sea: The calculated and monitored dying in the Central Mediterranean

Yesterday, on Thursday the 26th of May, it took more than four hours for rescue vessels to arrive. Four hours of worrying and of attempts to support the anxious people on board of an overcrowded wooden boat. In a SOS call at 6.21am, our WatchTheMed Alarm Phone shift team passed on the GPS coordinates to the Italian Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCC) in Rome. Shortly before, an emergency call had reached us via a satellite phone. The caller informed us about two boats carrying 500 people each, among them many Syrian and Iraqi refugees. At 10.31am, rescue finally approached but an hour earlier, the second boat had already capsized, within eyeshot. So far it is unclear how many people drowned or disappeared. MRCC Rome reported in their daily statement about one capsized boat and 96 survivors. Fatalities were not mentioned.

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27. Mai 2016 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Libysche Küstenwache stoppt Boat-people nach italienischen „Hinweisen“ · Kategorien: Italien, Libyen · Tags: ,

Der Pressesprecher der libyschen Küstenwache, Ayub Kacem, hat angegeben, dass die libysche Küstenwache am vergangenen Montag acht Boote mit 1.000 Flüchtlingen „auf italienischen Hinweis“ aufgebracht und die Boat-people nach Libyen zurückgebracht hat.

Quelle: El Watan

5600 immigrés secourus en deux jours dans le détroit de Sicile

23 embarcations chavirent près des côtes libyennes

L’immigration clandestine par la Méditerranée reprend de plus belle avec le retour du beau temps. La Libye constitue le principal pôle de départ après les accords passés avec la Turquie.

Les gardes-côtes italiens ont secouru 5600 immigrés clandestins entre les journées de dimanche et mardi dans détroit de Sicile en Méditerranée. Durant la seule journée de mardi, 23 interventions ont été enregistrées près des côtes libyennes : un record en la matière. Il a fallu que les secours parviennent de toute la flotte dans la région pour accomplir cette opération complexe.

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