02. April 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Straße von Gibraltar: Mindestens vier Flüchtlinge ertrunken“ · Kategorien: Marokko, Mittelmeer, Mittelmeerroute, Spanien · Tags: ,

Deutschlandfunk | 01.04.2018

Bei der Überfahrt von Marokko nach Spanien sind mehrere Flüchtlinge ertrunken.

Wie die spanischen Rettungskräfte mitteilten, wurden vier Leichen aus dem Meer vor Gibraltar geborgen. Ein Flüchtling konnte gerettet werden. Nach seinen Angaben befanden sich insgesamt zwölf Menschen auf dem Boot, mit dem sie über die Meer-Enge die spanische Küste erreichen wollten.

Nach Angaben der Internationalen Organisation für Migration sind in diesem Jahr bereits 120 Menschen bei dem Versuch ums Leben gekommen, über das Meer nach Spanien zu gelangen.

02. April 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Left to Die in the Aegean Sea? · Kategorien: Alarm Phone, Griechenland · Tags: ,

Alarmphone | 01.04.2018

A Statement of Solidarity with the Survivors of the Agathonisi Shipwreck and their Relatives

On the 16th of March, two families tried to reach Europe through the Aegean Sea, one from Afghanistan, one from Iraq. They left Turkey and swiftly moved toward the Greek island of Agathonisi. But shortly before reaching it, they capsized. A relative of the Afghan family on Samos Island notified the authorities repeatedly, via phone and in person. At that point, many of the shipwrecked could have still been rescued. According to the survivors, they stayed afloat for several hours, waiting for help. But a Search and Rescue operation was launched only a day later, after local resident had discovered the first bodies, and they could recover merely more dead bodies. Three survivors, a woman from Afghanistan, and a man and a woman from Iraq, had been able to swim ashore and together with Afghan relative they denounced not only the delayed actions of Greek authorities, but also the inaction of an unidentified boat that was in sight of the shipwrecked people but did not come to their rescue.

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02. April 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Migranti, dopo la Open Arms anche la nave Aquarius costretta ad affrontare il “coordinamento” libico · Kategorien: Italien, Libyen · Tags: , , ,

Yesterday 31-03-2018 the SaR Aquarius of the NGO SOS Mediterranee was called by the MRCC Rome, for an urgent SaR activity in the central mediterranean. Later MRCC called again, and withdrawed the order, giving the SaR order to the so-called Libyan Coastguard. Arriving at the refugees in sea, Aquarius could save only 39 people. The Libyans took back 90 boat-people to Libya.

It seems that the Italian Navy intervened in the coordination of this SaR activity, with military orders to the MRCC in Rome. For the SaR activists, a clear message to the MRCC should be done: a SaR order to NGO ships cannot be withdrawned, promoting illegal Italo-Libyan push-back-actions.

Il Fatto Quotidiano | 01.04.2018

Dopo il caso della nave di Proactiva, finita sotto sequestro a Pozzallo, ieri l’imbarcazione Sos Mediterranèe si è trovata nella stessa situazione, rendendo evidente quella che sembra ormai una prassi: una volta sul posto le navi vengono affidate al controllo di Tripoli che chiede loro di „restituire“ i migranti

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02. April 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „US visa seekers could undergo social media screening“ · Kategorien: USA · Tags: ,

Al Jazeera | 31.03.2018

Nearly 15 million people seeking US visas may face social media checks, under new state department proposal.

Visa seekers for the United States may soon have to submit their social media identities, previous telephone numbers and email addresses, under a new plan proposed by the country’s state department.

According to the filing, which was published on Friday and could affect 14.7 million people each year, visa-seeking visitors or would-be immigrants will be presented with a list of social media platforms.

Applicants would be required to disclose their social media identifiers so that five years worth of their online activity can be scrutinised.

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01. April 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „How Italy’s NGO Boat Seizure Exposes Europe’s Dangerous Policy at Sea“ · Kategorien: Italien, Libyen · Tags: , ,

Refugees Deeply | 27.03.2018

Italy’s seizure of an NGO rescue ship has refocused attention on how Europe outsourced control of the central Mediterranean to the Libyan Coast Guard. Amnesty International’s Matteo de Bellis examines the legal and humanitarian issues at stake.

Watching 93 emaciated refugees and migrants disembark from a Spanish NGO ship in the Italian port of Pozzallo earlier this month, the town’s mayor said they reminded him of “a scene from the concentration camps.”

They had boarded a boat bound for Europe, only to find themselves stranded at sea. One of them, a 21-year-old man called Segen, died a day later. However, his fellow travelers are receiving much-needed assistance, thanks to the brave actions of their rescuers aboard an NGO ship, the Proactiva Open Arms. The following week, that ship was itself making headlines.

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01. April 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Grenzübertritt sorgt für Verstimmung zwischen Italien und Frankreich“ · Kategorien: Frankreich, Italien, Schengen Migration · Tags: ,

Spiegel Online | 31.03.2018

Zwei französische Polizisten haben die italienische Grenze übertreten und einen Mann auf Drogen testen lassen. Der Zwischenfall löste eine Diskussion um Territorialfragen aus.

Ein Zwischenfall an der italienisch-französischen Grenze sorgt für diplomatische Verstimmungen zwischen den beiden EU-Ländern. Frankreichs Botschafter sei einbestellt worden, um zu erklären, warum französische Grenzpolizisten in eine Ambulanz für Migranten auf italienischem Gebiet eingedrungen seien, hieß es am Samstag aus dem Außenministerium in Rom.

Die Einrichtung im Grenzbahnhof Bardonecchia wird von der Hilfsorganisation „Rainbow for Africa“ betrieben. Sie unterstützt damit Migranten, die sich über die Alpen auf den Weg nach Frankreich machen.

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01. April 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Court hearing scheduled for the Harmanli 21 · Kategorien: Bulgarien · Tags:

bordermonitoring.eu | 31.03.2018

The Harmanli local district court had scheduled the court hearing against 21 Afghans, who are accused of taking part in the riot on the 24th of November 2016. After the riot, that broke out following a protest against quarantine measures, inhabitants of the camp accused the police of using brutal violence. They publicly stated that the gendarmerie stormed houses while some people were sleeping, who had nothing to do with the riot. Pictures were shared by the asylum seekers, which were showing many injuries.

The court hearing will take place on the 24th of April 2018 in Rayonen Sad – Harmanli (РАЙОНЕН СЪД) at Yanko Sakazov Street 1, 6450 Tsentar, Harmanli.

30. März 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Algeria: Deported Migrants Robbed in Mali“ · Kategorien: Algerien, Mali, Mittelmeer, Mittelmeerroute, Niger · Tags:

HRW | 14.03.2018

Waves of Arbitrary Expulsions

(Beirut) – Algerian authorities have arbitrarily deported in the beginning of March more than a hundred migrants of various African nationalities into a lawless zone of neighboring Mali, where armed groups have robbed some of them, Human Rights Watch said today.

The Algerian authorities failed to adequately screen the migrants to determine their status and give them the opportunity to challenge their deportation, including those who might have refugee claims, and to collect their savings and belongings. A nongovernmental organization based in Gao, Mali, said that it had provided services to more than 125 of the recently arrived Migrants on March 6 and 7.
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30. März 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Furious, Deported Malian Migrants Stone Algeria’s Embassy In Mali“ · Kategorien: Algerien, Mali, Mittelmeer, Mittelmeerroute · Tags: ,

Morocco World News | 16.03.2918

In what some local media outlets have compared to the fury that led young Iranians to take the American embassy hostage in 1979, dozens of angry deported Malian migrants recently stormed the Algerian embassy in Bamako, attacking the building with stones and leaving the building in ruins.

The incident is said to be a follow up of the expulsion of 94 Malian migrants from Algerian territory last week. Armed with stones and some other metallic materials, the angry deported migrants took out their anger, fury, and frustration at the North African country’s diplomatic representation in their country, hoping that this desperate act would send signals as to what the general mood is regarding Algeria’s mistreatment of sub-Saharan migrants.
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30. März 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Algeria: mass deportations of African migrants“ · Kategorien: Algerien, Mittelmeer, Mittelmeerroute · Tags:

ecre | 30.03.2018

Algeria has been deporting hundreds of African migrants at a time, in an ongoing crackdown on illegal migration. Algeria, along with other North African countries, refused to sign the protocol on the freedom of movement of people and right of residence attached to the African Union’s African Continental Free Trade Area agreement.

Algeria has repatriated 27,000 sub-Saharan African migrants since 2015, a rare official statistic revealed by the interior minister Nouredine Bedoui last Thursday. He added that repatriations are still ongoing. Algeria is a key destination and transit country for many African migrants, mostly from Mali, Niger, Burkina Faso or Chad. People who have been deported from Algeria earlier this month, stated they were detained in makeshift camps for a few days before being taken on trucks and sent across the border at gunpoint. They then had to walk through the desert for hours to reach In Khalil, the first town in Mali. Some migrants also reported being robbed by armed groups along the way.
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