08. September 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Thinking Outside the Camp: Syrian Refugees in Istanbul“ · Kategorien: Syrien, Türkei

MPI | 09.08.2017

While the notion of refugees typically brings to mind forced migrants living in camps or certain neighborhoods designated by the receiving government, the situation in Turkey is quite different in that urban refugees predominate. Turkey had granted temporary protection status to more than 3.1 million Syrians as of July 2017—all arriving since April 2011. Fewer than 8 percent (about 235,000) live in camps, while the rest are scattered across the country, mostly in urban centers, living side-by-side with the local population. Istanbul, home to more than 522,000 registered Syrian refugees, is the Turkish province with the largest number of refugees.

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08. September 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Mali: Unchecked Abuses in Military Operations“ · Kategorien: Afrika, Mali · Tags: , , ,

Human Rights Watch | 08.09.2017

Mali, Burkina Faso Troops Commit Killings, “Disappearances,” Torture

Mali and Burkina Faso military operations to counter the growing presence of Islamist armed groups in central Mali have resulted in serious human rights violations. Since late 2016, Malian forces have committed extrajudicial killings, enforced disappearances, torture, and arbitrary arrests against men accused of supporting Islamist armed groups, while a June 2017 cross-border operation by Burkinabe forces left two suspects dead.

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08. September 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Buses of Hope – Protestanreise für Geflüchtete · Kategorien: Termine [alt], Video · Tags:

Buses of Hope

16. September – Antirassistische Parade / commUNITY-Carnival in Berlin

The faces of Welcome United

100 groups, 20 trucks, 250.000 Flyers, 20.000 Posters, 20 Busses, many colours, many struggles, many faces. All different – All equal. We'll come united! We'll be many! Join us on September 16th!

Posted by We'll come united on Dienstag, 15. August 2017


08. September 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Alarm Phone 6 Week Report, 24th July – 3rd September · Kategorien: Alarm Phone, Mittelmeer

Alarm Phone | 07.09.2017

Deterrence no matter what – Europe escalates its War on Migrants

Exactly two years ago, thousands of travellers opened the Balkan corridor by launching the ‘March of Hope’. Enacting their freedom to move, they crossed several borders, reached their desired places of arrival, and thereby broke the European border regime during this historic summer of migration. We as the Alarm Phone worked around the clock to support those crossing into Europe by boat from Turkey, Libya, Morocco and elsewhere. Many others assisted along the Balkan route, and the new brochure by Moving Europe – ‘Still Moving Europe, Resistance along the Balkan Route’ – gives an account of that extraordinary time.[1] Also in response to these unauthorised movements, the EU and member states have sought to establish ever-more violent obstacles, and following the EU-Turkey deal of March 2016, they have focused their energies even more on Libya. The drastic consequences are currently becoming more visible than ever before.

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08. September 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Migranti, 200 dollari per imbarcarsi dalla Libia. Viaggia gratis chi porta con sé almeno 4 persone · Kategorien: Afrika, Libyen · Tags: , ,

La Stampa | 08.09.2017

Un business da 35 miliardi di dollari. L’analisi del “listino prezzi” dei viaggi può anticipare rotte e intensità dei flussi migratori

tommaso carboni e francesco semprini

Trentacinque miliardi di dollari l’anno. Per giro d’affari, il traffico di persone è dietro solo a quello di armi e droghe. Di certo una parte notevole di questi proventi è generata in Africa. Dalla Nigeria, ai paesi della costa occidentale, passando per la striscia del Sahel, fino alla regione del Corno d’Africa: i sogni di fuga di centinaia di migliaia di persone incontrano i “servizi” offerti dai trafficanti. Poi c’è la rotta del Mediterraneo centrale, e gli sbarchi in Italia, quest’anno ai massimi storici.

L’industria è dunque potente, organizzata, e ramificata. Per combatterla è utile studiarne i meccanismi di funzionamento interni. Per esempio, le dinamiche dei prezzi, cioè le somme chieste dai trafficanti per il viaggio, oltre al luogo e la tempistica con cui i pagamenti sono effettuati. Informazioni potenzialmente decisive per anticipare le rotte e l’intensità dei flussi migratori.

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08. September 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Cronaca di un salvataggio in mare“ · Kategorien: Libyen, Mittelmeer · Tags: , ,

Internazionale | 07.09.2017

Santi Palacios, fotografo

Il 25 luglio ci siamo alzati con il mare mosso, nel Mediterraneo centrale, a circa 15 miglia a nord della città libica di Sabrata, in acque internazionali. L’Open Arms, imbarcazione di salvataggio della ong spagnola Proactiva open arms, si muoveva in un modo che lasciava credere che non ci sarebbero stati soccorsi in tutta la giornata. Sembrava impossibile che le carrette del mare fossero in grado di lasciare le coste libiche con questo vento.

Quando Roger, uno dei soccorritori che partecipavano alla missione, è stato chiamato nella sua cabina e invitato a salire in coperta, mi sono affacciato al portello e, vedendo l’altezza delle onde, ho pensato che dovesse trattarsi di una simulazione per allenarsi al soccorso con il mare grosso. Erano le undici del mattino. Ho preso macchina fotografica, giubbotto di salvataggio e casco e sono salito in coperta.

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08. September 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Europe has failed to integrate its refugees – but one tiny Greek island succeeded · Kategorien: Griechenland · Tags:

The Guardian | 07.09.2017

Recent migration waves have left refugees and asylum seekers struggling to survive. On Tilos, 50 refugees have been not only integrated but enabled

David Patrikarakos

‘Sorry, please one cigarette, my friend.” The man is young: early 20s at the most, Syrian I think. He and many others from across the Middle East and Africa patrol Exarchia Square in central Athens. Bereft of work, they beg for change. Often they turn to selling pirated DVDs, tissues or, occasionally, drugs.

The great migration wave of 2015 saw around a million people make asylum requests in the 28 EU states. The UN high commissioner for refugees was clear on the severity of the situation: since the second world war, he said, there have never been so many refugees, asylum seekers and displaced people. And still they are coming. According to the European commission, the number of people seeking asylum from non-EU countries in the EU28 during the first quarter of 2017 reached 164,500.

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08. September 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Tracing the Channels Refugees Use to Seek Protection in Europe · Kategorien: Europa · Tags: , , ,

MPI | 09.2917

By Susan Fratzke and Brian Salant

As European policymakers and advocates increasingly express interest in developing managed, legal alternatives to the dangerous, unauthorized journeys many refugees undertake when searching for protection, there is a pressing need to inform the debate with reliable and comprehensive data—both on how protection seekers currently enter Europe and how new pathways are likely to be used.

Yet as this report explains, it is „nearly impossible“ at present to obtain a clear picture of how protection seekers enter Europe and what legal channels are available to them. Still, while incomplete, data from EURODAC, Eurostat, Frontex, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), and national databases, suggest several important trends:

  • A plurality, and possibly a majority, of asylum seekers arrive in Europe via unauthorized channels.
  • Refugees who receive protection after filing a spontaneous asylum claim outnumber those granted protection through resettlement or humanitarian admissions about ten to one.
  • In Member States that make such data available, family reunification appears to be as important a channel for legal entry as asylum for individuals in need of protection.

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08. September 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Wahlkampf mit Afghanistan: Plant de Maizière neue Sammelabschiebungen?“ · Kategorien: Afghanistan, Deutschland · Tags:

n-tv | 07.09.2017

Das Bundesinnenministerium verweigert die Stellungnahme. Afghanistankenner und Menschenrechtler erwarten aber die Wiederaufnahme von Sammelabschiebungen nach Kabul. Am Dienstag. Keine zwei Wochen vor der Bundestagswahl.

Von Issio Ehrich

Die Berichte häufen sich: Aktivisten, Menschenrechtsorganisationen und Afghanistankennern zufolge will die Bundesregierung am Dienstag wieder eine Sammelabschiebung nach Kabul durchsetzen. Es wäre die erste seit dem verheerenden Anschlag im Diplomatenviertel der Hauptstadt im Mai, bei der mehr als 100 Menschen starben und auch die deutsche Botschaft zerstört wurde.

Der Afghanistan-Experte Thomas Ruttig hat auf seinem Blog die Informationen zusammengetragen, die zu den angeblichen Abschiebungen kursieren: Demnach sollen mindestens drei Bundesländer an den Abschiebungen beteiligt sein, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Hamburg und Bayern. Der Flug soll von Düsseldorf aus starten. Betroffen sind angeblich 15 Personen.

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08. September 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Helfer prangern Lage in libyschen Flüchtlingslagern an“ · Kategorien: Libyen · Tags: ,

Zeit Online | 07.09.2017

Ärzte ohne Grenze

Rom/Brüssel (dpa) – Die Hilfsorganisation Ärzte ohne Grenzen hat den EU-Staats- und Regierungschefs eine Mitschuld am Schicksal unzähliger Flüchtlinge in unmenschlichen Gefangenenlagern in Libyen vorgeworfen.

„Die Lager sind Fabriken des Leidens auf industriellem Niveau“, sagte die internationale Präsidentin der Hilfsorganisation, Joanne Liu.

Liu äußerte sich heute in Brüssel nach der Rückkehr von einem Besuch der Lager in Libyen. „Das ist die schlimmste Verkörperung menschlicher Grausamkeit, die ich jemals gesehen habe.“ Sie habe Opfer von Folter, Vergewaltigung und Misshandlung gesehen. Dies sei es, was europäische Regierungschefs als erfolgreiche Flüchtlingspolitik anpriesen.

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