02. Februar 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Greece Plans to Fast Track Asylum Claims to Save E.U.-Turkey Deal · Kategorien: Europa, Griechenland, Türkei · Tags:

NewsDeeply | 30.01.2017

Amid a low number of returns under the E.U.-Turkey deal, Apostolis Fotiadis reports that European officials are increasing pressure on Greece to expedite returns to Turkey in the form of a new action plan.

EUROPEAN OFFICIALS ARE becoming increasingly worried that the E.U.-Turkey deal could fall apart. With few returns and thousands of people trapped on the Greek islands, the E.U. is encouraging stronger measures – such as opening more detention centers on the islands to speed up asylum proceedings and facilitate deportations – to rescue the deal.

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02. Februar 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Italien will Migration mit Afrika-Fonds begrenzen · Kategorien: Afrika, Europa, Italien, Libyen, Mittelmeer · Tags: , ,

Libya Herald | 02.02.2017

Libya needs more EU money to stem migrant flow says Serraj

By Jamie Prentis. Tunis, 2 February 2017

The EU needs to give Libya more money if it wants to stop the flow of migrants trying to reach Europe by crossing the Mediterranean, Presidency Council head Faiez Serraj said today. Serraj, on the second day of his visit to Brussels insisted EU needed to be more practical in the assistance it gives. But he said  Libya was fully behind efforts to prevent illegal migration and terrorist movements.

“We are not going to mention the amount of money that is dedicated to Libya for this help because they are very humble, very small amounts,” he added.

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02. Februar 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Algerien: 29 Boat-people abgefangen · Kategorien: Algerien · Tags: ,
Oran, Mostaganem: Vingt harraga interceptés, 9 autres secourus

par K. Assia

  Vingt ‘harraga‘ subsahariens dont 3 femmes ont été interceptés, hier, aux environs de 1h, à 15 km au nord d’Aïn El Turck, par les forces navales de la façade maritime ouest. Parmi ces candidats à l’émigration clandestine, 17 Camerounais, 1 Malien, 1 Guinéen, et 1 Ivoirien. Les clandestins avaient embarqué à partir de la plage d’Aïn El Turck avec l’intention de rejoindre les côtes européennes lorsqu’ils ont été interceptés par une patrouille des garde- côtes. Ils ont été conduits au port d’Oran et remis aux services compétents pour le complément de l’enquête. Weiterlesen »

02. Februar 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Libyen: „EU migration plans are as bad as Trump’s“ · Kategorien: Europa, Italien, Libyen, Malta · Tags:

Malta Today | 02.02.2017

EU migration plans are as bad as Trump’s

If you thought Trump’s travel ban was bad, the EU migration plans pushed by Malta are as inhumane and unlawful.

Jurgen Balzan

The economy minister is allegedly caught with his pants down (while blaming cold water for his shrinking reputation) and the whole country is talking about it. I won’t compare the outcry to that of the Panama Papers revelations. For Chris Cardona’s alleged visit to a brothel in Germany has conveniently shifted attention from Malta’s shocking proposals to stretch the EU’s borders down south, all the way to the Libyan shore.

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02. Februar 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Libyen: NATO in Küstengewässer? · Kategorien: Libyen · Tags: ,


Serraj says foreign warships might fight people-smugglers within Libyan waters

By Jamie Prentis. Tunis, 1 February 2016:

Presidency Council head Faiez Serraj has suggested NATO ships could be allowed to operate in Libyan waters if they helped the navy combat people-smugglers. He told reporters in Brussels that any “party” that seeks to work with and support the Libyan navy would be welcomed. “We have to modernise our navy flotilla and enhance its capacities” he said, “NATO or any other friendly national on a bilateral basis could extend a hand in this.” Weiterlesen »

02. Februar 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „How to stop rising tide of death in Mediterranean“ · Kategorien: Europa, Libyen · Tags: ,

MSF | 19.01.2017

The number of people who died trying to reach Europe by crossing the Mediterranean has reached an all-time high, and is becoming comparable to what Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF) is used to seeing in warzones.

The UN Migration Agency recorded at least 5,079 deaths last year – the actual number of deaths is likely to be much higher.

We have no idea how many dinghies overloaded with terrified passengers set sail from Libya in the direction of Italy each day. Nor do we know how many of them sink without trace, before they reach busy shipping lanes in the Mediterranean or call for help.

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