Quelle: no border serbia
The situation is changing rapidly, it s very chaotic and hard to follow what is going on.
After the brutal police attack at Horgos almost all people left to Croatia. approx. only 100 people stayed there waiting for a chance to cross. There are 21 persons in prison in Hungary they were arrested at Horgoš when they broke through the gate. We dont know exactly the accusations but probably they ‘ll try to criminalize them on the worst way.
If anybody can do something, they need international support!
Since Croatia also closed it’s borders with Serbia yesterday, people are entering to Croatia in all sides through fields. Right now there are 5000 people in Tovarnik.
Most of the people (coming from Macedonia and Belgrade) are going to Šid now, we heard that many people are around Bezdan too (west -north serbia).
So these are the new hotspots on the serbo-croatian border.
During the last night many people entered Hungary from Croatia. Migrants who entered Hungary were transferred to Szentgotthard open camp on the border with Austria, and some of them are already in Austria.
It seems like the authorities try just to register people, and not really taking their fingerprints. There was a strong resistance to break the border on Bregana (on the
highway border crossing place from Croatia to Slovenia) and Harmica (the train track goes there) and probably on other places too.
The police was using teargas and dogs to stop people. Today they started to let families and vulnerable groups inside Slovenia. It goes very slowly.
For many people it is the third border they should break in so they are exhausted, tired, many people are sick and injured, there is no water, it is very hot but the nights are cold, no medical aid, nothing.
- International solidarity is needed ASAP!
- Please share these infos
- Our capacity is very weak
- We have some activists on the terrain but they have no internet no laptops even charging phones
- In the middle of nowhere is difficult … we will try to publish more details soon.