21. Oktober 2016 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Libyen: Phantom-Regierung schließt Abschottungspakt mit Italien · Kategorien: Italien, Libyen · Tags: ,

Die libysche „Regierung der nationalen Einheit“, die ein halbes Jahr als „Regierung ohne Territorium“ auf der Militärbasis vor Tripolis residiert hat, existiert seit einer Woche nicht mehr. Sie hat alle Unterstützung im Lande verloren und soll sich im Ausland befinden. Dennoch schloss sie vor drei Tagen einen Abschottungspakt mit der italienischen Regierung ab, Patrouillenboote und Jeeps sollen geliefert werden.

Quelle: Corriere della Sera

Il patto con l’Italia di Tripoli Motoscafi e jeep: la Libia chiede aiuti

Libia presenta le sue richieste all’Italia per contenere i migranti: servono anche computer e sistemi di sorveglianza. Ma il governo Serraj è sempre più in bilico

di Fiorenza Sarzanini

La Libia chiede aiuto all’Italia in materia di immigrazione e terrorismo. La trattativa avviata dagli specialisti del Viminale e della Farnesina è già entrata nella fase cruciale dopo due incontri «tecnici» avvenuti a Tripoli alcune settimane fa. E prevede la consegna di apparecchiature per il controllo del territorio, di autovetture e materiali per gli uffici, oltre alla formazione del personale di polizia e della Guardia Costiera. Un’attività che si affianca a quella degli oltre 300 militari impegnati ad allestire un ospedale a Misurata e di sei medici già al lavoro presso il nosocomio civile della città. Mentre il governo guidato da Fayez Al Serraj appare sempre più indebolito dopo il golpe di quattro giorni fa e una situazione tutt’altro che pacificata, l’occidente cerca di andare in suo soccorso, sia pur con posizioni diversificate e atteggiamenti ambigui.

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21. Oktober 2016 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Libyan: CG attack on Sea-Watch rescue operation causes multiple dead · Kategorien: Libyen · Tags: ,

Breaking news October 21st 2016

An intervention by a speedboat, labelled as Libyan Coast Guard, during one of today’s rescue operation caused several deaths today in the Central Med, 14nm off Libya. During our first-aid delivery for a rubber boat with approximately 150 migrants on board, a Libyan Coast Guard vessel arrived and attacked the refugees, entering the rubber boat and hitting them with sticks. Our two speed boats were furthermore beset aggressively, preventing our crew from further providing life vests and medical aid to the people in need. The violent intervention of the Libyan Coast Guard caused a situation of mass panic on board the rubber boat in distress, in the cause one tube of the rubber boat collapsed, causing the majority of the 150 people to slip into the water. Our crew immediately tried to rescue as many as possible but a binary number of people could not be saved. 4 bodies were recovered onto the Sea-Watch 2, another 4 unconscious people are currently receiving medical treatment. 120 refugees could be rescued aboard our vessel.

This latest incident of alleged Libyan official units endangered not only the crew of rescue volunteers but moreover caused the death of many migrants. By now it is very unclear why Libyan Coast Guard engaged the way it did. Sea-Watch calls for an immediate and detailed solution of this violation of humanitarian law.

The crew of the Sea-Watch 2 is presently still engaged in rescue operations of multiple refugee boats in distress, all staff is working at capacity. Additional information is being assessed and will be provided in the cause of the day.

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14. Oktober 2016 · Kommentare deaktiviert für EU and Tunisia on visa facilitation and readmission of „irregular migrants“ · Kategorien: Europa, Tunesien · Tags: ,

Quelle: European Commission

The European Commission and Tunisia today began parallel negotiations in Tunis on an agreement to facilitate the process of issuing short-stay visas and an agreement to establish procedures for the readmission of irregular migrants.

Dimitris Avramopoulos, European Commissioner for Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship, stated: ‘This marks a key phase in relations between the European Union and Tunisia. By facilitating the issuing of visas, contacts between people and economic, cultural and scientific links will be strengthened. Tunisia could be the first country in North Africa to benefit from an ambitious visa facilitation agreement. At the same time, the conclusion of a readmission agreement will help to avert the risk of irregular immigration from Tunisia, and manage its consequences‘.

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14. Oktober 2016 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Libyen: MOAS rettet in libyschen Gewässern · Kategorien: Italien, Libyen, Malta · Tags:

Quelle: Business Standard

Migrants lost at sea off Libya in nighttime horror

Waves 2.5 metres high, winds of 50 kilometres an hour and a sinking dinghy – rescuers described today a race into Libyan waters to save 113 migrants, with 15 others lost to the raging sea.

The white rubber dinghy had set off yesterday from Sabrata, taking advantage of a break in the bad weather to make a bid for Italy’s shores, but the 130 or so people aboard soon ran into trouble when the wind whipped up.

„It became hellish“, said AFP photographer Aris Messinis, who is aboard the Astral, a vessel chartered by Spanish humanitarian NGO, Proactiva Open Arms, which patrols the area looking for boats in distress.

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09. Oktober 2016 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Calais ‘jungle’ eviction imminent, urgent support needed · Kategorien: Frankreich, Großbritannien · Tags: ,

Quelle: WatchThe Borders

Many people in Calais ‘jungle’ want to stay and resist, despite increasingly brutal repression. Please support them! Freedom of movement for all! Open the border!


Please follow developments on https://www.facebook.com/stop.eviction.calais/

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03. Oktober 2016 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Shoot First · Kategorien: Griechenland, Türkei · Tags: ,

Quelle: The Intercept

Coast Guard Fired at Migrant Boats, European Border Agency Documents Show

Zach Campbell


ON A SMUGGLER’S BOAT from Turkey two years ago, 19-year-old Rawan watched the passengers start to panic as a Greek coast guard vessel approached them head on, circling twice. Rawan heard two gunshots ring out from the Greek patrol. Fearing arrest, the driver of Rawan’s boat, a Turkish fisherman, turned the vehicle around to flee back to Turkey. Then Rawan heard more shots.

When the bullet hit her in the lower back, at first she felt nothing. Then, Rawan says, it felt like fire.

Rawan’s husband had made it to Germany a year earlier; both were fleeing their home in Damascus, Syria. Rawan and 12 other Syrians were headed for the Greek island of Chios on a small fiberglass boat, much faster than the inflatable dinghies that many refugees use for the 5-mile crossing.

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03. Oktober 2016 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Libyen, Italien: 6.000 von 39 Booten gerettet, 9 Tote · Kategorien: Italien, Libyen · Tags:

Quelle: La Repubblica

Ondata di barconi nel Canale di Sicilia, quasi 6000 in salvo. Nove morti

Diciotto interventi di Guardia costiera, Marina militare e navi delle Ong. Nove cadaveri recuperati, sette sullo stesso gommone. Le traversate riprendono nella giornata nazionale in memoria delle vittime dell’immigrazione. Mattarella: „Fatto epocale, non può esserci indifferenza“. Piero Grasso: „Per ogni singola vita perduta, muore la nostra umanità“


Nove cadaveri di migranti sono stati recuperati dai soccorritori che oggi hanno tratto in salvo quasi seimila persone nel Canale di Sicilia. Sette vittime erano su uno stesso barcone, una su un’altra imbarcazione, mentre un’altra persona, recuperata in gravi condizioni, è morta mentre veniva trasportata verso la terraferma con una unità navale della Guardia Costiera.

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22. September 2016 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Algerien „35 harraga interceptés au large d’Oran“ · Kategorien: Algerien · Tags:

Quelle: Le Quotidien d’Oran

35 harraga interceptés au large d’Oran

par K. Assia

Les unités des forces navales de la fa-çade maritime Ouest ont mis en échec deux tentatives d’émigration clandestine. Au cours d’une patrouille, les gardes-côtes ont intercepté, hier aux environs de 6 h du matin, une embarcation pneumatique au nord de la plage de Ain El-Turck à bord de laquelle se trouvaient 15 migrants, dont deux mineurs et neuf Subsahariens. Weiterlesen »

21. September 2016 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Lesbos, Hotspot: „Was ich sah, war der Horror“ · Kategorien: Griechenland · Tags: ,

Quelle: Zeit Online

Ausgehungert, dehydriert, schwer verletzt: Als das Flüchtlingslager Moria niederbrannte, war die Anwältin Ariel Ricker vor Ort. Sie berichtet von dramatischen Zuständen.

Von Ariel Ricker, Lesbos

Am Montagabend kam es im völlig überfüllten Auffanglager Moria auf der griechischen Insel Lesbos zu Krawallen und einem Großbrand. Rund 5.000 Flüchtlinge ergriffen daraufhin die Flucht, darunter zahlreiche Frauen mit Säuglingen im Arm. Ein Großteil des Lagers wurde durch das Feuer zerstört, darunter 60 Wohncontainer, Hunderte Zelte und drei Verwaltungscontainer, verletzt wurde niemand. Weil das Feuer im hoch gesicherten Lager ausbrach, werden die Bewohner verdächtigt, den Brand gelegt zu haben. Neun wurden mittlerweile festgenommen. Nach dem Drama sicherte der griechische Migrationsminister Ioannis Mouzalas dem Bürgermeister von Lesbos in einem Schreiben zu, dass auf Lesbos kein neuer Hotspot gebaut werde, sondern stattdessen die Flüchtlingszahlen reduziert werden sollen.

Die Anwältin Ariel Ricker war wenige Stunden nach dem Großbrand im Lager. Hier schildert sie, was sie in der Nacht in Moria erlebt hat.

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21. September 2016 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Ägypten: Vor Küste über 400 Boat-people ertrunken · Kategorien: Ägypten, Italien · Tags: ,

Das ägyptische Gesundheitsministerium gibt – laut Nachrichtenagentur ANSA – Zahlen zur Schiffskatastrophe am 21.09.2016 vor der ägyptischen Küste bei Kafr al-Sheikh bekannt: 29 Tote wurden geborgen, mindestens 150 Boat-people wurden gerettet und angesichts von 600 Personen an Bord sind insgesamt über 400 Bootsflüchtlinge ertrunken.

Quelle: ANSA

Migranti: naufragio in Egitto

‚Barcone con 300-600 persone colato a picco al largo di Rosetta‘

„Sono almeno 29 i corpi dei migranti annegati e recuperati fino ad ora nel naufragio avvenuto davanti alle coste settentrionali dell’Egitto“. Lo ha reso noto il ministero della Salute egiziano alla tv di Stato. „Cinque migranti sono stati ricoverati in ospedale“. L’agenzia di stampa egiziana Mena ha parlato di „600 persone a bordo“ del barcone affondato e che sono in corso le operazioni di recupero. La Mena ha anche riferito che „almeno 150 persone sono state tratte in salvo“.

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