27. Juni 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Non-Governmental Actors rescue thousands while Europe continues to criminalise their work“ · Kategorien: Alarm Phone, Mittelmeer · Tags: , ,

Alarmphone | 27.06.2017

Over the past three days, more than 10,000 travellers were rescued from precarious boats in the Central Mediterranean Sea and two fatalities have been confirmed. On Monday alone, more than 5000 people, including many children, were rescued off the coast of Libya and many more lives would have been lost, had it not been for the Search and Rescue (SAR) NGOs, who worked at and beyond their limits. It is only due to their tireless efforts that we have not yet heard of major shipwrecks and mass fatalities.

Since Saturday, we as the Alarm Phone have dealt with emergency situations in the Central Mediterranean daily. Yesterday, on the 26th of June 2017, we were following one boat in distress whose passengers had lost orientation and their fate remains unknown. The Moonbird, an airborne reconnaissance mission launched by the NGO ‘Sea-Watch’ and the ‘Humanitarian Pilots Initiative’ (HPI), had informed our shift team around noon about a boat that carried about 160 people and had asked us to reach out to the Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCC) in Rome to demand a rescue operation. In several phone calls with the Italian authorities between then and 5pm, they suggested first that the boat had probably been rescued, despite evidence to the contrary. Only later did they state that they were very overwhelmed and had a lack of capacity so that they could not deal with the boat in question. We also contacted the SAR NGOs, but overburdened with several ongoing rescue operations, they were unable to follow up on the boat in question. We are not giving up our hope that the travellers survived and that they will not be amongst Europe’s growing toll of border deaths, which currently stands at over 2000 officially counted fatalities.

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27. Juni 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Maroc: Un aid sous tension à Al-Hoceima“ · Kategorien: Marokko · Tags:

Telquel | 26.06.2017

Des manifestations ont été dispersées par la force à Al-Hoceima en ce jour de l’aid. Les manifestants réclamaient la libération des détenus du Hirak.

Les forces de l’ordre ont dispersé plusieurs manifestants dans plusieurs quartiers de la ville, procédant à des interpellations, d’après le site d’information Hespress qui cite des témoins sur place. Des manifestants ont pu pour leur part se regrouper et organiser une marche, assure pour sa part Alyaoum24. La même source affirme que des affrontements ont eu lieu entre forces de l’ordre et manifestants.

Des images relayées par ce média et sur les réseaux sociaux montrent des manifestants allongés par terre, suite aux interventions des forces de l’ordre. Selon Alyaoum24 et Hespress, les autorités ont fait usage de bombes lacrymogène pour disperser les manifestants. Des „échanges de jets de pierre“ sont aussi à déplorer, d’après Alyaoum24.

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27. Juni 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Migranti, è un esodo senza sosta: solo ieri salvate 5000 persone arrivate dalla Libia“ · Kategorien: Italien, Libyen · Tags: ,

La Repubblica | 27.06.2017

Altre 8500 sono a bordo delle navi da soccorso, in arrivo verso i porti italiani. Mentre domenica decine di uomini sono morti nel deserto a nord del Niger, durante il loro lungo viaggio verso l’Europa

ROMA – Prosegue senza sosta l’esodo di migranti dalla Libia verso l’Italia, ma anche dall’Africa occidentale verso la Libia, primo step del viaggio verso l’Europa. Solo ieri, al largo delle coste libiche, sono stati salvati oltre 5.000 migranti, mentre altri 8.500 al momento si trovano a bordo delle navi dei soccorritori, in rotta verso i porti italiani. Domenica invece un gruppo di 70 persone è stato abbandonato dai trafficanti nel deserto a nord del Niger: si sono salvati solo in 24.

I cinquemila migranti soccorsi ieri nel Mediterraneo centrale navigavano a bordo di cinque barche e 18 gommoni. Alle operazioni hanno preso parte la Guardia costiera, le ong e alcuni rimorchiatori. Mentre gli 8500 soccorsi negli ultimi due giorni si trovano adesso a bordo di 14 navi: sei di queste hanno già fatto ingresso o stanno per entrare in porti di Sicilia e Calabria, le altre otto sono ancora in navigazione a largo delle coste italiane.

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27. Juni 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „EU-Staaten nehmen Türkei mehr Flüchtlinge ab als vereinbart“ · Kategorien: Europa, Türkei · Tags:

DW | 27.06.2017

Einem Bericht der „Bild“-Zeitung zufolge übernimmt die EU fünfmal mehr Migranten als im Flüchtlings-Deal mit Ankara vereinbart. Zu verdanken hat die Türkei diesen Umstand der langsamen Bürokratie in einem Nachbarland.

Seit Inkrafttreten der Vereinbarung zwischen der EU und der Türkei am 20. März 2016 sind rund 1200 Migranten in die Türkei zurückgeschickt worden, die über die Türkei auf die griechischen Inseln gelangt waren, berichtet die „Bild“-Zeitung unter Berufung auf neue Zahlen der EU-Kommission.

Im gleichen Zeitraum haben die EU-Staaten aber mehr als 6200 Syrer aus der Türkei auf bisher 15 EU-Länder verteilt. Mehr als ein Drittel von ihnen kam nach Deutschland.

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