23. Juni 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Amid Drought, Somali Pastoralists Watch Their ‘Sources of Life’ Perish“ · Kategorien: Afrika · Tags:

Refugees Deeply | 20.06.2017

With 17 million people crippled by drought in the Horn of Africa, Samuel Hall researchers and photographer Ashley Hamer explain the realities of climate-induced displacement in Somalia on World Refugee Day.

Samuel Hall Research Team, Ashley Hamer

PUNTLAND, SOMALIA – “Our world of plenty today faces an unprecedented four famines,” anti-poverty group Oxfam said in late May, as the leaders met for the G7 summit in Sicily, which is once again the gateway for most refugees to Europe.

Along with northeastern Nigeria, South Sudan and Yemen, Somalia is faced with a particularly dire situation, which highlights the growing nexus between climate change and displacement.

Somalia has consistently produced one of the largest refugee and internally displaced populations in the world, due to a combination of conflict, environmental degradation, drought and famine.

With over half of the country’s population experiencing food and water shortages, the Somali president declared the ongoing humanitarian crisis a “national disaster” in February.

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23. Juni 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Berlin’s Tempelhof: The Camp Too Controversial to Customize“ · Kategorien: Deutschland · Tags:

Refugees Deeply | 22.06.2017

The complex history of Berlin’s closed airport made it challenging as a refugee shelter, writes Toby Parsloe for Forced Migration Review. He explains how a graffiti ban and concerns over its future show the constraints of co-opting public buildings for refugee housing.

Toby Parsloe

TEMPELHOF AIRPORT, BUILT by the Nazis in the 1930s, is a protected monument in the center of the German capital, Berlin. Its history, size and context have established it as a controversial and high-profile space for refugees.

And for the residents, there is a price to pay for living in such an iconic and politically charged structure. Questions around their inhabitation have become entangled with impassioned public debates concerning public space, urban development and heritage.

It was a bold decision to house refugees in Tempelhof’s former aircraft hangars. Since the airport’s closure in 2008, the terminal buildings have been used for a variety of events, and the airfield was transformed into Berlin’s largest public park. This has since become a cherished space, ingrained in everyday city life.

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23. Juni 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Serraj in Brussels seeks EU support for borders but wants no migrant camps“ · Kategorien: Europa, Libyen · Tags: ,

Libya Herald | 22.06.2017

With EU heads due tomorrow to try and address the burgeoning flow of migrants from Libya,  Presidency Council (PC) head Faiez Serraj has set his head against any EU plan to establishing migrant reception centres in Libya itself.

Today in Brussels at the opening session of the EU meeting Serraj  warned “as the number of migrants rises, the economic and social fabric of southern Libya is placed under very significant strain.” Libya did not have the resources to patrol 4,000 kilometres of its southern borders with Niger, Chad and Sudan to manage the significant migrant flows. He said that EU “support” was essential.

Serraj has also said he is completely opposed to the Italian-led idea of turning Libya into a holding centre for would-be migrants.

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23. Juni 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Why Migrants Keep Risking All on the ‘Deadliest Route’ · Kategorien: Afrika, Mittelmeerroute · Tags: ,

NYT | 22.06.2017


TONGO, Senegal — Amadou Anne, the oldest son, tried first.

“If you have a way to get there, maybe you should try it,” his father told him.

The journey required crossing thousands of miles of ruthless desert and sea to reach Europe. Months passed with no news. And then the phone call.

Friends in France spotted a list of drowned migrants. Mr. Anne’s name was on it.

“I was standing right there, and I cried,” his mother, Salmata Boullo Diallo, said near the family compound in a vast expanse of fallow peanut fields in this remote part of Senegal.

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23. Juni 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Schafft Athen illegal Türken aus?“ · Kategorien: Griechenland, Türkei · Tags:

NZZ | 23.06.2017

Griechische Sicherheitskräfte sollen politische Flüchtlinge aus der Türkei zurückgeschafft haben. Zuerst dementierte die Regierung, jetzt lässt sie die Vorwürfe doch untersuchen. Athen steht wegen des EU-Flüchtlingspakts mit der Türkei unter Druck.

von Markus Bernath, Athen

Das Grenzgebiet entlang des Flusses Evros in Nordgriechenland ist in diesen Wochen Schauplatz verzweifelter Fluchtversuche. Türkische Offiziere, entlassene Hochschullehrer und andere Staatsangestellte, die den Säuberungswellen im Land von Präsident Recep Tayyip Erdogan zum Opfer gefallen sind und von Prozessen bedroht sind, wollen sich über den Grenzfluss in die Freiheit retten, manche von ihnen in Begleitung ihrer Ehepartner und Kinder.

In wenigstens zwei Fällen sollen maskierte Angehörige der griechischen Sicherheitskräfte türkische Asylsuchende über den Evros zurückgebracht und am türkischen Ufer ausgesetzt haben. Das bedeutet einen Bruch der Flüchtlingskonvention. Zurück im eigenen Land, wurden die Flüchtlinge sogleich verhaftet. Die griechische Regierung habe die Vorwürfe sofort abgestritten, sagt Dimitris Christopoulos, der Präsident der Internationalen Liga für Menschenrechte. Sie habe sich nicht einmal die Zeit genommen, die Vorfälle zu untersuchen.

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