9.270 Bootsflüchtlinge wurden laut IOM im ersten Halbjahr von der libyschen Küstenwache aufgebracht und nach Libyen zurück deportiert.
IOM Libya Migration and Assistance Overview, 16 June – 30 June 2016
In 2016 (as of 30 June), 229,963 arrivals were recorded by sea to Europe, whereas 2,888 were reported as dead or missing along the Western, Central and Eastern Mediterranean routes, of which 383 were reported in the month of June.
The number of fatalities in 2016 continues to be higher than the same period last year (1,838 deaths were recorded along all Mediterranean routes between January and June 2015).
The migrants continue making the perilous journey at great risk, travelling under precarious conditions and on ill-equipped boats, leaving them highly vulnerable to both the arduous travel and to the exploitation of organized criminal networks along the way.