13. Juli 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Bundesregierung gegen Mandatsänderung von Eunavfor à la Salvini · Kategorien: Deutschland, Europa, Italien, Libyen · Tags: , ,

The Washington Post | 13.07.2018

The Latest: Italy, Malta at odds over boat with 450 migrants

[…] 6:25 p.m.

Germany says a change to the European Union military mission in the Mediterranean should only happen after talks at the European level. Italy’s populist government has launched a crackdown on migration and is seeking to renegotiate the mandate of Operation Sophia to prevent migrants rescued at sea from being brought to Italy. German government spokesman Steffen Seibert told reporters in Berlin on Friday that “if there is to be a change to the Sophia mandate then it should be discussed at the European level.” Seibert said Operation Sophia is also meant to help train the Libyan coast guard to patrol its own coastline, calling this “a very sensible mission.” He added: “It’s important that as part of this mission innumerable lives have also been saved.” […]

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