09. Februar 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Europe’s Waiting Room for Refugees: Negotiating Borders and Performing Resilience in Serbia“ · Kategorien: Balkanroute, Kroatien, Schengen Migration, Serbien · Tags:

Oxford University | 05.02.2018

Kathryn Metz

This post is based on fieldwork I conducted in Serbia between July-August 2017. I conducted thirty semi-structured interviews and five weeks of participant observation with male Afghan refugees in order to understand how they are coping with their limited mobility due to closed borders along the Balkan route and restrictive asylum procedures. Despite the precarious state of limbo that these men are living in while they attempt clandestine border crossings, many of them claimed that life in Serbia was better than in Afghanistan. The men I met invariably used the term ‘refugees’ to describe themselves, despite not having been granted this status. To respect their self-identification, I will use this word to refer to them in this post. The accompanying photographs were taken by photographer Jenny Brover and are used with her permission. All names in this piece have been changed to respect the privacy of those I interviewed.

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09. Februar 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Syrians Given Temporary Refuge in Germany Fear Being Set up to Fail“ · Kategorien: Deutschland, Syrien · Tags:

Refugees Deeply | 06.02.2018

Most Syrians coming to Germany receive temporary protection instead of full refugee status, complicating efforts to integrate them. Miriam Berger reports on how one family from Damascus copes with the unknown while getting on with life in rural Bavaria.

Miriam Berger

ROTHLEIN, Germany – It has been nearly a year since the al-Habab family from Damascus was resettled in rural Germany and, after years on the run, life is starting to look up.

Each morning, Sara, 12, and Sidra, 11, rise at 6 a.m. to catch the bus to school. Their father Abdul Rahman, 40, a former X-ray technician, goes to a nearby city for his German class. Their mother, 30-year-old Henan, stays in the cramped, two-bedroom apartment caring for their siblings, 3-year-old Hassan and 6-month-old Jenna.

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