02. September 2015 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Tunesien, Algerien: Deportation Choucha Flüchtlinge – update · Kategorien: Algerien, Tunesien

After the deportation to the Algerian border that took place this morning, refugees from Choucha are now on the Algerian side of the Algerian-Tunisian border near Monte Chambi, that is also a dangerous military zone. The Tunisian police left them at the border, and the tunisian BAT (Brigade antiterrorisme) pushed them beyond the border, saying that if the refugees would have not crossed the frontier, they would have shot them.

The Algerian police wants them to re-cross the Tunisian border.

They are in Algeria, at the border crossing point of Bou Chekba.

We are looking for contacts with Algerian lawyers and associations to keep the refugees in safety.

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