01. September 2015 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Tunesien, Choucha: Flüchtlinge und MigrantInnen nach Algerien deportiert · Kategorien: Algerien, Tunesien · Tags:

On August 24th, 10 refugees and migrants who are still living at Choucha camp, near the Libyan border of Ras-Jadir, have been arrested in front of the EU delegation in Tunis while they were demanding to be relocated in Europe.

This morning at 5 am they have been taken to the Algerian border, despite both Tunisian and International organizations were informed of their detention in the prison of Ouardia, in Tunis. we received a call from the refugees this early morning, and Tunisian authorities have now stolen their phone, so the people cannot be reached anymore. Tunisian authorities are doing that in a completely arbitrary way, while international organisations remain silent.

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