29. Juli 2015 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Calais migrants: life in the Jungle – Video · Kategorien: Frankreich, Video · Tags:

Quelle: The Guardian

Away from the chaotic scenes on Calais’s motorways and ports, the migrant camp known as the ’new Jungle‘ is growing fast and showing signs of becoming a permanent fixture. The Guardian spent three weeks following the lives of a few of its 3,000 residents, rare in-depth access that reveals a growing human cost of the crisis, and the challenges facing refugees and migrants trying to reach Britain


siehe auch: The Guardian

Fortress Calais: fleeting fixtures and precarious lives in the migrant camp

With street lights and bike shops springing up in the ‘Jungle’ there is a growing sense of permanence, but often little trace of the people who came and went […]

29. Juli 2015 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Eurotunnel: 13 Tote seit Juni 2015 · Kategorien: Frankreich · Tags: ,
A Sudanese woman was found dead in a lorry at the Tunnel this morning.
Two men died in the past two days. One was Sudanese or Eritrean according to the police, and the other Pakistani. The first man died yesterday night after being hit by a lorry. The young Pakinstani man died yesterday of his injuries after being run over on the motorway the night before.

Both men have not been named yet.
There have never been so many deaths in Calais, and that is due to the border being closed, for the will of the UK government who invested 12.000.000 euros in building a new fence. People are forced to take bigger risks to try and to to England.
There were 13 deaths since the beginning of June. 4 more bodies were found this year, thought to be of migrants who died while trying to swim across the Channel.
There were 15 deaths in Calais last year, that we know of.

Media news (French):

New post (must read):
Police violence has much to do with deaths at the Calais border. According to eye witnesses, a group of migrants were sprayed with CS gas in the face. A young Eritrean woman of 23 died as a direct result, her eyes were so sore that she could not see where she was going and was fatally injured by a vehicle while crossing the motorway, 24th July. Shame on the French State and the French police murderers!
Verdict of the Committee for Human Rights: France is no longer the land of Human Rights

Quelle: Spiegel-Online

Massenansturm: Briten wollen Eurotunnel gegen Flüchtlinge abdichten

Flüchtlinge versuchen immer wieder, über den Eurotunnel bei der nordfranzösischen Stadt Calais nach Großbritannien zu gelangen. Dabei ist auf der französischen Seite erneut ein Mensch ums Leben gekommen. Das teilte der Betreiber Eurotunnel mit. Der Flüchtling im Alter zwischen 25 und 30 Jahren stamme aus dem Sudan, schreibt die Nachrichtenagentur AFP. Er sei tödlich verunglückt, als er versuchte, auf einen Zug zu gelangen. Es war der neunte derartige Todesfall am Eurotunnel seit Anfang Juni.

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29. Juli 2015 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Sea-Watch: „Chaos im Mittelmeer“ – Weltspiegel extra · Kategorien: Alarm Phone, Deutschland, Italien, Libyen · Tags: , , ,

Quelle: ARD Weltspiegel extra

Wer rettet die Flüchtlinge?

Eigentlich hatte keiner in der Sea-Watch-Crew damit gerechnet, dass ihr Einsatz im Mittelmeer sich derart dramatisch entwickeln würde. Fünf lebensrettende Einsätze innerhalb von sechs Tagen. Am 13. Juli um 7:00 Uhr sichtet die übermüdete Crew ein völlig überladenes, marodes Boot mit 150 Flüchtlingen in den Wellen, 100 km nördlich von Libyen.

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