Here you can find some documents that the UNHCR has been handing out to journalists. I think they are quite useful because of the figures. There are also leaflets explaining the local integration.
Graffities, Musik, Interviews, Straßenkämpfe!
Latest news from Choucha
On Monday the Advisor of the Minister of Social Affairs visited the Camp. He explained, that the rejected cases as well as the refugees that are left without resettlement, should get fingerprinted.
Solidarity Village, Athens, 7-8 June, 2013
Dear all
As you are aware the social solidarity movement in Greece has been one of the most vital weapons of the resistance of the Greek people in their struggle against the dire consequences of the crisis, the TROIKA and the austerity memoranda. At the same time these everyday struggles produce a unique experience of social mobilisation, people’s self-organisation and community relations. By developing unmediated democratic structures and processes, they give life to a new public sphere and political culture of those bellow, transforming the dominant social relations, while they prepare the ground for a radical political change in Greece.
news from Italy, concerning refugees from North Africa (from: PICUM Bulletin 17th May 2013)
Italy / Undocumented migrants and asylum seekers occupy the former Olympic Village in Turin
After the ‚Emergenza Nord Africa‘, a governmental project aimed at providing adequate funding for the reception of migrants reaching Italy from North Africa and especially from Libya, came to an end on 31 December 2012 (see PICUM Bulletin, 6 February 2013), refused asylum seekers and refugees are no longer provided with shelter or accommodation by the Italian Government. On 30 March 2013, a group of around 200 refused asylum seekers and refugees occupied the abandoned buildings of the former ‚Olympic Village‘ in Turin in order to protest against the Italian Government’s decision to shut down asylum seekers and refugees’ shelters, and to call for effective access to their right to housing (photographs of the abandoned Olympic Village are available here). Various civil society organisations have supported the action and around 300 undocumented migrants, refused asylum seekers and refugees, together with civil society representatives, have created the Committee of solidarity with migrants and refugees (Comitato di solidarietà con i rifugiati e i migranti) in order to advocate for undocumented migrants’ and refused asylum seekers’ right to housing.
Source: Corriere Immigrazione, 8 April 2013
Press Release 2013.05.18: The Jobbik threat against the Debrecen Reception Centre
Migráns Szolidaritás Csoport (Migrant Solidarity Group) are horrified at the recent announcement by Jobbik to protest and demand the removal of the Debrecen Reception Centre this Saturday, 18 May, 2013. The idea of Jobbik was also endorsed by the mayor of Debrecen, Lajos Kósa (Fidesz), who announced that „if the situation remains as it is now, the reception centre has to be moved away from the city.”
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„[…] Ein Zaun, auch drei Hightech-Zäune, können diese Menschen nicht aufhalten, sagt José Palazon. Der Mann mit der hohen Stirn und dem grau-melierten Vollbart ist einer der Gründer der Menschenrechtsorganisation PRODEIN. ‚Wer den Zaun sieht, der denkt: ‚Wie kann man da rüberkommen?‘ Aber sie schaffen es. Wenn jemand all dem entkommt – Krieg, Hunger, die Situation des totalen Desasters – dann hat er auch die Kraft, die Stelle zu finden, an der er den Zaun überwinden kann.‘
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El drama de las pateras en el estrecho
„Les da igual que sea invierno o el temporal“
Miembros de Salvamento Marítimo y Cruz Roja de Tarifa narran la desesperada aventura por el Estrecho de cientos de inmigrantes
Cristina m. sacristán – Domingo, 19 de Mayo de 2013
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