17. Mai 2013 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Kommission – Frontex new rules on joint operations at sea · Kategorien: Nicht zugeordnet · Tags:


European Commission / Proposal for Frontex’ new rules on joint operations at sea

In the past, the lack of agreement over which member states must be held responsible in cases of migrants intercepted at sea has aggravated the situation, and resulted in distress calls of boats being ignored, and lives being put at risk. In this regard, the European Commission issued a proposal for a Regulation establishing rules for the surveillance of the external sea borders in the context of operational cooperation coordinated by Frontex, the EU Borders Agency (12 April 2013). The proposal states that disembarkation should take place in the third country from which the ship departed. In cases in which this is not possible, the member state that hosts the joint operation will be the one in which disembarkation occurs. The European Commission also proposes to apply the international human rights framework and establishes that “No person shall be disembarked in, or otherwise handed over to the authorities of a country, where there is a serious risk that such person would be subjected to the death penalty, torture or other inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment or from which there is a serious risk of expulsion, removal or extradition to another country in contravention of the principle of non-refoulement”. The proposal also includes the requirement of training border guards in provisions of fundamental rights, refugee law and the international legal regime of search and rescue.

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17. Mai 2013 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Tariq Ali: Reply to Asef Bayat, NRL 80, 2013 · Kategorien: Lesetipps · Tags:

„[…] Bayat concludes his reflections on the early outcomes of the Arab Spring with some more general remarks on the possible and desirable means of fundamental social change today. In a striking move, he goes on to associate ‘refolution’- creating ‘a better environment for the consolida-tion of electoral democracy’- with Raymond Williams’s elaboration of the idea of a ‘long revolution’. Here, he writes, is ‘another understanding of “revolution”’, and so it is, but not of a kind that is likely to flatter the practitioners of refolution as an improvised route to the next political settlement. For Williams, the revolution would be long in the making and even longer, perhaps, in the fulfilment, precisely because of the scope and depth of the transformation it envisaged; but it would not be gradualist in the sense that reformists and latter-day eclectics propose. ‘The condition for the success of the long revolution in any real terms is decisively a short revolution’, he wrote. 15 It may come early or late on in the sequence, but its moment is inescapable. The conceptual frame-work of the long revolution offered a way to resist, theoretically and in practice, the ‘scaling-down’ of expectations – a horizon limited to the achievement of universal suffrage, a certain standard of living, a given school-leaving age – that was itself a severe hindrance to genuine democratic, industrial and cultural advance, Williams argued. It suggested a measure for actual conditions of development and demanded that we identify and counter the forces – ‘the nameable agencies of power and capital, distraction and disinformation’ – that continually operated to block or limit any forward move. Accommodation with them, as Bayat proposes, was not an option.“ (S. 74)

17. Mai 2013 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Asef Bayat, New Left Review 80, März/April 2003 · Kategorien: Lesetipps · Tags:

„Revolution in Bad Times“:

„[…] rather  than  looking  for quick results or worrying about set demands, we might view the Arab uprisings as ‘long revolutions’ that may bear fruit in ten or twenty years by establishing new ways of doing things, a new way of thinking about power. Yet at stake are not merely semantic concerns about how to define revolutions, but the hard problems of power structures and entrenched interests. However one characterizes the process—as ‘long revolution’, or as one that begins with the radical transformation of the state—the crucial  question  is  how  to  ensure  a  fundamental  shift  from  the  old, authoritarian order to inaugurate meaningful democratic change, while eschewing violent coercion and injustice. One thing is certain, however: the journey from the oppressive ‘old’ to the liberatory ‘new’ will not come about without relentless struggles and incessant popular mobilization, in both public and private realms. Indeed, the ‘long revolution’ may have to begin even when the ‘short revolution’ ends.“ (S. 60)

17. Mai 2013 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Veranstaltungen Asef Bayat in Berlin, Göttingen, Hamburg 27.-30.05.2013 · Kategorien: Lesetipps · Tags:

Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen, liebe Freundinnen und Freunde,

der Wissenschaftler Asef Bayat stellt sein viel beachtetes Buch »Leben als Politik«, das als eine prophetische Vorwegnahme des »Arabischen Frühlings« gilt, erstmals auf einer Veranstaltungsreise in Deutschland vor. Siehe:



Die Aufstände im Maghreb und dem Nahen Osten, die als »Arabischer Frühling« in die Geschichte eingingen, haben nicht nur die politische Situation in der Region grundlegend verändert, sondern auch das von Vorurteilen geprägte Bild erschüttert, das im Westen über die »Arabische Welt« vorherrscht. Bis zum »Arabischen Frühling« galt das Credo, arabische Gesellschaften seien politisch, ökonomisch und sozial erstarrt und zu emanzipatorischen Veränderungen unfähig. Diktatoren wie der tunesische Ben Ali oder despotische Regierungschefs wie Ägyptens Mubarak galten westlichen Politikern lange als verlässliche Partner im »Kampf gegen den Terror«.
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17. Mai 2013 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Flüchtlingsprotest – Niedersachsen Liberation Bus Tour · Kategorien: Deutschland · Tags:

Niedersachsen Liberation Bus Tour – Break Isolation Refugee Strike
Solidarität mit der Refugee Liberation Tour in Baden-Württemberg und Schwaben(Bayern) http://thevoiceforum.org/node/3185

Refugees Liberation Bustour in Niedersachsen (16. bis 22. Mai 2013)

Niedersachsen Liberation Bus Tour – Break Isolation Refugee Strike

Solidarität mit der Refugee Liberation Tour in Baden-Württemberg und Schwaben(Bayern) http://thevoiceforum.org/node/3185

Die Refugee Community Niedersachsen-Aktivisten aus Hannover, Braunschweig, Wolfsburg und Ronnenberg werden vom 16. bis zu 22. Mai 2013 eine einwöchige Tour der Flüchtlingssolidarität in Niedersachsen durchführen.

In unserem Bemühen, die täglichen Kämpfe von The VOICE Refugee Forum und der Flüchtlingscommunity-Aktivisten in Deutschland zu intensivieren, wollen wir die Ketten der Proteste in den Flüchtlingslagern in den Fokus rücken, um unsere Solidarität zu stärken: Um die Isolation in den Lagern zu brechen und der kollektiven Vision der Stärkung der Einheit der Flüchtlingskämpfe gegen koloniales Unrecht durch den deutschen Staat und die Behörden mehr Kraft zu geben.
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