19. Mai 2013 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Griechenland, Solidarity Village, Athen 07.-08.06.2013 · Kategorien: Griechenland · Tags:

Solidarity Village, Athens, 7-8 June, 2013

Dear all

As you are aware the social solidarity movement in Greece has been one of the most vital weapons of the resistance of the Greek people in their struggle against the dire consequences of the crisis, the TROIKA and the austerity memoranda. At the same time these everyday struggles produce a unique experience of social mobilisation, people’s self-organisation and community relations. By developing unmediated democratic structures and processes, they give life to a new public sphere and political culture of those bellow, transforming the dominant social relations, while they prepare the ground for a radical political change in Greece.

Therefore and on the occasion of the Alter Summit, which will be held in Athens on 7-8 June 2013, Solidarity for All is preparing a Solidarity Village in addition to the main program. By creating a common space of solidarity we aim to bring together grass-root social solidarity structures and movements from Greece and abroad, creating the conditions for direct meeting, networking and collaboration between them. In this way we hope to enhance the relations and the coordinated actions of the social solidarity movement of our country with similar movements in Europe (against evictions, no pay campaigns, migrants’ support networks, movements of unemployed and precarious, coops, collectives, convergences e.g. Blockupy, etc.).

Furthermore, as the last years many solidarity to Greece initiatives and actions have been organised, the Solidarity Village is the best chance these groups to meet in Athens and discuss strategies for solidarity actions to Greece. For this reason Solidarity for All, has marked the Alter Summit, as a first convergence moment and a point of culmination for its International Solidarity to Greece Campaign, which we call you also to contribute.

Within the space of Solidarity Village each social solidarity structure-group can have its stall and materials and it will be space for open-air public meetings.

A first brief-intro meeting of those participate in the Solidarity Village is planned to take place on Friday 7, at 5.15pm – 6.15pm, where each initiative can present itself.

Saturday, a Solidarity-Day

On Saturday, 1.30pm – 4.30pm, it is planned the main Alter Summit meeting regarding the solidarity movements under the title “Solidarity in action: The Europe of the 99% to the forefront”. This will be held in the main arena of the Alter Summit. Beyond discussing proccesses of solidarity organising in the context of the collapse of welfare system and representative democracy – and the relevant political questions that they impose -, aim of this assembly of european solidarity initiatives is to reach some concrete proposals and ways of organising joint activities, campaigns and processes. Any ideas and proposals towards the formulation of this assembly, regarding both content specification and form of discussion, are more than welcome and do not hesitate to contact us and let us know.

Solidarity for All, along with other grass-roots solidarity structures from Greece prepares an extra public meeting at the space of the Solidarity Village, on Saturday morning, 9.30pm – 12.30pm. This will give the opportunity to a variety of solidarity actions and movements in Greece and Europe to exchange their experience of struggles and strategies, to acquire a better understanding between them and hopefully to cross-fertilise these struggles. In order this meeting to be more productive for you, we would also like to ask for your input, ideas and needs regarding this additional co-organised meeting.

For those ineterested to come it will be accomodation space, with your own sleeping bags, close to the Velodrome, where the Alter Summit will be held. More information regarding the facilities, program etc. of the Alter Summit you can find in http://www.altersummit.eu/. Of course do not hesitate to ask us for any clarification or queries you may have.

Last nut not least we would really apreciate if you could infrom us your intention to take part in the Solidarity Village and in the meetings until Monday 27, May. We apologise for the short notice but we need this info due to space arrangements of the Alter Summit and for the better organisation and fascilitation of the Solidarity Village and its meetings.

We are looking forward to hear from you and mostly to meet you in Athens.

In solidarity

Christos Giovanopoulos / Myrto Bolota
Solidarity for All

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