11. Oktober 2013 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Tunesien: Folterer und Mörder des Ben-Ali-Regimes ermitteln und verurteilen! (ai) · Kategorien: Tunesien · Tags: ,

Tunisia: When bones speak: The struggle to bring Faysal Baraket’s torturers to justice


On 1 March 2013 the exhumation of Faysal Baraket, a young man who had been tortured to death in custody over two decades earlier, took place. His family have struggled for 22 years for truth and justice. Although concrete steps to investigate the circumstances of Faysal Baraket’s death in custody were made in 2013, they have not yet led to those responsible for his death being tried. Much remains to be done to tackle impunity for past human rights violations, and to ensure guarantees of non-recurrence of such violations.

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