27. Mai 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Tunesisches Militär fängt 126 Boat-people ab · Kategorien: Italien, Libyen, Tunesien · Tags: ,


TUNIS: Tunisian security forces on Saturday rescued 126 sub-Saharan migrants including seven pregnant women who had been trying to reach Europe from Libya, a Red Crescent official said. Fishermen had alerted the authorities to the presence of a vessel in distress off Ben Guerdane in southern Tunisia near the border with Libya, Dr Mongi Slim told AFP. Among the migrants were 48 women, seven of them pregnant, and three children. Those rescued were mainly from Nigeria, Mali and Gambia, and had set off from Libya, he added. They were taken to the Tunisian port of Zarzis to be given first aid before later being transferred to nearby Medenine, he said. Weiterlesen »

27. Mai 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Libysche Küstenwache beschiesst italienische Küstenwache · Kategorien: Italien, Libyen · Tags: ,
Eine offizielle Seite des italienischen Verteidigungsministeriums gibt am Freitagabend bekannt, dass die libysche Küstenwache die italienische Küstenwache am vergangenen Mittwoch den 24.05.2017 13 Seemeilen vor der libyschen Küste beschossen hat. Verletzt wurde niemand. In einem späteren Entschuldigungs-Telefonat habe die libysche Küstenwache mitgeteilt, dass sie das italienische Schiff für ein Flüchtlingsboot gehalten hätten.GRnet.it | 26.05.2017

Difesa: unità navale libica spara contro motovedetta della Guardia Costiera italiana. Nessun ferito

Mercoledì scorso, 13 miglia al largo delle coste libiche, la [B]motovedetta italiana CP 288 della Guardia Costiera[/B] sarebbe stata oggetto di alcune [B]raffiche di arma da fuoco[/B] provenienti da una analoga imbarcazione della [B]Guardia Costiera libica[/B]. La notizia però è trapelata oggi.


La motovedetta libica, da quanto si apprende, avrebbe ordinato via radio all’unità italiana di fermare le macchine ma la CP288 si sarebbe data alla fuga, provocando la reazione della controparte libica che avrebbe sparato una raffica di avvertimento a poppa sinistra della vedetta italiana, che riusciva però a distanziare gli inseguitori.

Successivamente, sarebbe arrivata una telefonata di scuse da parte delle autorità libiche – diretta al Comando generale delle Capitanerie di Porto (Maricogecap) – che ha ammesso l’errore dei militari libici,  i quali avrebbero scambiato l’unità italiana per un barcone di immigrati.

Nessuno degli occuparti della motovedetta italiana sarebbe rimasto ferito. La motovedetta CP 288 è stata dislocata da Genova nel Canale di Sicilia in supporto delle operazioni di soccorso ai migranti. Raggiunto telefonicamente da GrNet.it, il Comandante Marini – capo ufficio Stampa della Guardia Costiera italiana – ha affermato di essere all’oscuro di tale vicenda.


blitz | 27.05.2017

Guardia costiera libica spara contro motovedetta italiana. “Pensavamo fossero migranti”

La Guardia costiera libica spara contro una motovedetta della Guardia costiera italiana. Poi si scusa e in sua difesa dice di aver pensato che si trattasse di una imbarcazione con a bordo dei migranti.

Alcune raffiche di arma da fuoco sarebbero state sparate mercoledì 24 maggio contro la motovedetta italiana CP 288 della Guardia costiera italiana da una imbarcazione degli omologhi libici a 13 miglia al largo delle coste nordafricane. E’ quanto scrive Grnet.it, il sito web su questioni di Sicurezza e Difesa, precisando che nessuno degli occupanti della motovedetta italiana sarebbe rimasto ferito.

Fonti qualificate interpellate a Roma hanno confermato l’episodio, che è avvenuto tre giorni fa, e le successive scuse della Guardia costiera libica. “La motovedetta libica – spiega Grnet – avrebbe ordinato via radio all’unità italiana di fermare le macchine ma la CP288 si sarebbe data alla fuga, provocando la reazione della controparte libica che avrebbe sparato una raffica di avvertimento a poppa sinistra della vedetta italiana, che riusciva però a distanziare gli inseguitori”.

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27. Mai 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Libyen Italien, UN befürchtet: 500 Boat-people am 24./25.05. ertrunken · Kategorien: Italien, Libyen · Tags: ,

Am 24.05. haben wir auf FFM-Online berichtet, dass ein Holzschiff mit 500 Boat-people ca. 30 Seemeilen vor der westlibyschen Stadt Zuarah gekentert ist. Die internationale Berichterstattung blieb mit den Meldungen zur Rettung dieser Schiffbrüchiger außergewöhnlich widersprüchlich. Im ersten Moment hiess es, 31 Tote seien geborgen worden, aber 300 Bootsflüchtlinge würden vermisst. Fotos zeigten eine Meeresfläche mit weit zerstreuten Schiffbrüchigen im Wasser. Später kamen Zahlen zu Geretteten, die sich offensichtlich auf andere Flüchtlingsschiffe in Seenot bezogen, aber in den Medienberichten in Eins gesetzt wurden. Jetzt meldet die IOM, dass die UN den Tod von 500 Bootsflüchtlingen bei dieser Schiffskatastrophe befürchtet. IOM und UNHCR führen in der Regel Interviews mit Überlebenden, sobald sie nach Italien gebracht worden sind.


UN: Nearly 500 refugees feared drowned in Mediterranean

27 May 2017 – 11:01  – GENEVA: Nearly 500 refugees are feared drowned after a wooden boat capsized in the Mediterranean Sea between Libya and Italy, the UN migration agency said on Friday. „On Thursday (25 May) a wooden boat carrying approximately 500 people capsized. A day later the IOM is reporting the remains of 34 people have been recovered from that sinking. It is still not known how many more may have died in that incident,“ the International Organization for Migration said in a statement. Weiterlesen »

27. Mai 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Libysche CG fängt 20 Flüchtlingsboote ab · Kategorien: Italien, Libyen · Tags: ,


Libya Rescues 20 Boats Carrying Thousands of Europe-Bound Migrants

Tripoli – The Libyan Navy announced on Friday that it had rescued at least 20 boats that had been transporting thousands of migrants to Europe. They had departed Libya from the city of Sabratha and were headed to Italy. “Large rescue and interception operations are under way,” navy spokesman General Ayoub Qassem said. “Today is the day of a massive exodus of illegal migrants toward Europe.” The Libyan coastguard, fishing and commercial boats were working in coordination with the Italian authorities, he said. A Libyan oil tanker picked up 562 migrants, including dozens of women and children, and took them to Tripoli, a Libyan coastguard official said. Another group of migrants, whose size was not given, were taken to Zawiya, 50 kilometers (30 miles) to the west, this source said. In Rome, the Italian coastguard said it had sent several vessels and rerouted commercial ships to pick up 850 migrants. However, three other boats laden with migrants were in distress.

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27. Mai 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Hundreds of migrants rescued in major operation off Libya · Kategorien: Italien, Libyen · Tags: , ,


Hundreds of migrants rescued in major operation off Libya

AFP 27 May 2017 09:50 CEST+02:00: More than 1,400 migrants seeking to get to Italy were rescued off the coast of Libya on Friday, but other vessels were in distress, according to accounts by Libyan and Italian officials. „Large rescue and interception operations are under way,“ navy spokesman General Ayoub Qassem said. „Today is the day of a massive exodus of illegal migrants toward Europe.“ The Libyan coastguard, fishing and commercial boats were working in coordination with the Italian authorities, he said. A Libyan oil tanker picked up 562 migrants, including dozens of women and children, and took them to Tripoli, a Libyan coastguard official said. Another group of migrants, whose size was not given, were taken to Zawiya, 50 kilometres (30 miles) to the west, this source said. In Rome, the Italian coastguard said it had sent several vessels and rerouted commercial ships to pick up 850 migrants. However, three other boats laden with migrants were in distress.

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