03. Dezember 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Alarm phone: Tätigkeitsbericht „Die ersten 2 Monate“ · Kategorien: Alarm Phone · Tags: ,

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Watch The Med

After Two Months in Operation: Insights into the Watch The Med Alarm Phone

Mediterranean and Aegean Seas

On the 10th of October 2014, the Watch The Med Alarm Phone went live. It is operated by a transnational network of activist and migrant groups, located in various settings on both sides of the Mediterranean Sea. The hotline is run by multilingual shift teams day and night, 24/7.

The Alarm Phone initiative has gained the support of various migrant communities, individual members of civil society, as well as human rights activists and organisations. While not able to physically intervene itself, with no available boats that could carry out rescue operations, it offers advice and raises alarm when people in immediate distress are not promptly rescued or even pushed-back by European border authorities.

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03. Dezember 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Alarm Phone: Refugees on Symi – Danger Push-Back · Kategorien: Alarm Phone, Griechenland, Türkei · Tags: ,

Watch the Med

Refugees on the Greek island of Symi – Danger of Push-Back

Symi island Greece

Watch The Med Alarm Phone Report – 21st-23rd of October 2014
Case name: 2014_10_21-Symi
Situation: Arrival of Refugees on the Greek island Symi – Danger of Push-Back
Status of WTM Investigation: Ongoing (Last update: 23rd of October 2014)
Time and Place of Incident: 21st-23rd of October 2014, Aegean Sea and Symi

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03. Dezember 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Africa-Frontex Intelligence Community Joint Report 2014 · Kategorien: Hintergrund, Mali, Mittelmeer, Mittelmeerroute, Sahara, Sudan · Tags: ,

Africa-Frontex Intelligence Community Joint Report 2014 [pdf-Datei]

Table of contents

Executive Summary  #6

1.  Introduction and methodology  #8
1.1.  Introduction  #8
1.2.  Methodology  #8

2.   Irregular migration flows between Africa and Europe – update on 2013  #12
2.1.  Introduction  #12
2.2.  Central Mediterranean  #12
2.3.  Western Mediterranean  #17
2.4.  Irregular land and air migratory routes in Africa  #20
2.5.  Humanitarian impact  #24
2.6. Document fraud  #26
2.7.  Trafcking in human beings  #32

3.  Regional security risks  #35
3.1.  Introduction  #35
3.2.  Malian crisis  #35
3.3.  Focus on Boko Haram  #39
3.4.  Threatened state stability of Libya  #45
3.5.   Mapping regional security initiatives  #47

4.   Issue in focus – Ebola virus disease outbreak in West Africa during 2014  #49
4.1.  Introduction  #49
4.2.  Impact on regional borders and mobility  #49
4.3.   Ebola virus spreading beyond the region of West Africa?  #51
4.5.  Virus not contained, extensive international action needed  #53

03. Dezember 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Italien Deutschland: 11 Eritreer verhaftet – Fluchthilfe · Kategorien: Deutschland, Italien, Libyen · Tags: , , , ,

„Über die Hälfte der Überfahrten aus Lybien und die Weiterreise nach Deutschland“ [in 2014? die Hälfte aller eritreischen Flüchtlingsfahrten über das Mittelmeer oder aller Passagen?] soll diese Gruppe eritreischer Flüchtlinge angeblich organisiert haben. Die deutsche Bundespolizei hat zu den Ermittlungen und Verhaftungen beigetragen, die Koordination machten Polizeibehörden in Catania. Die Presse veröffentlicht die vollständigen Namen und Fotos der Verhafteten. Im Zentrum der Darstellungen steht die Schiffskatastrophe vom 27./28.06.2014

Prima Radio

Gli ‘sciacalli’ del mare tenevano i migranti segregati a Catania

Via Di Prima 60 cuore del centro storico di Catania. Era lì che nove cittadini sedicenti somali erano stati segregati e tenuti rinchiusi per alcuni giorni in attesa che i loro parenti inviassero denaro per il trasferimento nei paesi del Nord Europa.

Aveva pensato a tutto l’organizzazione criminale transnazionale composta da 11 cittadini eritrei scoperta dalla polizia di Catania con la collaborazione dello Sco di Roma, della polizia federale tedesca e delle Squadre Mobili di Roma, Milano e Trapani. L’inchiesta è stata denominata ‘Tokhla’, ‘sciacallo’ in eritreo.

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