29. Dezember 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Libyen: Misratas Hafen bombardiert · Kategorien: Libyen · Tags: ,


Air strikes target Libya’s eastern city of Misurata

Forces loyal to Libya’s recognised government staged air strikes on targets in Misurata yesterday in the first such attacks on the city allied to an armed group that seized the capital in the summer, officials and residents said.

The internationally recognised Prime Minister Abdullah al-Thinni has been forced to run a rump state in the east since a group known as Libya Dawn took control of Tripoli in August, setting up a rival government and parliament.

The North African country, a major oil producer, has been engulfed in fighting between the two sides, each with its own government and parliament.

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29. Dezember 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Triton: Keine Abschreckung – beendet EU Frontex-Einsatz? · Kategorien: Italien, Libyen · Tags: , , ,

Corriere della Sera

Il nuovo piano europeo finora ha fallito. E in Italia scoppia la polemica. Sbarchi, 8 mila immigrati al mese

I tecnici del Viminale accusano la Marina: applica i vecchi protocolli. L’Ue investe 2 milioni e 900 mila euro al mese. Ma senza risultati


ROMA Doveva essere la soluzione per fermare gli sbarchi, soprattutto per scoraggiare le partenze dall’Africa ed evitare nuove tragedie in mare. Invece l’operazione Triton non ha dato, almeno per ora, i risultati sperati.

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