[…] OCCIDENTE IN CERCA DI UN NUOVO MUBARAK. Ma la verità è che, all’Europa come agli Usa, un nuovo Mubarak fa comodo per stabilizzare il Medio Oriente e riprendere i vecchi business.E all’Italia – primo partner commerciale europeo dell’Egitto – fa comodo più che agli altri Paesi Ue.Diritti a parte, al Sisi ha i mezzi militari per contenere il caos libico che alimenta il traffico di esseri umani. […]“
Arnim Stauth, ARD Brüssel, zzt. Straßburg zur Rede von Papst Franziskus
„Mittelmeer darf kein großer Friedhof werden“
Nachdrücklich appellierte der Papst an die EU-Staaten, gemeinsam das Migrationsproblem anzugehen. Sie dürften nicht länger hinnehmen, dass „das Mittelmeer zu einem großen Friedhof wird“. Auf den Kähnen, die täglich an den europäischen Küsten landeten, seien „Männer und Frauen, die Aufnahme und Hilfe brauchen“.
Die EU-Staaten müssten sich angesichts dieser Situation gegenseitig unterstützen anstatt Lösungen anzuregen, welche die Menschenwürde der Einwanderer verletzten und Sklavenarbeit sowie soziale Spannungen förderten. Die EU könne die mit der Einwanderung verbundenen Probleme nur mit Gesetzen bewältigen, welche die Rechte der europäischen Bürger schützen und zugleich eine Aufnahme der Migranten garantieren, betonte Franziskus. Dazu seien „korrekte, mutige und konkrete politische Maßnahmen“ notwendig. […]
They are looking for 4 missing people and have saved 16 say the greek media
One of the missing is a 2 year old little girl. In the artikel one of the survivors said that the facilitator who had forced them by gun to embark the small boat, forbid them later to put on a rescue light and call on the fone for help when the boat was full of water …
We are trying to get more information by getting in contact with the survivors.
The boat was a small fiber glass boat (usually these boats are for 4-5 people max) that was not in good conditon Some of the survivors claimed that they didnt want to get in the boat but they were forced to do so by the smaglers. Very soon while they were still in Turkish sea waters the engine of the boat stopped and water started to come in. They tried to take the water out (probably they tried to call for help) but in one point the boat captisized and people fell in the sea.
Pilot Initiative on Return to Third Countries
„Pilot Initiative on Return to Third Countries.
Non-paper of the Commission Services and EEAS: state of play and next steps in view of discussions in COASI and COAFR
The pilot initiative on return was discussed originally in the JHA Council in March 2014 as a Dutch initiative proposing to use the leverage, available in overall bilateral relations with particular third countries, in order to improve the return rate of irregular migrants from the EU Member States to those countries. Following this discussion, in its June 2014 conclusions on return, the JHA Council endorsed: „launching an initiative on a pilot project concerning a number of selected third- countries of origin […] [ in order] to mobilise all adequate means in the framework of the more for more principle, to stimulate the selected pilot third countries to comply with their international obligations, to improve return rate“. […]“
Maroc : La justice condamne le ministère de l’Intérieur à verser 100 000 dh à l’AMDH
L’AMDH vient de gagner une bataille contre le ministère de l’Intérieur. La justice a affirmé que les explications présentées par la défense de la wilaya de Rabat pour justifier l’interdiction d’une activité de l’ONG, datant du 27 septembre, sont nulles et non avenues.
Presque dix jours après la plainte déposée contre le ministère de l’Intérieur, la justice vient de donner raison à l’AMDH. Le Tribunal administratif de Rabat a prononcé un verdict en faveur des camarades d’Ahmed El Hayej. La cour a précisé que la décision de la wilaya de la capitale interdisant une activité de l’ONG prévue fin septembre, au siège de la Bibliothèque nationale, est nulle et non avenue et ne repose sur aucune base juridique.
Syrian refugees stage hunger strike outside Greek parliament
Protests for rights of asylum seekers enter sixth day.

Syrian refugees sit with their mouths sealed with a tape, as they participate in a hunger strike in Athens on November 24, 2014.(AFP/LOUISA GOULIAMAKI)
Frustrated with their living conditions, Syrian refugees in Greece are staging a protest in front of the country’s parliament. The refugees have camped out in Athens‘ Syntagma Square since November 19 and recently began a hunger strike .
„At Spanish Enclave, a Debate Over What Makes a Border
[…] In response to the legal challenge, the Spanish government has argued that reaching or even crossing the three fences around Melilla’s nearly seven-mile border is not enough to claim asylum. Instead, Madrid has recently argued that the migrants must cross what it calls an “operational border” — set wherever the last line of police security stands. Those arguments have been criticized by the European Commission — the executive arm of the European Union — as well as by some Spanish lawyers. […]