23. November 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Mittelmeer: Binnen 96 h mehr als 1000 Flüchtlinge aufgegriffen“ · Kategorien: Griechenland, Italien, Libyen, Türkei · Tags:


Binnen 96 Stunden mehr als 1000 Flüchtlinge aufgegriffen

REUTERS /Guardia Costiera

Mehr als 700 Flüchtlinge vor der italienischen Küste, knapp 300 vor der Küste Nordzyperns: Die vergangenen Stunden zeigen, wie bedeutend die Seenotrettung im Mittelmeer ist. Gerade dort will die europäische Politik aber sparen.

Rom/ Nikosia – Die Küstenwache hat vor Nordzypern rund 300 Menschen geborgen, auf dem in Seenot geratenen Schiff drängten sich viele Frauen und Kinder. Die mutmaßlich aus Syrien stammenden Migranten seien am Sonntag in eine Sporthalle der Küstenstadt Girne gebracht und medizinisch untersucht worden, meldete die Nachrichtenagentur Anadolu.

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23. November 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für 300 Boat-people von Türkisch-Zypern gerettet · Kategorien: Griechenland, Türkei · Tags:

Anadolu Agency

Hundreds of migrants stranded off Cyprus coast rescued

One of the survivors told AA each migrant paid about $6,500 to human smugglers to escape the war in Syria in the hopes to reach Europe

GIRNE, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus

Turkish-Cypriot coast guards rescued Sunday hundreds of migrants who got stranded on a vessel that broke down near the Northern Cyprus‘ coast, an official statement said.

The 50-meter-long vessel, Haj Zaher, carried an estimated 300 migrants, including around 40 women, one of whom was said to be pregnant and 35 children.

The vessel was adorned with a Tanzanian flag and broke down 4.5 miles away from the port city of Girne in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.

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23. November 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Italien: 800 Boat-people 20. und 22.11.2014 · Kategorien: Griechenland, Italien, Libyen · Tags:

California Telegraph

Nearly 800 migrants rescued in Mediterranean

Nearly 800 people have been rescued from boats in distress in the Mediterranean Sea in the last 48 hours, Italian and Libyan officials said.

The Italian coastguard said on Saturday that it rescued at least 520 people from five boats in Libyan waters late on Thursday, in response to distress signals from the boats headed towards Sicily.

An additional 171 people were also rescued during the overnight mission in the waters north of Tripoli.

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23. November 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Da Lampedusa parte una carovana per i diritti dei migranti · Kategorien: Italien

immezcla.it | 21.11.2014

Parte domani, sabato 22 novembre, una carovana italiana per i diritti dei migranti, per la dignità e la giustizia, da Lampedusa fino a raggiungere Torino, il 6 dicembre. 2500 chilometri in 14 giorni per formulare proposte che aiutino i nuovi italiani e le nuove italiane nelle loro rivendicazioni di cittadinanza, di lavoro e di diritti.

Ad organizzarla Carovane Migranti, in solidarietà con la Caravana de Madres Centroamericanas buscando a sus migrantes desaparecidos (20 novembre – 8 dicembre).

L’iniziativa è stata presentata a Torino. Per il decimo anno consecutivo una marcia di madri attraverserà il Centroamerica fino al confine statunitense in cerca dei parenti migranti scomparsi lungo il più grande corridoio migratorio del mondo, simile al nostro Mediterraneo dove il mare, in luogo del deserto, inghiotte migliaia di vite.

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