13. Juli 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Libyen: Proteste legen Ölhafen lahm · Kategorien: Libyen · Tags: , ,

US urges constructive dialogue in Libya, as violence continues

Hend Kortam

Fighting erupted between rival militias at Tripoli’s international airport, one day after protesters shut down an oil port in the country’s northeast

Fighting broke out near the Libyan capital’s airport on Sunday between rival militias, hours after the United States expressed deep concerns at the ongoing violence in the country.
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13. Juli 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Melilla EU-Zaun: 100 versuchen Überklettern · Kategorien: Marokko, Spanien

Nuevo intento frustrado de asalto a la valla de un grupo de 100 inmigrantes

El Faro/S.P.

El conato de entrada se registró poco antes de las 07:00 horas. El amplio despliegue de seguridad a ambos lados del perímetro impidió que los subsaharianos consiguieran su propósito.

Un grupo de 100 inmigrantes intentó ayer saltar la valla de Melilla entre el puesto de Barrio Chino y la zona próxima al aeropuerto a las 06:45 horas, pero lo impidieron las Fuerzas de Seguridad marroquíes. Los subsaharianos fueron interceptados por los agentes del país vecino antes de que consiguieran su propósito de saltar el vallado fronterizo.

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13. Juli 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Calais: Neubesetzung · Kategorien: Frankreich · Tags:

Yesterday, in Calais, the demontration for the support of migrants ans asylum seekers ended with installation in a new squat – an abandoned factory, after the police raid on 2 July that struck 600 foreigners, over 200 of which were in detention.
The militant.es who defend them suggest your organization to sign the release (attached) in hope that the level of support will prevent a police intervention against the squat.
Because the tense situation on the place (a device police standby around), your signature is expected very fast (the text should be made public as early as this afternoon).
Thanks in advance and best regards
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13. Juli 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Griechenland, Boat-people: 6 Tote, über 8 Vermisste · Kategorien: Griechenland, Türkei · Tags: , ,


Shipwreck near Samos: 6 dead, 23 survivors and more than 8 missing

On the early noon of Sunday 11th of July a refugee boat got in distress 10nm North East of Karlovasi, Samos. The refugee boat carrying approximately 35-40 people was a sailing boat according to the testimonies of the survivors. The causes of the shipwreck are not yet clear. Weiterlesen »

12. Juli 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „New security system for Algeria oil bases“ (Menas Ass.) · Kategorien: Algerien · Tags:

New security system for Algeria oil bases

via Menas Associates: New security system for Algeria oil bases

12. Juli 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für UNHCR: Provide refugees “legal alternatives to dangerous sea journeys” · Kategorien: Italien, Libyen, Mittelmeerroute · Tags: ,

United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) has urged States to provide refugees “legal alternatives to dangerous sea journeys.”

The alternatives may include “increased family reunification, speedy resettlement and humanitarian admissions,“ UNHCR spokesman Adrian Edwards said.
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12. Juli 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Ceuta, Melilla: UNHCR verstärkt Personal · Kategorien: Marokko, Spanien · Tags:


Desplazará un equipo de tres personas cuyo objetivo principal será apoyar a las autoridades las labores de la identificación y protección de las personas que necesiten la protección del asilo
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11. Juli 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Bulgarien: Situation Flüchtlinge – Bericht (engl.) · Kategorien: Bulgarien, Hintergrund

“Trapped in Europe’s Quagmire: The situation of asylum seekers and refugees in Bulgaria” is Bordermonitoring’s latest report on Bulgaria. The making of the report was undertaken by four independent researchers and follows structural conditions in the country which place asylum-seekers and refugees in an extremely vulnerable position as well as their current precarious situation.
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11. Juli 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Griechenland: „Migration in Greece“ (Studie, RSL) · Kategorien: Griechenland, Hintergrund

Vassilis Papastergiou, Eleni Takou


Migration In Greece

Eleven Myths And Even More Truths. Publication of the RLS Office in Greece.

Are there too many immigrants living in Greece so that there is no more room for others? Are they „illegal immigrants“? Is the law on citizenship an „illegal immigrants“ magnet? Are foreigners, although we treat them in the best possible way, time bombs that threaten public health? Do they take our jobs and threaten our lives and properties? Albanians have integrated; are Pakistanis a different story? Is racist violence limited to a few isolated incidents? Did our own fathers emigrate legally?

We have repeatedly heard this and much more in the form of statements and not questions. But as deeply as they might be embedded in the public opinion, the above stereotypes prove to be tenuous: a level-headed review shows that not only they are dangerous (as they are often associated with extreme right-wing schools of thought), but they also do not correspond with the truth.

For at least twenty years, the migration issue in Greece is an issue which has been permanently coming to the forefront in different guises, taking up a central spot in public discussions. Those discussions are mostly dominated by distorted notions, while true facts are obscured, as migration is an issue that is instrumentalised by politics and exploited by the media. The actions of the main representatives of mass media and systematic interventions by the extreme right have led to the creation of social myths and at times even of situations of “moral panic”, which makes it more and more difficult to comprehend the phenomenon’s complexity and of course address it in a sober manner.

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11. Juli 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Schweiz – Italien – Frankreich: Tödliche Abschiebung – Baby! · Kategorien: Italien · Tags: , ,



Donna siriana respinta perde il figlio: „Ci hanno chiusi in una stanza, la mia bambina è sulla coscienza della Svizzera“

Parla il marito della donna incinta respinta alla frontiera: „Ci hanno detto ’Fate silenzio e non rompete le scatole’“
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