19. Juli 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Libyen – Sizilien: 200 Boat-people senden SOS zu AktivistInnen · Kategorien: Italien, Libyen · Tags: , ,

AktivistInnen in Italien beginnen, ihre Fluchthilfe offen zu zeigen. In einem Video veröffentlichen sie, wie zwei AktivistInnen SOS von einem Boot mit 200 Flüchtlingen – alle ohne Schwimmwesten – erhalten, die aus der libyschen Hafenstadt Zuwara gestartet sind. Die Aktivistinnen nehmen die SOS-Daten auf, rufen ebenfalls bei den zuständigen italienischen Behörden an und entfalten einen entsprechenden Rettungsdruck. Alle Flüchtlinge werden anschliessend aufgespürt und auf italienischen Schiffen nach Italien gebracht.


19. Juli 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Ägypten: Hasskampagne gegen 200.000 syrische Flüchtlinge im Land · Kategorien: Ägypten · Tags:

Rights groups allege “hostile campaign” against Palestinians and Syrians in Egypt

Daily News Egypt

The Arab Organisation for Human Rights (AOHR) has raised concerns over what it described as a “hostile campaign” practiced by Egyptian media outlets against Palestinian and Syrian refugees in Egypt.

In a statement released on Wednesday, the AOHR said that the media campaign is related to tensions instigated by the Muslim Brotherhood and its allies in Palestine and Syria.

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19. Juli 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Ägypten: 56 Boat-people vor Küste ertrunken · Kategorien: Ägypten · Tags: , ,

56 Egyptians dead or missing after boat capsizes

Daily News Egypt

Passenger were attempting to immigrate to Italy, rescue operations continue

A fishing boat carrying 56 Egyptians trying to illegally immigrate to Italy capsized off the coast of the town of Metoubes in the Kafr El-Sheikh governorate on Egypt’s Mediterranean coast on Friday.

Two bodies so far have been recovered from the wreckage and were transferred to the hospital morgue in Beheira, reported state-run Al-Ahram.

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19. Juli 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Ägypten: Boat-people ertrunken – Überlebende kriminalisiert · Kategorien: Ägypten · Tags: , , , , ,

Press Trust of India

Cairo, 19 July: At least two illegal immigrants drowned today when a boat carrying 56 people sank in the Mediterranean sea near Egypt’s Kafr el-Sheikh Governorate. The boat with 56 Egyptian and Syrian nationals was heading to Italy from Egypt, Al-Ahram newspaper reported. The Egyptian Coast Guard rescued one person, while two others drowned. The rescue team was still searching the missing ones. All the rescued people will be arrested for investigation, a security official said.
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19. Juli 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Ägypten: Boat-people in Lager inhaftiert · Kategorien: Ägypten · Tags: , ,

Amnesty International criticises Egyptian detention of refugees

Aaron T. Rose

Three men face deportation back to Syria

The lives of three Syrian asylum seekers in Egypt facing forcible deportation are in grave danger, according to a Friday statement by human rights watchdog Amnesty International.

The three men, among more than 140 Syrian refugees held in the Rosetta police station after they were forced to abandon their ship on the Mediterranean coast on 14 April, were told they would be returned to Syria if they were not able to afford plane tickets to Lebanon, Turkey or Malaysia—the countries where they had first sought asylum.

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19. Juli 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Libyen: Bericht über mehrere Schiffskatastrophen vor Küste · Kategorien: Libyen · Tags: , ,

(Los Angeles Times) – Seeking to take advantage of calmer seasonal waters, more migrants from Africa are trying to cross to Europe from Libya in recent weeks — and more than 100 are believed to have drowned when three boats sank in the Mediterranean. Libyan officials said Sunday that at least 36 migrants died and 42 remained missing after the boat in which they were traveling capsized May 6 off the Libyan coast, 30 miles east of Tripoli. An official said that the hull of the boat gave way shortly after it left the beach because of the crush of people on board. Passengers were said to have come from Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Gambia, Mali and Senegal. A United Nations official said Sunday that the Libyan coast guard reported another wreck off the Libyan coast on April 30, in which a Somali survivor reported that 40 fellow passengers had drowned.

via BlackPressUSA

19. Juli 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Libyen – Malta: 10 Boat-people gestorben · Kategorien: Italien, Malta · Tags: , ,

Hundreds of immigrants saved in AFM coordinated operation

More than 10 people died in a rescue operation during which hundreds of immigrants in an operation coordinated by the Armed Forces of Malta last night.

Those rescued are on their way to Italy and the dead on their way to Malta. They are expected to arrive at around noon tomorrow.

A spokesman for the government said about 400 migrants were in a boat that was taking in water. They were in Malta’s search and rescue area but closer to Lampedusa.

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19. Juli 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Libyen – Sizilien: 19 Boat-people erstickt · Kategorien: Italien, Libyen · Tags: , ,

„[…] Sarebbero 19 i morti del tragico viaggio di un barcone partito dalla Libia con centinaia di migranti a bordo. Due persone sono ricoverate in gravi condizioni in ospedali di Palermo. Dal natante sarebbe partito un Sos raccolto da un mercantile a circa 80 miglia dalla costa di Lampedusa. Diciotto persone sono state trovati asfissiate dai fumi del vecchio motore nella stiva del barcone e sono state caricate sulle motovedette che hanno soccorso anche tre uomini che apparivano in gravi condizioni. Uno di loro, durante il trasferimento verso Lampedusa, è deceduto, mentre gli altri due sono stati portati in ospedale. Sul barcone viaggiavano circa seicento persone. […]“

via Immigrazione, barcone con 19 morti a Lampedusa – Sicilia – ANSA.it

19. Juli 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Lampedusa: 7 Flüchtlingsboote ohne Kontrolle angekommen · Kategorien: Ägypten, Italien, Libyen · Tags:

„[…] Già ieri l’isola di Lampedusa si è popolata di 1278 migranti. Arrivati con sette sbarchi diversi cominciati all’alba. Tutti a bordo di barconi che sono riusciti a eludere i controlli dell’operazione Mare Nostrum. Il primo con 352 persone a bordo è arrivato direttamente al porto, gli altri sono stati raggiunti dalla motovedette della guardia costiera e accompagnati in banchina. I migranti, quasi tutti siriani ed eritrei, hanno atteso diverse ore in banchina prima di essere trasferiti al centro di accoglienza, ufficialmente chiuso per lavori di ristrutturazione in vista della riapertura di settembre. In queste ore, con ponti aerei, dovrebbero essere trasferiti altrove.[…]“

via Nuova tragedia nel canale di Sicilia, diciotto morti nella stiva di un barcone – Repubblica.it

19. Juli 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Calais: über 7.000 Festnahmen im 1. Halbjahr 2014 · Kategorien: Frankreich · Tags:


Calais : plus de 7 000 migrants arrêtés au premier semestre, deux fois plus qu’en 2013

Au total, 7 414 personnes ont été arrêtées au cours des six premiers mois de 2014 contre 3 129 au cours de la même période de 2013, a indiqué la préfecture du Pas-de-Calais ce vendredi.

« On remarque qu’il y a beaucoup plus de clandestins et, lors de nos contrôles, on en détecte plus», a-t-on indiqué au port de Calais.
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