26. Oktober 2013 · Kommentare deaktiviert für AEDH Newsletter Nr. 259 · Kategorien: Europa, Nicht zugeordnet · Tags:

Newsletter n°259, 25 october 2013 EN(1)

Please find enclosed the weekly newsletter of the AEDH focusing on relevant European news regarding Human Rights.

This week’s articles are the following:

Asylum and Immigration

  • EU: Eurosur: the new European border surveillance system
  • Sweden: Sweden to get tough on immigrant benefits
  • Germany: German immigration increases at record speed
  • EU summit may delay long term decision on migrants to next June
  • Malta: Government to appeal ECHR rulings on migrants’ detention

Discrimination and Minorities

  • France: Homoparental family: a first case of adoption of stepchildren
  • Czech Republic: Neo-Nazis mobilise against minorities in Czech Republic


Data Protection

  • EU: Critics condemn new EU data-protection legislation
  • EU: Data protection rules delayed at EU summit talks
  • EU: The European Parliament is trying to become the leading authority in the resistance against NSA
  • EU: Parliament calls for freezing anti-terror banking data transfers with the US


Economic and Social Rights

  • France: Wages, careers: do women suffer discrimination in national education system?
  • Belgium: Half a million Belgian people will pay less their doctors

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