14. Februar 2013 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Libyen: EU / frontex übernimmt Schlüsselstellung bei der Aufrüstung der libyschen Grenzen · Kategorien: Europa, Libyen · Tags: , ,

EU prepares support to border management in Libya



The Council of the European Union approved today the crisis management concept for a possible new civilian Common Security and Defence Policy mission to support capacity building for border management in Libya.
The EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Catherine Ashton, said: „A civilian mission to build Libyan capacities in border security and management is not only important for Libya, but for the entire region. The EU’s plans have been discussed in detail with the Libyan authorities and their ownership is key for us.“
A press release said European experts will primarily support Libyan authorities in developing capacity for enhancing border security in the short term. Secondly, they will assist in developing a sustainable Integrated Border Management concept and strategy, including necessary structures, in line with the priorities agreed with the Libyan authorities.
This will be achieved in a gradually expanding and phased approach, through advising, mentoring and training. As conditions allow, the EU mission will progressively address the different land, sea and air aspects of border management, as well as the necessary coordination required by an integrated approach for decision making and effective operational conduct. Management of migration flows, human rights and links to the wider rule of law reform would also be part of the programme.
The initial mission mandate would last at least two years. Training is planned to start in Tripoli, but it could be extended to other locations, depending on the security situation and the needs of the Libyans.
Today’s decision definitely initiates operational planning and other preparations. A separate legal act is required to establish the mission. (EU Neighbourhood Info)
Read more
EU Delegation in Libya – Facebook page
EU Neighbourhood Info Centre webpage – Libya
EU External Action – Libya
14. Februar 2013 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Libyen: Internationale Ministerkonferenz zur Aufrüstung der libyschen Grenzen, Paris 12.02.2013 · Kategorien: Frankreich, Libyen · Tags: ,

Auf der internationalen Ministerkonferenz zur Aufrüstung der libyschen Grenzen, die am 12.02.2013 in Paris stattgefunden hat, wurden zahlreiche technologische Installierungen und internationales Know How für die Abschottung der 4.000 km lange libysche Grenzen zugesagt. Staaten und Grosskonzerne verständigten sich auf eine regelrechtes Grenzaufrüstungsstrategie.

Die Entscheidung der EU, eine „Common Security and Defence Policy mission on border management“ ab Juni 2013 in Libyen zu starten, wurde begrüßt.

Hier das Kommuniqué der Ministerkonferenz in Paris:


Libya conference in Paris: communiqué

13 February 2013

English version of the Paris communiqué issued following the International Ministerial Conference on Support to Libya in the Areas of Security, Justice and Rule of Law on 12 February 2013.
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14. Februar 2013 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Libyen: Militär und Panzer aus Italien und Katar treffen ein · Kategorien: Libyen · Tags:

Military forces from Italy, Qatar in Libyan port ahead of revolution anniversary
Edited: 14 February, 2013, 14:44

An Italian Army soldier walks by some of the twenty military vehicles during an handing over ceremony by Italy to Libya at a Libyan Navy Base on February 6, 2013, in Tripoli (AFP Photo / Mahmud Turkia)

An Italian Army soldier walks by some of the twenty military vehicles during an handing over ceremony by Italy to Libya at a Libyan Navy Base on February 6, 2013, in Tripoli (AFP Photo / Mahmud Turkia)

Arms and troops from Italy and Qatar are arriving at Tripoli’s Al Njela seaport to help the Libyan leadership, should violence erupt on the second anniversary of the revolution that ousted Muammar Gaddafi.
­The reports came from the port of Said, Libya, where, as a source told RT, about 120 armed cars have already driven in with 35 more set to arrive. Libya is stepping up security nationwide, and is set to close its borders with Egypt and Tunisia at 2:30am local time on February 14 until February 18, according to a statement by the Prime Minister. The anniversary of the start of the uprising falls on February 17.
Libyan Prime Minister Ali Zeidan said that international flights would also be suspended at all airports except for those in the capital Tripoli and second largest city Benghazi in the east, according to state news agency Lana.
Security services were placed on alert, and checkpoints have been established across Tripoli ahead of the anniversary.

On Tuesday, top Libyan and foreign officials agreed on a plan to boost security in the country, including tighter border controls, the disarmament of former fighters and the training of troops. Participants in the high-profile meeting included Libyan Foreign Minister Mohammad Abdel-Aziz and his counterparts from France, Britain, Italy, Denmark, Turkey and Malta.
The measures came after calls for massive protests, with some activists urging a “second revolution.”

Security officers patrol around the city ahead of the country′s two-year anniversary marking the ouster of Muammar Gaddafi, in Benghazi February 12, 2013 (Reuters / Esam Al-Fetori)

Security officers patrol around the city ahead of the country′s two-year anniversary marking the ouster of Muammar Gaddafi, in Benghazi February 12, 2013 (Reuters / Esam Al-Fetori)

photo from RT source

photo from RT source

Two years after a popular uprising that lasted for almost a year – which toppled and killed long-time ruler Muammar Gaddafi – Libya remains largely destabilized.

Soldiers from the Italian army stand in front of the 20 Puma-type military vehicles donated by Italy to the Libyan army, at the naval base in Tripoli February 6, 2013 (Reuters / Ismail Zitouny)

Soldiers from the Italian army stand in front of the 20 Puma-type military vehicles donated by Italy to the Libyan army, at the naval base in Tripoli February 6, 2013 (Reuters / Ismail Zitouny)

In December, Libya closed its borders with Algeria, Niger, Chad and Sudan, citing a deterioration of security in the south of the country, and declared the region a military zone. Conflict in Mali and Sudan is seen as the reason behind the closure, as well as the fact that Libya’s southern border is 4,600 kilometers long and mostly desert.

14. Februar 2013 · Kommentare deaktiviert für EU-Staatsbürgerschaft für 250.000 Euro (Bulgarien) · Kategorien: Bulgarien, Europa, Nicht zugeordnet · Tags:


Sofia (dpa) – Ausländer können künftig die Staatsbürgerschaft Bulgariens und damit der EU erhalten, wenn sie mindestens 250 000 Euro in dem Balkanland investieren.


14. Februar 2013 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Ägypten: Organisierte Vergewaltigungen gegen protestierende Frauen · Kategorien: Ägypten · Tags:
taz 14.02.2013
Die dunkle Seite des Tahrir

Regelmäßig umringen Männergruppen auf dem Tahrirplatz Frauen und vergewaltigen sie. Freiwillige organisieren sich nun um die Überfallenen zu befreien.

von Karim El-Gawhary

KAIRO taz| Die ägyptische Frauenrechtlerin Mariam Kirollos hat Wichtigeres zu tun, als am Freitag wieder auf dem Tahrirplatz demonstrieren zu gehen. Sie findet auch, dass zwei Jahre nach dem Sturz Mubaraks die Proteste mit der Forderung, die Revolution fortzusetzen, richtig sind. Aber die 22-jährige Ägypterin sitzt im Krisenstab der Operation gegen sexuelle Belästigung (OpAntiSH) an der Hotline und hofft, dass es nicht klingelt. Wobei sie sich da nicht sicher ist.„Wenn das Telefon nicht läutet, dann bin ich einerseits froh, dass es heute keinen Notfall gibt, andererseits fürchte ich, dass manche der sexuellen Übergriffe auf Frauen nicht gemeldet werden“, sagt Mariam Kirollos, die beruflich für eine internationale Menschenrechtsorganisation recherchiert.

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