From the start of the Libyan crisis, the EU has stood by the people of Libya in their quest for freedom. The European Council has expressed several times its strong solidarity with the Libyan people and the victims. As fighting went on in Libya, the EU remained at the forefront of international efforts to restore peace and stability in the country.
During the Libyan crisis, the EEAS Crisis Response Department led several missions on the ground to develop contacts with the NTC and make a preliminary assessment of immediate needs. Despite a complex political and security environment, the EEAS opened two EU officesin Libya: first in Benghazi (22 May 2011) and later in Tripoli (31 August 2011). The opening of these two EU Offices helped to increase the legitimacy of the pro-democracy movement.During the Libyan crisis, the EEAS Crisis Platformprovided effective operational coordination which allowed the EU to use more effectively all instruments at its disposal: political, diplomatic, military, economic, development, humanitarian. From March to October 2011, the Crisis Platform was convened at regular intervals to ensure the coherence of the EU response to the Libyan crisis.
Libya is now embarking on a historic transition process that should be based upon the respect for democratic values and human rights. The EU is ready to support the possibility for the Libyan people to realise their aspirations for a democratic society, to help Libya build a democratic constitutional state and to develop the rule of law. The transition should be a Libyan driven process to which the EU will contribute together with key partners. The objective is for Libya to rapidly embark on an orderly transition to democracy through a broad-based dialogue.
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