22. April 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Scontri sul confine Italia-Francia, i manifestanti forzano il blocco della Gendarmerie“ · Kategorien: Frankreich, Italien, Schengen Migration · Tags: ,

Zusammenstöße zwischen Demonstrant*innen (No Tav, Soziale zentren und Migrant*innen) und Polizei im französisch-italienischen Grenzgebiet, nachdem Angehörige der identitären Bewegung dort gestern versucht haben, den Übergang für Migrant*innen symbolisch zu blockieren. „Unsere Täler gehören uns und wir können nicht zulassen, dass sich Faschisten hier wenige Tage vor dem 25. April frei bewegen“, heißt es in einer Stellungsnahme der Demonstrant*innen.

La Stampa | 22.04.2018

Antagonisti e No Tav in marcia a Monginevro dopo il blitz xenofobo sotto il Colle della Scala per bloccare i migranti

Federico Genta

Alta tensione sul confine tra Italia e Francia. Un gruppo di No Tav, centri sociali e migranti hanno superato la frontiera, sfondando più volte i cordoni della Gendarmerie e bloccato la statale alle porte di Monginevro, mentre gli estremisti di destra, che ieri con un blitz hanno messo reti anti-profughi, hanno lasciato Nevache. Gli agenti in difficoltà hanno provato a fermare alcuni antagonisti che sono stati «liberati» dagli altri manifestanti, almeno 120 persone partite da Claviere.

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22. April 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „$ 750 m worth of Libyan fuel is stolen: Sanalla“ · Kategorien: Libyen

Libya Herald | 19.04.2018

By Sami Zaptia

The Chairman of Libya’s National Oil Corporation, Mustafa Sanalla has reported that 30-40 percent of Libya’s fuel is stolen or smuggled. He has called on Operation Sophia to include smuggling of refined fuel as part of its operations. Sanalla has also suggested adding a marker to Libyan fuel to identify it. He also called for a reform of Libya’s subsidy system. Sanalla was speaking at the inaugural Oil and Fuel Theft conference in Geneva yesterday.

Here is his complete speech provided by the Media Department of the NOC.

‘‘It gives me no pleasure to be here as the representative of a country where fuel smuggling is so prevalent, and where fuel smugglers are able to grow fabulously rich at the expense of ordinary law-abiding Libyan citizens.

It is difficult to find accurate statistics on the value of fuel smuggled and stolen in Libya.  But we estimate that between 30-40% of fuel produced and imported into Libya is stolen or smuggled, with a loss to the Libyan people in the order of a billion dinars a year, around 750 million US dollars at the official rate. Imagine what could be achieved to improve the lives of ordinary Libyans with such a huge sum – hospitals, medication, schools, housing.

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