29. Oktober 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Video: The Righteous of the Mediterranean Sea · Kategorien: Mittelmeer, Video · Tags: ,

Committee for the nomination to the Nobel Peace Prize for 2018

The Righteous of the Mediterranean Sea

The international campaign to support the joint candidature to the Nobel Peace Prize for 2018 of more than 60 subjects: non-governmental organizations and other worthy persons, which have continuously activated, during the “Refugees Crisis”, many maritime rescue means along the migratory routes of the Central Mediterranean Sea and the Aegean Sea, to provide a humanitarian response to the protection of the lives of migrants, motivated by the universal principle that every person in danger at sea must be rescued and treated with dignity.

Why the Nobel Peace Prize?

Fishermen, volunteers, artists,  seamen, doctors, lifeguards, nurses, pilots, shipmasters, rescuers have opened their hearts to save refugee children, men and women fleeing war and terror. They’ve even risked their own lives to rescue thousands from the sea waters.

With their actions, they drowned fear and racism in a wave of compassion and reminded the whole world that we are one, united humanity, above races, nations and religions.

The Nobel Peace Prize would be an important recognition for an international university carried out by humanitarian organizations and deserving people solely through the attempt to actively testify of respect for human dignity and peace, since any available and available help to the sacrifice shows victims a human face and a source of hope for reconciliation and peaceful coexistence.


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