04. Oktober 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für The Central Mediterranean: European Priorities, Libyan Realities · Kategorien: Europa, Italien, Lesetipps, Libyen, Mittelmeer · Tags: , , ,

News Deeply | October 2017

This issue is freely available as both a PDF & eBook download.

by Daniel Howden


August 14 began calmly for Riccardo Gatti. On the first morning of a new search and rescue mission in the central Mediterranean, the former yachtsman turned activist walked the grayed wooden deck of the Golfo Azzurro, a trawler that has been stripped of its bulky fishing equipment to make space for life jackets and water bottles.

Its previous mission had tested everyone’s patience when several Italian ports refused to allow the vessel to dock and unload its rescued asylum seekers, a sign of the increasing political pressure on rescue charities such as Gatti’s Proactiva Open Arms. The only consolation had been that the ship’s unwanted cargo were in fact a trio of Libyan musicians who serenaded the crew as they searched for a safe port.

Now stationed 27 nautical miles off the coast of Libya, Gatti’s vessel was on standby for boats in distress. Instead they were approached by the C-Star, a vessel chartered by European anti-migrant activists. The Golfo Azzurro crew braced for a confrontation.

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04. Oktober 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Mittelmeer: Neue Route nach Sardinien · Kategorien: Algerien, Italien, Libyen · Tags:

Nachdem die libysche Route über das Mittelmeer zunehmend unsicher und gefährlich geworden ist, ist die Zahl der Migranten, die Italien von Algerien aus zu erreichen versuchen, gestiegen.

Il Fatto Quotidiano | 04.10.2017

Migranti, diminuiscono le partenze dalla Libia ma crescono quelle dall’Algeria: la nuova rotta porta gli sbarchi in Sardegna

Con la rotta libica del Mediterraneo centrale sempre più insicura e pericolosa, la via algerina torna una possibile opzione per i migranti irregolari diretti in Italia. I numeri segnano già in aumento: se nel 2016 gli sbarchi sono stati 1.106, ad oggi sono 1.310. Raddoppiati anche i migranti intercettati dalla Gendarmeria nazionale algerina. Il viaggio costa al massimo 700 dollari. “ Quasi nessuno vuole restare. Il loro obiettivo è l’Europa”

di Lorenzo Bagnoli

Da Annaba, al Sulcis. Dall’Algeria alle coste sarde di Carloforte, Sant’Antioco e Porto Pino. La rotta è conosciuta dagli “harraga”- i migranti “che bruciano le frontiere”, come si dice in arabo – fin dal 2005-6. È il punto più vicino dell’Italia al Nord Africa, dopo la Sicilia e Lampedusa, ovviamente. Secondo il quotidiano algerino El Watan, il viaggio costa al massimo 700 dollari: i prezzi sono cresciuti rispetto al 2016.

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04. Oktober 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Frontex puts roots down in Poland“ · Kategorien: Europa · Tags:

euobserver | 04.10.2017


When entering the Frontex office, it feels like going into any multinational company’s building, like Google, for instance.

On an outdoor patio and inside the ultra modern building, groups of people from different European countries are conversing in English, in their different native accents. To enter, however, you have to pass through a security gate, which looks more restrictive than what you see at the airport – a reminder that it is a law enforcement agency.

The Frontex offices are currently located in the new Warsaw Spire office complex in the city’s Wola district. There, you can see some of the most original new buildings in Poland’s capital, and some of the most chic and prestigious office spaces in the city.

Inside the building, the corridors are modern and bright, with white walls and a grey carpet-like floor-covering. It feels cosier and more comfortable than the European Commission’s Berlaymont building in Brussels.

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04. Oktober 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Mehr Arbeiter vom Balkan“ · Kategorien: Albanien, Deutschland, Schengen Migration, Social Mix · Tags: ,

nd | 03.10.2017

Alternative zum Asylantrag wird zunehmend genutzt

Der 2016 eingeleitete Kurswechsel der Bundesregierung im Umgang mit Jobsuchenden aus dem Westbalkan hat die Zahl der Arbeitskräfte aus der Region spürbar steigen lassen. In den ersten acht Monaten 2017 sei die Zahl der Arbeitserlaubnisse für Albaner und Menschen aus anderen Westbalkan-Ländern im Vergleich zum entsprechenden Vorjahreszeitraum um knapp 60 Prozent auf 62 957 gestiegen, wie jüngste Daten der Bundesagentur für Arbeit zeigen. Weiterlesen »