24. August 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Aktionsplan der EU Kommission · Kategorien: Europa, Italien, Libyen · Tags: ,

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24 July 2017

The Central Mediterranean – Alleviating the pressure
Implementation Plan

2016 saw a record-high number of arrivals via the Central Mediterranean route to Italy, 181 000 persons. This year so far, the increase is above 10 %, bringing the number of arrivals to above
86 000.

On 6 February 2017, the members of the European Council outlined a number of measures to reduce migratory flows along the Central Mediterranean route and break the business model of smugglers. The measures aim at stepping up cooperation with Libya and its North African and sub-Saharan neighbours and the implementation has started.

At the end of June, more than 10 000 migrants arrived in a period of three days, bringing the situation in Italy to its limit of sustainability. Italy’s reception capacity of 200 000 persons is at
present exceeded. The Commission presented on 4 July 2017 its Action Plan on measures to support Italy, reduce pressure along the Central Mediterranean route and increase solidarity. At the informal meeting of Justice and Home Affairs Ministers on 6 July 2017 in Tallinn, Ministers welcomed and based their discussion on the Action Plan.

This document builds on the implementation plan of the Malta declarationand includes the new measures of the Commission’s Action Plan to alleviate the immediate pressure on Italy .

Monitoring of this Implementation Plan will be ensured via the Integrated Political Crisis Response (IPCR) Mechanism with COREPER having a steering role.

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