01. August 2016 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Over 120 bodies drifted off Sabratha shores in one month“ · Kategorien: Libyen, Mittelmeerroute

Quelle: The Libya Observer

The Mayor of Sabratah, Hasan Al-Thuwadi said Sunday that more than 120 bodies for illegal immigrants drowned while trying to reach Europe via the Libyan shores in July alone, pointing out that bodies of migrants surface on a daily basis on the city’s beaches.

Al-Thuwadi added that 53 bodies were found on one days last week, stressing that all Sabratha beaches are open saying there are patrols but they have no sufficient equipment to fight off this crisis, which aggravated due to lack of security in the country.

Sabratha is one of the main jumping off points for migrants who aim at crossing the Mediterranean to Europe due to economic issues in most of the African countries, let alone the political upheaval in Libya that paved the way for human smugglers to work without fear of being caught or arrested, thus they keep on bringing migrants from Africa and ship them off on dinghies to Europe.

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