11. April 2016 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Flüchtlinge in Idomeni: Wir müssen das Aushalten ausschalten“ · Kategorien: Griechenland, Mazedonien · Tags:

Quelle: Spiegel Online

Mit Tränengas gegen hilfesuchende Männer, Frauen, Kinder: Schlimm, diese Bilder, aber das müssen wir aushalten – so reden längst nicht mehr nur rechte Hetzer. Wir dürfen uns unsere Empathie nicht abtrainieren lassen.

Ein Kommentar von Oliver Trenkamp

Verzweifelte Eltern, weinende Kinder, Tränengaspatronen abgefeuert von Soldaten, mitten in Europa, am Grenzzaun von Idomeni: Gegen den Impuls, bei solchen Bildern vor Wut zu schreien und zu heulen, haben Politiker wie Thomas de Maizière und Alexander Gauland uns abzuhärten versucht. „Wir müssen harte Bilder aushalten“, sagt der Innenminister. „Wir können uns nicht von Kinderaugen erpressen lassen“, sagt der AfD-Vize.

A woman tries to save her children after Macedonian police throw gas inside the camp during clashes with Macedonian soldiers near their makeshift camp in the northern Greek border village of Idomeni, on April 10, 2016. Dozens of people were hurt when police fired tear gas on a group of migrants as they tried to break through a fence on the Greece-Macedonia border, the medical charity Doctors without Borders (MSF) said. A plan to send back migrants from Greece to Turkey sparked demonstrations by local residents in both countries days before the deal brokered by the European Union is set to be implemented. / AFP PHOTO / BULENT KILIC

A woman tries to save her children after Macedonian police throw gas inside the camp during clashes with Macedonian soldiers near their makeshift camp in the northern Greek border village of Idomeni, on April 10, 2016. Dozens of people were hurt when police fired tear gas on a group of migrants as they tried to break through a fence on the Greece-Macedonia border, the medical charity Doctors without Borders (MSF) said. A plan to send back migrants from Greece to Turkey sparked demonstrations by local residents in both countries days before the deal brokered by the European Union is set to be implemented. / AFP PHOTO / BULENT KILIC

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