03. April 2016 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Libyen: Ausbruch aus Flüchtlingsmassengefängnis – 5 erschossen · Kategorien: Libyen · Tags: , ,

Nahe der westlybischen Stadt Zawiya, aus der oft Boat-people Richtung Italien starten, hat es in den ersten Morgenstunden des 02.04.2017 einen Ausbruch aus einem furchtbaren Flüchtlingsmassengefängnis gegeben. In dem Gefängnis sollen 15.000 Flüchtlinge und MigrantInnen festgehalten worden sein. Als sie ausbrachen, feuerten die Bewacher mit Schusswaffen auf die Flüchtenden, erschossen mindestens 5 und verletzten 15 von ihnen. Die Bewaffneten gehören zur Al Nasser Miliz, die auch die nahen Erdölraffinerien „beschützen“.

Quelle: Migrant Report

LIBYA: Five Migrants Dead, 15 Injured After Detention Centre Escape

At least five African migrants are dead and 15 injured, some of them seriously after guards at a detention in the coastal town of Zawiya opened fire during a mass escape early on Saturday morning.

Sources said a large group of migrants attempted an escape from the centre around 1am on Saturday morning. The details are still sketchy but at one point there seems to have been a confrontation between some of the escaping migrants and guards who form part of the Al Nasser Militia, also responsible for guarding the nearby refinery.

“We don’t know how it happened yet but at one point there was an exchange of fire. It didn’t last long but at least five migrants are dead and 15 are injured,” a source from Zawiya told Migrant Report.

The injured were taken to the nearby hospital in Zawiya, which is about 45kms from the capital Tripoli.

The detention centre in Zawiya is severely overcrowded with more thousands of migrants. “We are informed there may be as many as 15,000 migrants,” the same source told MR. “The conditions are terrible, severe overcrowding, no proper sanitation or proper medical facilities. It’s disastrous,” he said.

Most of the migrants staying there were arrested or intercepted at sea this year, according to the source.

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