03. Dezember 2015 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Detain refugees arriving in Europe for 18 months, says Tusk“ · Kategorien: Europa · Tags: ,

Quelle: The Guardian

European council president says tougher screening measures needed to counter security risks and describes Angela Merkel’s open-door policy as ‘dangerous’

Refugees arriving in Europe should be detained for up to 18 months in holding centres across the EU while they are screened for security and terrorism risks, the president of the European council has said.

Donald Tusk also put himself strongly at odds with Europe’s most powerful politician, Angela Merkel, by declaring that there was no majority among European governments for a binding quotas system to share refugees between them. The mandatory refugee-sharing regime is the German chancellor’s chief policy for dealing with the migration crisis, not least since about 1 million are expected to enter Germany this year.

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