09. Oktober 2013 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Lampedusa: E-Mail und Telefonnummer für Angehörige vermisster Boat-people · Kategorien: Italien · Tags: , ,

The dramatic event and tragic news of the boat that was capsized off the coast of Lampedusa, Italy, with migrants from the Horn of Africa, has generated lot of interest not only from the families that have lost their loved ones, but other concerned citizens.

The Italian Red Cross Tracing Service has created this email:


in an attempt to alleviate access to timely and needed information about all the survivors and the deceased.
In order to demonstrate our commitment to privacy, we ask that only close family members request information.
Family members can also reach us through the hot line

0039 06 4759 2725 active every day from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM.

This desk will be manned by an RFL staff that will share pertinent information available from the Red Cross Italy.

Our deepest sympathy to the family members and friends.

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