28. August 2013 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Tunesien, Choucha: Volonteers gesucht für Refugee Status Determination in Tunisia – Fahamu · Kategorien: Tunesien · Tags:

PROJECT: Refugee Status Determination in Tunisia – Fahamu Refugee Project

Dear All,

Please see below an exciting new project. In brief: The Fahamu Refugee Project http://www.refugeelegalaidinformation.org/about-us-0 is seeking 3 to 6 volunteers to work on a project that aims to support the remaining refugees from the former Choucha Refugee Camp in Southern Tunisia – particularly the approximately 300 refugees who have been refused refugee status on appeal by UNHCR and whose files are officially ‘closed’.

via PROJECT: Refugee Status Determination in Tunisia – Fahamu Refugee Project | Banyan: SOAS Advocates

28. August 2013 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Arabellion, Witze (Sara Binay) · Kategorien: Mittelmeerroute · Tags:
Orient-Institut Studies 2 (2013)

Sara Binay

„Where are they going?“: Jokes as Indicators of Social and Political Change


Jokes can be considered as one kind of narrative that can be used to express disobedience and subversion. However, the timing and context of when a joke is told can be more important for success than its subversive content or narrative form.1 In spite of the efforts by the International Society of Humor Studies and its associated scholars to establish humour as a field of research,2 jokes are still underestimated in the so-called serious research fields, although they can offer many insights into the state of a particular society. This study provides some general reflections and definitions about jokes and how to analyse them, before formulating some theses about political jokes, especially in the context of oppressed societies on the eve of major political change.

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28. August 2013 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Syrien: Protestlieder (Simon Dubois) · Kategorien: Syrien · Tags:

S. Dubois, Streets songs from the Syrian protests


Orient-Institut Studies 2 (2013)

Simon Dubois

Streets songs from the Syrian protests


Since March 2011, the Syrian uprising has created spaces for popular expression that were restricted during the preceding four decades of dictatorship. Numerous productions of texts, poems, caricatures, and songs began to appear on social media sites, and activists then gathered them onto networks providing local alternative information. These networks included websites, blogs, YouTube channels, Facebook and Twitter accounts.

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28. August 2013 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Arabellion: Der Protest Diskurs – „Hau ab!“ (Nader Srage) · Kategorien: Mittelmeerroute · Tags:

N. Srage: The Protest Discourse

Orient-Institut Studies 2 (2013)

Nader Srage

The Protest Discourse: The Example of „Irhal“ (Go/Get Out/Leave)


This article tackles the phenomenon of the „clause equivalent“,1 a one-word statement that functions as a word and formulates a highly significant, semantically condensed verbal clause. Our case study of the clause equivalent „Irhal“, meaning go/get out/leave, reflects in its single unit and tenor the passion of rebellious youth calling for change.
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28. August 2013 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Ägypten: Songs der „Revolution 2011“ (Stephan Procházka) · Kategorien: Ägypten · Tags: ,

S. Procházka: The Voice of Freedom


Orient-Institut Studies 2 (2013)

Stephan Procházka

The Voice of Freedom: Remarks on the Language of Songs from the Egyptian Revolution 2011



As in many revolutions, music and songs played a crucial role in the events that took place on Tahrir Square during the so-called 25 January Revolution. Alongside slogans that were shouted or presented on banners, cartons, buttons and the like, songs constituted an integral part of what happened on the Square during the 18 days of the uprising.

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28. August 2013 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Rap in Tunesien (Ines Dallaji) · Kategorien: Tunesien · Tags: ,

I. Dallaji: Tunisian Rap Music and the Arab Spring


Orient-Institut Studies 2 (2013)

Ines Dallaji

Tunisian Rap Music and the Arab Spring:

Revolutionary Anthems and Post-Revolutionary Tendencies


After the emergence of the so-called Arab spring in 2011, Tunisian rap music became a subject of great interest to the public and the media. This was due above all to El Général, a young rap artist from the Tunisian city of Sfax, and the success of his song Ṛayīs li-Blād (Head of State).1

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28. August 2013 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Arabellion und der Rap (Yves Gonzalez-Quijano) · Kategorien: Mittelmeerroute · Tags: ,

Y. Gonzalez-Quijano, Rap, an Art of the Revolution or a Revolution in Art?

Orient-Institut Studies 2 (2013)

Yves Gonzalez-Quijano

Rap, an Art of the Revolution or a Revolution in Art?


Ever since it has become common to speak of the „Arab Spring“, it is easy to see the extent to which certain cultural practices that are particular to youth have turned into an „obligatory figure of speech“ in media reports and even among social scientists, as testified in Inverted Worlds: Congress on Cultural Motion in the Arab Region.
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28. August 2013 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Libyen, Tripolis: Zoo als Abschiebelager · Kategorien: Libyen · Tags:


Libya: Tripoli zoo used as immigrant detention centre

Foreigners‘ paperwork checked, blood tests run

The Libyan capital’s zoo is being used as an immigrant detention centre-prison. Though currently closed to the public, it still contains animals as well. According to a recent reportage by Libya Herald, next to the animal cages is a cement building with doors and windows bearing steel bars across them.
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28. August 2013 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Malta: 199 Boat-people angekommen · Kategorien: Malta · Tags:


Second group of migrants arrives, total reaches 199 in 24 hours

A second group of 115 migrants was brought to Malta last night, bringing the total of arrivals in less than 24 hours to 199.

The immigrants were rescued by a patrol boat of the Armed Forces of Malta. They were on dinghy 90 miles off Malta.
The first group, of 84 was brought to Malta Tuesday morning.


The Armed Forces of Malta (AFM) last night rescued a group of 84 migrants at sea. The migrants claiming to be Syrian, Eritrean and Nigerian were spotted on a rubber dinghy by the AFM and brought in at Hay Wharf just before 9am.

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28. August 2013 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Syrien, Dokumentation: „Blasts in the Night, a Smell, and a Flood of Syrian Victims“ NYT 26.08.2013 · Kategorien: Syrien


„New York Times berichtet ausführlich über den Angriff von Ghouta

Die NYT berichtet aktuell ausführlich über den Angriff auf Ghouta und die politischen Folgen des Angriffs für die USA. Die Zeitung hat eine große Anzahl von Videos analysiert und auch mit mehreren AktivistInnen aus Ghouta gesprochen. Einer von ihnen, Firas aus Zamalka, meint, dass der Angriff einer ganz perfiden Strategie folgte. Das Gebiet Ghouta ist seit langem unter Kontrolle der Oppositionskräfte, die Frontlinie bewegt sich kaum. Um die lokalen Kämpfer – denn in Ghouta kämpfen keine ausländischen Kämpfer – von ihren Stellungen wegzulocken, habe man ihre Familien angegriffen. Mit dem massiven Angriff vom Mittwoch habe der Widerstand in Ghouta gebrochen werden sollen.“

